

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-09-12 21:49 MBN, revision 23553

Various fixes to contrib bakefiles. Regenerated corresponding

2003-09-12 21:38 RD, revision 23552

The unknown control container should always have the wxTAB_TRAVERSAL and wxNO_BORDER styles

2003-09-12 21:09 VS, revision 23551

.dsw files for samples must not contain dependencies between core libraries, otherwise static libraries will be linked into other static libs

2003-09-12 20:29 GD, revision 23550

external Shell Script file to copy setup.h for ProjectBuilder removed obsolete lexer/parser related actions

2003-09-12 20:24 GD, revision 23549

Shell Script file to copy setup.h for ProjectBuilder

2003-09-12 18:17 VS, revision 23548

import32.lib is always used by bakefile

2003-09-12 16:12 JS, revision 23547

Applied patch [ 804995 ] compatibility of dnd sample with various settings

2003-09-12 16:10 JS, revision 23546

Applied patch [ 804570 ] hidden function in src/msw/ole/dataobj.cpp

2003-09-12 16:08 JS, revision 23545

Applied patch [ 805147 ] GDI objects are not deselected from DC

2003-09-12 09:58 ROL, revision 23544

slightly changed text

2003-09-12 09:45 ROL, revision 23543

Fixed problems with wxStaticBitmap (stock_id attribute, icon type switching). Changed some dimensions in properties panel elements.

2003-09-12 09:02 MBN, revision 23542

Blind fix for library ordering.

2003-09-12 06:13 SC, revision 23541

fixing normal font for mac, unicode corrections

2003-09-11 21:36 MBN, revision 23540

wxX11 compilation fix.

2003-09-11 21:13 VZ, revision 23539

fix for C99-compatible vsnprintf()

2003-09-11 21:11 MBN, revision 23538

Added, documented and used wxGridCellChoiceEditor taking wxArrayString.

2003-09-11 21:05 MBN, revision 23537

No real changes, just refactoring.

2003-09-11 21:01 MBN, revision 23536

wxX11 STL-ification.

2003-09-11 20:58 MBN, revision 23535

Cygwin compilation fix.

2003-09-11 20:50 MBN, revision 23534

Compilation fix.

2003-09-11 20:49 SC, revision 23533

disabling anti-aliasing in carbon builds running under classic (performance)

2003-09-11 20:33 SC, revision 23532

moved setting of internal vars in order to avoid problems in recursing (MoveWindow calling BoundsChanged handlers which in turn call DoMoveWindow again)

2003-09-11 20:27 VZ, revision 23531

fix for C99-compatible vsnprintf()

2003-09-11 19:25 JS, revision 23530

Added new image for dnd sample

2003-09-11 19:22 VS, revision 23529

link against oleacc.lib (needed by wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY)

2003-09-11 19:22 VS, revision 23528

copy data files

2003-09-11 18:59 SC, revision 23527

focus setting must be possible even when not shown yet

2003-09-11 18:41 JS, revision 23526

Removed horrible julian.png photo

2003-09-11 18:39 RR, revision 23525

Filter out triple click events entirely.

2003-09-11 18:37 RR, revision 23524

Filter out triple click events entirely rather than confusing everyone.

2003-09-11 18:18 SC, revision 23523

mouse events added, menu id 0 safety check

2003-09-11 18:16 SC, revision 23522

reminder added

2003-09-11 18:14 SC, revision 23521

new carbon implementation (unicode support)

2003-09-11 18:03 SC, revision 23520

mouse event handling extended

2003-09-11 17:02 VS, revision 23519

no need for !wxUSE_GUI test anymore

2003-09-11 16:55 MBN, revision 23518

Compilation fix for wxUSE_STL==1.

2003-09-11 16:54 MBN, revision 23517

mention that wxALIGN_RIGHT swaps text and checkbox.

2003-09-11 16:41 MBN, revision 23516

Compilation fix for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4==1.

2003-09-11 15:57 JS, revision 23515

Applied patch [ 800183 ] wxFlexGridSizer::RemoveGrowableRow/Col fix

2003-09-11 15:38 JS, revision 23514

Applied patch [ 803473 ] wxListCtrl header height bugfix

2003-09-11 15:37 SC, revision 23513

corrected hit-testing for mac

2003-09-11 15:26 VS, revision 23512

(blind) fix to last commit

2003-09-11 14:22 JS, revision 23511

Applied patch [ 791648 ] wxDateTime: note unimplemented methods

2003-09-11 14:18 JS, revision 23510

Applied patch [ 804322 ] Fixes for the "life" demo

2003-09-11 12:52 JS, revision 23509

Add longtool tip for a button in wxToolBar test Various warning suppressions

2003-09-11 12:44 JS, revision 23508

Applied patch [ 800784 ] Fixes ::wxDirSelector style problem

2003-09-11 11:02 VS, revision 23507

removed duplicate entry

2003-09-11 10:39 JS, revision 23506

Applied patch [ 771772 ] Crashes when setting icon tooltip longer than 63 characters

2003-09-11 10:05 JS, revision 23505

Applied patch [ 778625 ] wxSVGFileDC and UNICODE build

2003-09-11 10:01 JS, revision 23504

Applied patch [ 795491 ] Multimon sample compatibility with various conditions