

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-10-23 19:28 PC, revision 72736

Minor changes to some comments remove ambiguous "only" procession --> processing

2012-10-23 16:30 VZ, revision 72731

Fix for PCH-less compilation of wxRibbonXmlHandler. Need to have wxMenu declaration in order to wxDynamicCast() to it.

2012-10-23 16:03 VZ, revision 72730

Guard gmake-specific syntax with IF_GNU_MAKE in Debian distribution target uses GNU make extensions to make syntax which makes the entire makefile impossible to use with other make versions, e.g. Solaris make. Fix this by prepending IF_GNU_MAKE to all Debian-specific lines, there should be never any need to use them with non-GNU make.

2012-10-23 15:52 VZ, revision 72729

Add support for wxRibbonBar and related controls to XRC. Add wxRibbonXmlHandler and an example of using it to the xrc sample. Closes #12058.

2012-10-23 15:51 VZ, revision 72728

Add support for wxAuiNotebook to XRC. Add wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler to "aui" library, now that we can do it without adding a dependency of it on "xrc" one. Closes #10889.

2012-10-23 15:51 VZ, revision 72727

Refactor wxXRC to allow defining handlers outside of xrc library. Split wxXmlResourceHandler into an ABC and the real implementation to allow referencing the ABC in the core library itself but without pulling in all of the XRC into it. This also allows defining XRC handlers, which only depend on this ABC and not the xrc library, in other libraries, such as richtext, as demonstrated by the now enabled wxRichTextXMLHandler. Closes #10996.

2012-10-23 15:51 VZ, revision 72726

Define WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_RIBBON for consistency with all the other libraries. We defined only WXDLLIMPEXP_RIBBON but not the FWD version, do add it now.

2012-10-23 14:06 VZ, revision 72725

Recognize more XRC elements as containing translatable strings. This allows to translate the text of these elements in wxrc-generated code using gettext. Closes #14765.

2012-10-23 14:03 VZ, revision 72724

Add a simple unit test for wxRegion::Intersect(). Check that Intersect() returns true, yet the intersection is empty.

2012-10-23 14:02 VZ, revision 72723

Process pending events from wxYield() in wxGTK. Calling wxYield() is supposed to process the pending events but it didn't, any more, in wxGTK. Restore this by explicitly calling ProcessPendingEvents() from wxGTK wxYield() implementation as wxGUIEventLoop::ProcessIdle() does not call it, in spite of a comment to the contrary in the sources. Closes #14760.

2012-10-23 14:02 VZ, revision 72722

Add wxEvtHandler::CallAfter() for asynchronous method calls. Add wxAsyncMethodCallEvent that is handled simply by calling the method this event was created for and add default handler for this event to wxEvtHandler. Implement CallAfter() overloads for up to 2 parameters only for now.

2012-10-23 14:02 VZ, revision 72721

Add wx/meta/removeref.h header defining wxRemoveRef<> helper. This is a very simple template allowing to remove the reference from the given type, similar to std::remove_reference<>.

2012-10-22 23:46 VZ, revision 72720

Fix border size computation in wxAuiTabArt. Space was reserved for the borders even when it wasn't filled, resulting in visual artefacts. Fix this by virtualizing the function returning the additional space needed for the borders and only overriding it to return non zero in wxAuiGtkTabArt. Closes #14710.

2012-10-22 17:51 VZ, revision 72719

Set C++ global locale too in wxAppTraitsBase::SetLocale(). Ensure that C++ locale matches the C one, otherwise operations on C++ streams may get much slower because some implementations (notable MinGW-64) change and reset the C locale on every function call in this case.

2012-10-22 17:51 VZ, revision 72718

Revert accidental incompatible change to wxFileName::DirExists(). The non-static version tests for the existence of the directory part of the object only as is explicitly mentioned in the documentation, so do the test on GetPath() and not GetFullPath() as we did since r72707. Also add a unit test for this behaviour. Closes #14771.

2012-10-22 13:21 VZ, revision 72717

Ensure the correct cleanup order for GDI+-related modules in wxMSW. GDI+ DLL could be unloaded by wxGdiPlusModule before wxGDIPlusRendererModule:: OnExit() was called, resulting in a crash when trying to call a GDI+ function from the latter. Fix this by adding a correct dependency between the modules. Closes #14769.

2012-10-21 22:48 VZ, revision 72716

Remove unnecessary SetInitialSize() from wxGTK wxComboBox::Create(). SetInitialSize() is already done by PostCreation() called just above, no need to call it twice.

2012-10-21 22:33 SJL, revision 72715

Explicitly unregister custom wxWebViewIE namespaces when we are done with them. Also add a missing ClassFactory::AddRef. Closes #14749

2012-10-20 16:49 VZ, revision 72714

Check the return value of system() and pipe() in the test suite. This is mainly to avoid -Wunused-result warnings under recent Linux systems but also could give valuable information if the call does fail.

2012-10-20 16:48 VZ, revision 72713

Fix tests compilation in STL build after r72707. Add an explicit call to wxString::c_str() as there is no implicit conversion in STL build.

2012-10-20 14:04 VZ, revision 72712

Nepali translation update from Him Prasad Gautam.

2012-10-20 00:03 VZ, revision 72711

Update header control when wxPropertyGridManager is resized. Closes #14762.

2012-10-20 00:03 VZ, revision 72710

Allow specifying all wxFlexGridSizer parameters in XRC. Add support for specifying flexible direction, grow mode in non-flexible direction and row/column proportions for the growable ones. Closes #14767.

2012-10-20 00:03 VZ, revision 72709

Add more error checks to XRC handler for longs, doubles and fonts. Verify that the values in the XRC really conform to the expected type. Closes #14766.

2012-10-20 00:02 VZ, revision 72708

Add missing styles support to wxWindow XRC handler. wxBORDER_RAISED, wx[HV]SCROLL and a few extended styles were not recognized. See #14766.

2012-10-20 00:02 VZ, revision 72707

Allow testing for existence of specific file types in wxFileName. Add "flags" parameter to wxFileName::Exists() to allow testing for the existing of files of specific type: not only regular or directory but also symlink, device, FIFO or socket. And also to pass wxFILE_EXISTS_NO_FOLLOW flag inhibiting following the symlinks without using DontFollowLink(). Closes #14542.

2012-10-19 13:06 VZ, revision 72706

Remove assert checking for valid font in wxMSW wxDC::GetTextExtent(). It wasn't there before wxTextMEasure changes and it doesn't seem obvious why should it be there, it should be possible to measure the text using the default wxDC font without setting one explicitly.

2012-10-19 12:43 VZ, revision 72705

Declare MeasuringGuard as friend in wxTextMeasureBase. This should hopefully fix VC6 compilation.

2012-10-19 12:42 VZ, revision 72704

Invalidate wxGrid best size when the grid is changed. Don't keep using the cached best size if rows/columns are added/removed to/from wxGrid or resized, doing this meant that we always used the first computed best size which was way too small after adding rows/columns to the grid. There could be more places where the grid best size may need to be invalidated but this should be a good start. Closes #14761.

2012-10-19 01:41 VZ, revision 72703

Fix bug in wxFileName::Exists("/"). Don't remove too many trailing slashes, the lone slash of "/" should remain.

2012-10-18 20:35 RD, revision 72702

non-pch build fix

2012-10-18 07:06 PC, revision 72701

non-pch build fix

2012-10-18 01:06 VZ, revision 72700

Fix crash in wxDC::GetMultiLineTextExtent() after last commit. Don't call wxTextMeasure::DoGetTextExtent() with NULL width pointer, it now supposes that both width and height pointers are non-NULL. Add at least a trivial unit test for GetMultiLineTextExtent().

2012-10-18 00:35 VZ, revision 72699

Factor out text measurement from wxDC and wxWindow into wxTextMeasure. Add a new private wxTextMeasure class implementing methods for measuring text and move the often duplicated (but not always identically) code for doing the same from wxDC and wxWindow into it. Currently this class is only really implemented in wxMSW and wxGTK. Also extend the test for text measuring functions and rename it to MeasuringTextTestCase from MeasuringContextTestCase as it's not wxGC-specific any more. Closes #14705.

2012-10-18 00:35 VZ, revision 72698

Remove unused code from MeasuringContextTestCase. m_win variable was never used and setUp() and tearDown() were simply not needed here.

2012-10-17 18:44 VZ, revision 72697

Fix wxGrid editors background painting. There were two fundamental problems: first, we painted on a separately created wxClientDC instead of using the wxPaintDC already available in wxGrid. Second, we invalidated the control while painting, resulting in endless repainting, at least under wxGTK. Fix the first problem by passing wxDC to wxGridCellEditor::PaintBackground() and the second one by not refreshing the control from there as it just seems unnecessary. Also pass the attribute by reference for consistency with wxGridCellRenderer::Draw() and because this pointer can never be NULL. Closes #2628.

2012-10-17 18:23 PC, revision 72696

Disconnect all GTK signals referencing a wx object which is being destructed or which is destroying the associated GTK object

2012-10-17 17:45 VZ, revision 72695

Make wxFindReplaceData accessors const. Closes #14755.

2012-10-17 02:24 VZ, revision 72694

Added buildbot slave configuration for brandt64. New 64 bit build slave ran by Gerald Brandt with just a couple of builds for now.

2012-10-17 00:28 VZ, revision 72693

Add wxEvent::GetEventUserData() and improve user data documentation. Provide a public and documented accessor for wxEvent::m_callbackUserData. Also document better the user data semantics and how it can be used. Closes #14748.

2012-10-17 00:28 VZ, revision 72692

Define CLSID_DragDropHelper ourselves to fix VC6 build. VC6 SDK doesn't define CLSID_DragDropHelper constant neither, so do it ourselves too to complete the changes of r72673. Closes #14697.

2012-10-16 20:05 PC, revision 72691

fix crash in wxWindowGTK::GTKHandleUnrealize(), closes #14752

2012-10-16 16:06 VZ, revision 72690

Use the correct window as parent of wxInfoBar close button. Fix breakage of r72474 that used the parent window instead of wxInfoBar itself as the parent of its close button. Closes #14750.

2012-10-16 16:02 VZ, revision 72689

Improve inotify()-based wxFileSystemWatcher to handle creation/deletion. Handle creation and deletion of directories under the watched path better. See #14544.

2012-10-16 16:02 VZ, revision 72688

Add a debug helper to show information about a GtkWidget under gdb. For now just give its type which is not exactly exhaustive but better than nothing.

2012-10-16 16:01 VZ, revision 72687

Correct example of handling property values changes in the docs. "." was incorrectly used with a pointer, replace it with a "->".

2012-10-15 03:17 VZ, revision 72686

Correctly document the library the classes belong to. Many classes were documented as being in a wrong library, mostly a lot of wxbase vs wxcore confusion but we even managed to document wxAuiManager as being in wxbase. Correct all this. Closes #14745, #14747.

2012-10-15 03:13 VZ, revision 72685

Make help strings for --enable-webview* configure options match their names. The options didn't have the underscore shown in the help message, so remove the underscore (while it could be argued that underscore makes the option names more readable, it seems better to preserve the existing names for compatibility).

2012-10-15 03:10 VZ, revision 72684

Mention David Hart bug fixes in wxFileSystemWatcher. See #14488, #14490, #14544.

2012-10-15 03:10 VZ, revision 72683

Handle deletion of watched directories in wxFileSystemWatcher sample. Don't assert when trying to stop watching a directory that doesn't exist any more later. See #14544.