

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-07-20 22:00 VZ, revision 47602

replaced with Debian Etch version which has slightly better fseeko() test

2007-07-20 20:41 DE, revision 47601

Merged trunk 47600: wxCocoa: Implement wxTopLevelWindow::SetDefaultItem Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 20:35 DE, revision 47600

wxCocoa: Implement wxTopLevelWindow::SetDefaultItem Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 19:47 DE, revision 47599

Merged trunk 47598: wxCocoa: Basic support for font underlining: * Make wxWindow::SetFont call wxWindowBase::SetFont. * Make wxDC::SetFont store the font in existing m_font. * Make wxFont::GetUnderlined return the m_underlined flag. * Implement underlining in wxDC::DoDrawText Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 19:05 DE, revision 47598

wxCocoa: Basic support for font underlining: * Make wxWindow::SetFont call wxWindowBase::SetFont. * Make wxDC::SetFont store the font in existing m_font. * Make wxFont::GetUnderlined return the m_underlined flag. * Implement underlining in wxDC::DoDrawText Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 18:27 PC, revision 47597


2007-07-20 17:59 DE, revision 47596

Restore AC_CHECK_HEADERS in preference to AC_CHECK_HEADER so that the HAVE_* defines will be generated when needed. This fixes breakage caused by 44703. Only usage where HAVE_* macro is in or was used by configure itself (e.g. HAVE_X11_XLIB_H) is changed.

2007-07-20 17:51 DE, revision 47595

Update all of the .m4 files using Apple-shipped autoconf with a change to functions.m4 to make the output match what is currently ni the tree from VZ.

2007-07-20 17:23 PC, revision 47594

use the right cast to fix warning, rather than just suppressing it

2007-07-20 16:22 VZ, revision 47593

moved wxUSE_CRASHREPORT checks to wx/msw/chkconf.h; added it to so that it gets defined (always as 0 as mingw32 doesn't support it anyhow) for configure builds too

2007-07-20 14:10 VZ, revision 47591

document wxCB_SORT

2007-07-20 12:24 RR, revision 47590

Optimise internal sorting datastructure

2007-07-20 09:01 RR, revision 47589

Renamed HasChildren() to IsContainer(), added GetParent() to wxDataViewModel

2007-07-20 08:23 RR, revision 47588

Fix for crash when opening empty node

2007-07-20 06:44 PC, revision 47587

add missing parens to bitwise expression

2007-07-20 05:47 DE, revision 47586

Merged trunk 47585: Implement wxWindow::SetCursor to invalidate Cocoa's cursor rects.

2007-07-20 05:40 DE, revision 47585

Implement wxWindow::SetCursor to invalidate Cocoa's cursor rects.

2007-07-20 04:16 DE, revision 47584

Merged trunk 47580, 47581: Rewrite conversion from classic Mac OS 'CURS'-style structures to NSCursor. * Leave data as separate image and mask planes instead of interleaving it * Specify bytesPerRow to make compatible with 10.4 (Tiger) and higher * Use endian-independent math. * Document that the cursor data came from wxMac source. Rework the wxCusor ctor taking wx stock number to provide as many cursors as possible by using the system cursors first, a set of built-in cursors copied from wxMac if a system cursor was not found, and a normal cursor otherwise. Fixes lack of wxCURSOR_HAND and makes the code easier to follow by clearly showing which cursors are and are not available from each source. Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 04:13 DE, revision 47583

Merged trunk 47570: Strip mnemonics from the label before passing it to Cocoa.

2007-07-20 04:08 DE, revision 47582

Remove wxStockCursor function that should never have been global.

2007-07-20 04:06 DE, revision 47581

Rework the wxCusor ctor taking wx stock number to provide as many cursors as possible by using the system cursors first, a set of built-in cursors copied from wxMac if a system cursor was not found, and a normal cursor otherwise. Fixes lack of wxCURSOR_HAND and makes the code easier to follow by clearly showing which cursors are and are not available from each source. Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 02:12 DE, revision 47580

Rewrite conversion from classic Mac OS 'CURS'-style structures to NSCursor. * Leave data as separate image and mask planes instead of interleaving it * Specify bytesPerRow to make compatible with 10.4 (Tiger) and higher * Use endian-independent math. * Document that the cursor data came from wxMac source. Copyright 2007, Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-07-20 01:10 VZ, revision 47578

make To/From8bit() inline for performance reasons

2007-07-20 01:03 VZ, revision 47577

rewrite FilterInValue() using iterators, this results iin 12x performance improvement in UTF-8 build

2007-07-19 23:00 VZ, revision 47576

check for setenv first, then putenv as using setenv in wxSetEnv() is much easier [backport from trunk]