

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-08-20 22:30 RR, revision 48232
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/latex/wx/dataviewlistmodelnotifier.tex


2007-08-20 22:29 RR, revision 48231

Updated docs

2007-08-20 21:39 JW, revision 48230

Fixed infinite recursion loop in font initialization, replaced old pass-by-argument wxApp configuration with a pass-through-fifo method

2007-08-20 20:24 VS, revision 48229

don't recompute nonbreakable space character every time a text fragment is added in ANSI build

2007-08-20 20:08 VS, revision 48227

marked const wxHtmlEntitiesParser methods as such

2007-08-20 19:20 VS, revision 48224

fixed variadic templates in the case when char value is passed in place of (e.g.) %i or %d argument

2007-08-20 17:26 RR, revision 48223

Patch from Bo, adapt generic code to new API, add GetItemRect and HitTest

2007-08-20 15:19 VS, revision 48222

added wxUTF8StringBuffer for writing UTF8 data into wxString efficiently, similarly to existing wxStringBuffer classes

2007-08-20 14:58 BY, revision 48221

Keep same with the trunk code.

2007-08-20 14:39 BY, revision 48220

Comply with Robert's new API and add two more APIs.

2007-08-20 13:52 JW, revision 48219

Improved response generation code, fixed TODOs, added documentation

2007-08-20 13:51 RR, revision 48218

Make wxDataViewItemArray more efficient

2007-08-20 13:35 RR, revision 48217

backported wxList<T> docs

2007-08-20 13:32 RR, revision 48216

Added STL API to wxList docs

2007-08-20 12:30 VS, revision 48215

Vadim's new test broke subsequent asserts, fixed

2007-08-20 10:38 VZ, revision 48214

added tests demonstrating a bug in wxString::assign(itself)

2007-08-20 08:45 CE, revision 48213

fix missing makefiles for 2.8.5

2007-08-20 01:41 KO, revision 48211

wxURI variable removed by previous commit is used on MSW, so add it back in for that port.

2007-08-19 22:57 RR, revision 48209

Implement selection API and events

2007-08-19 22:18 RR, revision 48208

Implement ...COLUMN_SORTED event

2007-08-19 22:16 VS, revision 48207

compilation fix for broken libstdc++ visibility

2007-08-19 21:44 RR, revision 48206

Change EnsureVisble() to including column parameter, implemented it for wxGTK

2007-08-19 21:24 VS, revision 48205

renamed wxImplStringBuffer to wxStringInternalBuffer

2007-08-19 21:20 RR, revision 48204

Implemented and tested EXPANDED etc events for wxGTK and in the sample

2007-08-19 20:46 FM, revision 48203

updated makefiles