

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-05-12 10:09 JS, revision 20598

Apply correct style variable

2003-05-12 10:04 JS, revision 20597

Auto 3D border if parent is panel or dialog

2003-05-12 08:35 VZ, revision 20596

reworked vertical scrolling code to correspond better to what I think is correct (horizontal case is unchanged)

2003-05-12 08:33 VZ, revision 20595

changed handling of range/max scrolling parameter and cleanup (removed Win16 code)

2003-05-11 23:25 VZ, revision 20594

fixed bug in WinStruct<> ctor

2003-05-11 22:43 VZ, revision 20593

added WinStruct<>

2003-05-11 22:41 VZ, revision 20592

moved missing constants definitions to their right place in wx/msw/missing.h

2003-05-11 22:29 VZ, revision 20591

wxTextBuffer ctor bug and something else

2003-05-11 22:28 VZ, revision 20590

init m_isOpened in ctor (bug 736208)

2003-05-11 20:02 CE, revision 20589

digital mars fix

2003-05-11 19:31 GD, revision 20588

We don't put main() in the library any more.

2003-05-11 19:28 GD, revision 20587

assert is raised when using the thread sample (which works) so the test is probably not so easy. Can widget callbacks be triggered from child threads and, if so, for which widgets?

2003-05-11 18:08 GD, revision 20586

disable use of #pragma interface under Mac OS X GNU compiler included with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) as well as available updates contain a bug concerning #pragma interface handling that can only be worked around by not using them (and they are not necessary anyways)

2003-05-11 18:08 GD, revision 20585

updated CodeWarrior 5.3 xml project with latest changes to file list

2003-05-11 17:57 GD, revision 20584

disable use of #pragma interface under Mac OS X GNU compiler included with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) as well as available updates contain a bug concerning #pragma interface handling that can only be worked around by not using them (and they are not necessary anyways)

2003-05-11 16:44 GD, revision 20583

added assert to detect attempt to install idle handler from widget callback not called from main thread

2003-05-11 11:14 VZ, revision 20582

use alpha channel in Blit() as well and not only in DrawBitmap()

2003-05-11 10:49 VZ, revision 20581

many fixes for PNG reading after recent alpha changes; grey scale images reading was in particular broken

2003-05-11 01:04 VZ, revision 20580

added missing typename

2003-05-11 01:01 VZ, revision 20579

TRUE/FALSE -> true/false

2003-05-11 00:59 VZ, revision 20578

wxImage::Create() should be bool, not void

2003-05-11 00:10 VZ, revision 20577

compilation fix for TEST_MIME

2003-05-10 12:55 VZ, revision 20576


2003-05-10 12:53 VZ, revision 20575

compilation fix for BCC (and probably others)

2003-05-10 11:43 VZ, revision 20574

compilation fix (sorry)

2003-05-10 00:57 VZ, revision 20573

fix wxDisplay initialization (patch 735303)

2003-05-10 00:56 VZ, revision 20572

recognize ESC[APE] in menu accel strings (patch 733967)

2003-05-09 23:57 VZ, revision 20571

fall back to wxAlphaBlend() if ::AlphaBlend() didn't work

2003-05-09 23:54 VZ, revision 20570

use DIB, not DDB, when converting from an image with alpha channel

2003-05-09 23:52 VZ, revision 20569

memory for alpha channel was over allocated by a factor of 3

2003-05-09 23:50 VZ, revision 20568

fixed iterator over wxImage with alpha channel

2003-05-09 23:32 JS, revision 20567

Removed a spurious print statement

2003-05-09 21:48 JS, revision 20566

Fixed crash in EnsureVisible in wxTR_HIDE_ROOT mode

2003-05-09 14:31 RR, revision 20565

Compile fix for GTK 1.2.

2003-05-09 12:58 VZ, revision 20564

Insert() patch from John Labenski

2003-05-09 12:04 VZ, revision 20563

use wxDEPRECATED around GetNoHistoryFiles()

2003-05-09 10:53 JJ, revision 20562

Committing in . Fixes needed for OpenVMS Modified Files: wxWindows/include/wx/x11/private.h wxWindows/include/wx/x11/privx.h wxWindows/src/common/dbtable.cpp wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/bmpmotif.cpp wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/x11/bitmap.cpp wxWindows/src/x11/utilsx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-05-09 10:00 JS, revision 20561

Use context sensitive help XPM for Windows too

2003-05-09 07:16 SC, revision 20560

fixing some redrawing bugs overpainting foreign window's area under OS9, reintroduced TransitionWindow calls

2003-05-09 07:13 SC, revision 20559


2003-05-09 07:12 SC, revision 20558

masking out wxOK and friends from dialog style in order to avoid clashes with miniframe windows flags

2003-05-09 07:12 SC, revision 20557

reintroduced m_isBeingDeleted

2003-05-09 00:02 VZ, revision 20556

wxDocManager::GetNoHistoryFiles() renamed to GetHistoryFilesCount()

2003-05-08 23:46 VZ, revision 20555

wxGLCanvas doesn't derive from wxScrolledWindow since quite some time already despite of the docs

2003-05-08 23:38 VZ, revision 20554

undid patch which was supposed to allow thread recreation and added instead an assert preventing it

2003-05-08 23:36 VZ, revision 20553

undid patch which was supposed to allow thread recreation

2003-05-08 23:25 VZ, revision 20552

linking fix for wxUSE_PROLOGIO with compilers/makefiles not defining __WIN32__ on command line

2003-05-08 21:42 RD, revision 20551

More patches to the masked edit control from Will Sadkin

2003-05-08 15:48 PKO, revision 20550


2003-05-08 14:29 RD, revision 20549

Patches to the masked edit control from Will Sadkin: ## 1. Fixed .SetValue() to replace the current value, rather than the current ## selection. Also changed it to generate ValueError if presented with ## either a value which doesn't follow the format or won't fit. Also made ## set value adjust numeric and date controls as if user entered the value. ## Expanded doc explaining how SetValue() works. ## 2. Fixed EUDATE* autoformats, fixed IsDateType mask list, and added ability to ## use 3-char months for dates, and EUDATETIME, and EUDATEMILTIME autoformats. ## 3. Made all date autoformats automatically pick implied "datestyle". ## 4. Added IsModified override, since base wxTextCtrl never reports modified if ## .SetValue used to change the value, which is what the masked edit controls ## use internally. ## 5. Fixed bug in date position adjustment on 2 to 4 digit date conversion when ## using tab to "leave field" and auto-adjust. ## 6. Fixed bug in _isCharAllowed() for negative number insertion on pastes, ## and bug in ._Paste() that didn't account for signs in signed masks either. ## 7. Fixed issues with _adjustPos for right-insert fields causing improper ## selection/replacement of values ## 8. Fixed _OnHome handler to properly handle extending current selection to ## beginning of control. ## 9. Exposed all (valid) autoformats to demo, binding descriptions to ## autoformats. ## 10. Fixed a couple of bugs in email regexp. ## 11. Modified autoformats to be more amenable to international use. ## 12. Clarified meaning of '-' formatcode in doc. ## 13. Fixed a couple of coding bugs being flagged by Python2.1. ## 14. Fixed several issues with sign positioning, erasure and validity ## checking for "numeric" masked controls.