

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-07-08 10:58 FM, revision 47232

fix typos in the about dialog

2007-07-08 08:40 VS, revision 47231

fix Watcom compilation: removed templates for wxFileSelector() compatibility with passing NULL

2007-07-08 07:04 VS, revision 47230

removed wxWCHAR_T_IS_SEPARATE_TYPE: there already was wxWCHAR_T_IS_REAL_TYPE with the exact same meaning and definition

2007-07-08 05:31 PC, revision 47229

process pending wx events before sending idle events

2007-07-08 03:23 JW, revision 47228

Updated bakefiles, ran bakefile_gen and autoconf, switched to generic icon implementation

2007-07-07 23:18 JW, revision 47227

Added stubs, application core, and event loops. Modified for --with-web and related settings. Ran autoconf

2007-07-07 22:10 DE, revision 47226

Don't include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h> because it in turn includes MacTypes.h which causes too much namespace pollution. Instead, declare the CFTypeRef type and the CFRelease and CFRetain functions.

2007-07-07 19:10 DE, revision 47225

Remove wxMBConv_mac and wxMBConv_macUTF8D converters and use wxMBConv_cf(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8) for wxConvFileName on Darwin platform regardless of GUI toolkit. Check for Mac encodings in wxMBConv_wxwin::Init and fail to provide conversion for them via wxEncodingConverter because that code is horribly broken for several encodings. Remove definition of wxConvLibc for non-Darwin Mac platforms (we don't support these anymore).

2007-07-07 18:56 DE, revision 47224


2007-07-07 18:09 DE, revision 47223

Add factory functions for use with future unit tests.

2007-07-07 14:09 RR, revision 47218

GCC doesn't like inline wxDEPRECATED methods.

2007-07-07 12:31 VS, revision 47214

added missing wx_str() (patch #1749398)

2007-07-07 12:30 VS, revision 47213

fixed dereferencing of invalid pointers

2007-07-07 10:09 VS, revision 47212

changed wxVectorBase and WX_DECLARE_BASE into wxVector<T> template

2007-07-07 07:59 BY, revision 47211

I copy the six files of generic/datavgen.cpp generic/dataview.h wx/dataview.h common/datavcmn.cpp gtk/dataview.cpp gtk/dataview.h from the trunk to here. And discard my previous modification.

2007-07-07 04:35 KO, revision 47210

Fixing mixed tab/spaces indentation.

2007-07-07 03:23 JW, revision 47209

Merged from trunk revisions 46191 to 47203 in order to fix compilation errors

2007-07-07 02:56 DE, revision 47208

Move wxMBConv_cf out of strconv.cpp and into strconv_cf.(cpp|h) by forking the files (svn copy) and removing the appropriate portions from each fork.

2007-07-06 23:02 VS, revision 47207

fixed to make wxVariant compatible with both ANSI and Unicode modes

2007-07-06 22:38 DE, revision 47206

Fix wxMBConv_cf to implement FromWChar/ToWChar in lieu of now deprecated WC2MB/MB2WC. This is a complete rewrite trying built-in UTF-32 conversion first, then falling back to conversion through UTF-16.

2007-07-06 22:24 VS, revision 47205

added alpha channel support to wxDFB's wxBitmap

2007-07-06 22:17 VS, revision 47204

added support for loading images with alpha channel to TIFF handler

2007-07-06 18:20 DE, revision 47199

Rename wxMBConv_cocoa to wxMBConv_cf and use it when __DARWIN__ (all Darwin and OS X systems). Add comment about __WXMAC__ code path.

2007-07-06 15:43 VZ, revision 47196

use WXDLLIMPEXP_GL instead of WXDLLEXPORT (which is for core, not gl)

2007-07-06 15:40 VZ, revision 47195

use WXDLLIMPEXP_GL instead of WXDLLEXPORT (which is for core, not gl, library)