

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-08-07 21:37 FM, revision 47938

added first version of wxStyleTextCtrl|Event docs

2007-08-07 21:13 VS, revision 47937

the Ubuntu visibility bug only happens when building shared libraries on some systems, use -shared when testing for it

2007-08-07 21:00 FM, revision 47935

typo fix

2007-08-07 20:33 VZ, revision 47932

don't include wx/wxprec.h from headers, it's bad style (patch from Tim Stahlhut)

2007-08-07 19:40 JS, revision 47930

Added wxBORDER_THEME and made wxTextCtrl and wxSearchCtrl show the correct borders. Because we can't add virtual functions because of binary compatibility considerations, we can't make controls intelligent enough to know when they need themed borders. So in 2.8 we have to add wxBORDER_THEME explicitly where necessary.

2007-08-07 19:25 JS, revision 47928

Clean up

2007-08-07 19:22 JS, revision 47927

Added wxBORDER_THEME, wxWindow::GetDefaultBorderForControl(), wxWindow::CanApplyThemeBorder(). wxTextCtrl and wxSearchCtrl now get the correct border on wxMSW, and the wxRichTextCtrl sample also now demonstrates correct borders.

2007-08-07 19:12 RD, revision 47926

Patch #1769242: Check for wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT in renderer.cpp

2007-08-07 13:55 JS, revision 47925

Compile fix for VC++ 6

2007-08-07 13:50 JS, revision 47924

compile and warning fixes

2007-08-07 12:01 CE, revision 47923

cvs to svn changes for 2.8.5

2007-08-07 11:52 CE, revision 47922

new is_text from head for svn

2007-08-07 11:46 CE, revision 47921

2.8.5 not 2.8.4

2007-08-07 08:56 CE, revision 47920

put constant in define

2007-08-07 01:38 VZ, revision 47919

remove tests for Mac Rez and SetFile which are also already done by bakefile; restore assignment to RESCOMP which was removed by last commit but which bakefile doesn't set

2007-08-07 01:23 VZ, revision 47918

don't test for things which bakefile already tests for (STRIP, RANLIB, INSTALL, WINDRES, ...); don't chech for VPATH support in make at all as we don't use it any more

2007-08-06 21:48 FM, revision 47917

added propertyaccessor.tex

2007-08-06 21:39 FM, revision 47916

first raw version

2007-08-06 21:37 FM, revision 47915

rewritten completely the XTI overview. First version.

2007-08-06 19:49 FM, revision 47913

build fix

2007-08-06 19:48 FM, revision 47912

regenerated after wx_dynamic_cast addition

2007-08-06 18:31 FM, revision 47911

add wx_dynamic_cast

2007-08-06 14:55 FM, revision 47908

Use wx prefix also for event table macros (still lots of work to do for adding 'wx' prefix to all event macros)

2007-08-06 14:55 DE, revision 47907

Merged 44792 (NOTE: CVS) from trunk: implemented GetLabel() (part of patch 1679337)

2007-08-06 14:53 VS, revision 47906

WXIMPORT must specify default visibility too, otherwise things like typeinfo may break subtly