Download FileZilla Server for Windows (64bit x86)


The latest stable version of FileZilla Server is 1.10.0

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Size: 6563552 bytes

SHA-512 hash: 68bd6a4b26c09e62da1c8a0be347076bcf1e5fd2e1e59b26c3cf525ab50322a50e4b3f53194d4748b5750451ebce214922c64e714f9025a6289ea0f0265b8c6b

The 64bit versions of Windows 10 and 11 are supported.

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Please select your edition of FileZilla Server

FileZilla Server FileZilla Server
with manual
FileZilla Pro
Enterprise Server
Standard FTP Yes Yes Yes
FTP over TLS Yes Yes Yes
Let's Encrypt® integration Yes Yes Yes
Comprehensive PDF manual - Yes Yes
SFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol
- - Yes
Two-factor authentication Using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP)
- - Yes