

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-01-27 12:37 SC, revision 66782

clang warnings

2011-01-27 12:04 SC, revision 66781

reverting inadvertent commit

2011-01-27 12:00 SC, revision 66780

supporting clang 2.0 under xcode, see #12332

2011-01-26 19:49 SC, revision 66777

keeping opaqueness and backgroundcolor in synch with bgstyle

2011-01-26 19:46 SC, revision 66776

per default wx' static text items have a transparent background

2011-01-26 17:15 SC, revision 66775

artmac extended for cocoa

2011-01-26 16:55 SC, revision 66774

fixing toplevel position

2011-01-26 16:54 SC, revision 66773

hinting support

2011-01-26 16:53 SC, revision 66772

PNG is the native format on iOS

2011-01-26 16:52 SC, revision 66771

avoid populating the array with NULL controls during creation (SetWindowVariant calling SetFont crashing)

2011-01-26 16:51 SC, revision 66770

support for hints, fixing textfield implementation on iOS

2011-01-26 08:42 SC, revision 66766

Maximize for iPhone

2011-01-25 19:47 SC, revision 66761

supporting a null cgimage so that we don't get exceptions, only an wxbitmap that is !Ok()

2011-01-25 19:46 SC, revision 66760

support for separator (fixed width spacE)

2011-01-25 16:47 SC, revision 66759

adding constructor from CGImageRef

2011-01-25 12:23 DS, revision 66758

Fixed heap corruption when reading a corrupted RLE TGA image. There were no boundary checks in place to verify an indicated repeat of pixels would still be inside the image's data. Added these checks and a unit test making sure these kind of TGAs now fail to load.

2011-01-25 09:15 DS, revision 66757

Fixed typo in wxFileName::GetHumanReadableSize docs. Closes #12898.

2011-01-25 06:14 RD, revision 66752

Save the mode in SetMode

2011-01-25 06:03 RD, revision 66751

Add wxRTTI macros for the wxSimpleHtmlListBox class

2011-01-24 18:36 PC, revision 66743

remove deprecated voidp, closes #12896

2011-01-24 17:45 SC, revision 66742

fixing toolbar repositioning (iOS)

2011-01-24 17:45 SC, revision 66741

guarding code in case of delayed controller release

2011-01-24 15:35 VS, revision 66740

Don't allow user to resize non-resizable columns to best size. Double-clicking columns separator resizes the column to the best width for its content. This should only be done for resizeable columns, though.

2011-01-24 15:35 VS, revision 66739

Remove incorrect comment. UpdateColumnWidthToFit() is in fact used when double-clicking columns separators.

2011-01-24 14:17 SC, revision 66738

direct constructor from CGImageRef

2011-01-23 11:13 JMS, revision 66734

To work around harmless memory leaks reported by Visual C++ static runtime libs, assume that C++ typeid operator works well with VC++ 9.0 and later (fixes #12023)

2011-01-23 11:10 SC, revision 66733

loading png and jpg from resource bundle

2011-01-22 22:25 JS, revision 66731

Reverted for a quiet life

2011-01-22 21:43 JS, revision 66730

Don't pointlessly forbid calling AddGrowableRow/Col before adding items.

2011-01-22 20:02 VS, revision 66729

wxDataViewCtrl: fix autosized columns recalculation. The code and its assumptions were correct only for generic wxHeaderCtrl, it didn't work for MSW implementation. Fixed by updating all columns every time.

2011-01-22 15:38 DS, revision 66728

Use wxString's empty() when checking if the string is (non-)empty throughout wx. Instead of constructs such as if "( s.length() )" and "if (s.length() > 0)" use "if ( !s.empty() )" instead. Similarly for "if (s.length() == 0)" or "if ( s.IsNull() )", use "if ( s.empty() )". No code changes intended except for a few instances where a construct like "if ( s.length() && wxFileExists(s) )" was changed to not check the length of the string and let wxFileExists handle such cases.

2011-01-20 16:06 VZ, revision 66727

Explicitly set "C" locale for the tests using decimal point. Ensure that the tests expecting the results with a point as decimal separator really are done in C locale. This should help the tests pass in (French) locale used by the MSW build bot slaves.

2011-01-20 16:06 VZ, revision 66726

Further improve caching of locale-specific data in wxNumberFormatter. Also update the cached data if setlocale() was called explicitly instead of using wxLocale to change the locale because at least under Unix systems calling setlocale() changes the result of wxLocale::GetInfo() and so the result returned by wxNumberFormatter::GetDecimalSeparator() and GetThousandsSeparatorIfUsed() could be inconsistent with the locale being really used.

2011-01-20 16:02 JS, revision 66725

Fixed some bugs in up/down cursor navigation.

2011-01-20 09:38 SC, revision 66724

using explicit fixes #12689

2011-01-20 00:47 VZ, revision 66723

Include more information in assert in wxNumberFormatter. Show more information in the assert failure message to try to understand why is the unit test failing on the buildbot.

2011-01-20 00:47 VZ, revision 66722

Work around wxNumValidator compilation problems with MSVC 6. Surprisingly, MSVC 6 seems to be able to compile most of the code but chokes on a wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT involving an inherited typedef. As this assert is not critical, simply disable it for this compiler.

2011-01-19 21:40 SC, revision 66721

make sure Raise is also activating the window

2011-01-19 19:36 SC, revision 66720

missing release

2011-01-19 19:32 SC, revision 66719

support icns in bundle

2011-01-19 16:08 VZ, revision 66718

Use setUp/tearDown() for NumFormatter test case locale setup. Setting the locale in the ctor of the test object doesn't work because the locale is changed by the other tests that run before this one, use the initialization method provided by cppunit to change the locale instead, this is somewhat wasteful but at least it does work, unlike the old version.

2011-01-19 14:47 DS, revision 66717

Improved detection of alpha channels in TIFF images. Some TIFF images are not properly formed, for example having an extra channel marked as being unspecified data while they should be treated as being an alpha channel. Detect some of those cases so that these TIFF images now will have alpha. Applied patch by gmeeker. Closes #12874.

2011-01-19 13:28 DS, revision 66716

Added GIF and animated GIF saving support. Applied (modified) patch by troelsk. Also added a basic unit test for checking the frames of a saved animated GIF (a previous unit test already handles content of a GIF with a single frame). Closes #8583.

2011-01-19 12:30 DS, revision 66715

removed some leftover debugging code

2011-01-19 11:48 VZ, revision 66714

Add wxIntegerValidator and wxFloatingPointValidator classes. Add validators for integer and floating point numbers. Add an example of their use to the validate sample as well as a new unit test and documentation for them. Use the new classes instead of wxTextValidator in wxGrid code. Closes #12166.

2011-01-19 11:48 VZ, revision 66713

Update cached values in wxNumberFormatter when locale changes. Caching the decimal and thousands separators in wxNumberFormatter is a useful performance optimization, however it can give wrong results if the locale changed since the cached values were initialized. So remember the locale used for the initialization and redo it if it changed. This should still be almost as fast as the previous version but now also correct (still not MT-safe though).

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66712

Add support for long long to wxNumberFormatter. It seems to make sense to allow using it for formatting and parsing long long values as well as it can be done trivially using almost the same code as for long. It would be nice to support long double in a similar way but we don't wrap C99 strtold() right now so it wouldn't be as simple, leave it for later.

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66711

Add wxHAS_LONG_LONG_T_DIFFERENT_FROM_LONG symbol. Instead of writing a rather unreadable "defined(wxLongLong_t) && !defined(wxLongLongIsLong)" expression every time we need to decide if a function needs to be overloaded for both long and long long, add a new symbol which can be tested directly. No real changes in the code.

2011-01-19 11:47 VZ, revision 66710

Add wxNumberFormatter class helping to deal with thousands separators. wxNumberFormatter formats and parses numbers with thousands separators. Add the class itself as well as documentation and the unit test for it. See #12166.

2011-01-19 11:46 VZ, revision 66709

Mention modal dialogs in the wxWindow objects allocation guide. The modal dialogs are an important exception to the usual rules of dealing with wxWindow-derived objects so mention them here too. Closes #12880.

2011-01-19 11:46 VZ, revision 66708

Avoid collapsing the hidden root in wxTreeCtrl::CollapseAllChildren(). The hidden root item can't be collapsed so don't even try to do it as this just results in an assert. This is similar to the changes of r48097 in ExpandAllChildren(). Closes #12881.

2011-01-19 10:33 JMS, revision 66707

In wxStringProperty::ValueToString(), regenerate composed value string also when it was empty. This is needed in cases where property's children were added before property itself was added to the wxPropertyGrid (fixes #12877).

2011-01-19 09:09 RD, revision 66706

On OSX don't propogate the alignment setting from column to renderer if it is a custom renderer. This allows the Render function to deal with the alignment itself and brings the behavior into alignment (pun intended!) with the GTK and generic DV classes. Fixes #12883

2011-01-18 14:34 JS, revision 66705

Fix for incorrect programmatic formatting (default style set immediately if not using Thaw/Freeze)

2011-01-18 13:32 JS, revision 66704

Fixed some problems with floating objects

2011-01-17 11:11 JMS, revision 66699

Changed wxMSW wxGraphicsContext font rendering and extent calculation to take into the account that the page scale has been manually changed when using print contexts (fixes #12830)

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66698

Add skeleton documentation for wxAuiToolBar and related classes. Add classes declarations to Doxygen-generated documentation. This doesn't replace the real documentation but is better than nothing. See #10232.

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66697

Document wxDialog::ShowWindowModal(). This function is not yet really implemented under all platforms but provide the documentation for it hinting at how (and where) it works. Closes #12873.

2011-01-17 00:24 VZ, revision 66696

Override HasTransparentBackground() in wxHyperlinkCtrl to return true. At least in wxMSW the control must override HasTransparentBackground() to return true if it really wants its background to be transparent, so do it in wxHyperlinkCtrlBase to fix the background appearance when using the generic implementation in wxMSW. See #12271.

2011-01-16 15:09 VZ, revision 66695

Remove undefined wxScrollBarBase::Create() declaration. Create() method in a base class can't be implemented and actually shouldn't even have been defined there in the first place.

2011-01-15 19:52 PMO, revision 66689

Handle 'central widget' in wxFrame, Introduce wxQtSignalHandler, wxQtEventSignalHandler

2011-01-15 16:31 JS, revision 66688

Corrected wrong range in GetText

2011-01-15 14:20 JS, revision 66687

XML import corrections

2011-01-14 20:32 JS, revision 66684

Small doc tweaks

2011-01-14 20:32 JS, revision 66683

Removed GCC 4 warning

2011-01-14 13:15 JS, revision 66682

Compile fix

2011-01-14 13:08 JS, revision 66681

Compile fixes

2011-01-14 12:57 JS, revision 66680

Implemented text boxes and tables, and further editing pages for backgrounds, borders and margins. wxRTC functions now operate on the currently focused object, which by default is the whole buffer. Up to three property commands are now shown on the context menu, depending on available objects in the current hierarchy.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66678

Fixes for parsing invalid HTML without tag ends. The code in wxHtmlParser supposed in many places that a '<' character must be always followed by a '>' one and could create (and sometimes dereference) invalid iterators if this wasn't the case resulting in asserts from MSVC debug CRT and possibly crashes. Fix this by ensuring that only valid iterators are used and add a trivial unit test for wxHtmlParser which checks that it can parse invalid HTML without crashing. Closes #12869.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66677

No changes, just remove a level of indentation in wxHtmlTagsCache ctor. Get rid of characters not starting a tag immediately in the beginning of the loop instead of putting the entire loop body inside an if statement. This doesn't change anything (this becomes more apparent if the patch is viewed with "ignore white space changes" option) except making the code easier to read and modify.

2011-01-13 15:49 VZ, revision 66676

Fix MSVC warnings about signed to unsigned conversion in the tests. Recently modified client data test added calls to SetClient{Object,Data}(-1) and MSVC complained about them, suppress these warnings.

2011-01-13 09:45 JJ, revision 66675

wxComboBox::GetClassInfo() should not be defined here

2011-01-12 19:04 PC, revision 66673

non-pch build fix

2011-01-12 18:58 JMS, revision 66672

In wxBitmapComboBox::RecreateControl(), only call ChangeValue() if the control doesn't have wxCB_READONLY style (fixes #12859)

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66670

Add support for icons in wxAUI panes title bars. Add wxAuiPaneInfo::Icon() method and shows its use in the sample. Closes #12856.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66669

Fix crash in wxGenericRichMessageDialog::IsCheckBoxChecked(). The test for checkbox existence was inversed resulting in a guaranteed crash when calling IsCheckBoxChecked() before showing the dialog. Closes #12866.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66668

Disable deprecation and other warnings in MFC sample. VC8+ give tons of deprecation warnings for the standard functions which are usually suppressed by wx headers but they need to be included first for the suppression to be effective. In the MFC sample they were not resulting in many useless warnings. Fix this by pre-defining _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to suppress them in the sample itself. Also suppress a warning about WINVER being undefined.

2011-01-12 14:39 VZ, revision 66667

Fix entry point in Unicode build of the MFC sample. MFC needs the entry point to be wWinMainCRTStartup() in Unicode builds but the bakefile-generated projects use the default WinMain() so the sample didn't link in Unicode. Fix this by providing WinMain() which simply forwards to wWinMainCRTStartup() as this seems to work for all MSVC/CRT versions.

2011-01-11 18:05 JJ, revision 66666

make sure wxNativeFontInfo is defined

2011-01-11 17:32 JJ, revision 66665

update OpenVMS makefile

2011-01-10 13:00 VZ, revision 66664

Check index in wxItemContainer methods working with client data. The test for index validity should be done by the base class public methods themselves so that the protected methods in the derived classes don't need to do it because this allows to have the check in one place only and not in every port-specific derived class and also because a protected method can reasonably expect to be called with already validated parameters. This makes it unnecessary to perform the same check in many derived classes and fixes the problem with those that forgot to check for item validity at all before (like wxGTK wxChoice). Also add a unit test checking for the correct behaviour. Unfortunately we don't have any way to test for the precise assert being triggered so the test passed for wxGTK wxChoice even before in debug builds because the expected assert was raised by wxArray::Item() but the code crashed in release build -- whereas now it doesn't any more. Closes #12858.

2011-01-10 13:00 VZ, revision 66663

Remove redundant top level const in wxRibbonBar::ShowPanels(). Use just "bool show" instead of "const bool show". This fixes compilation for some compilers (notably OpenVMS one) broken since r66612.

2011-01-10 12:42 SC, revision 66662

adding new files

2011-01-10 12:40 SC, revision 66661

adding new files

2011-01-10 12:32 SC, revision 66660

adding new files

2011-01-08 19:22 PC, revision 66658

remove always-true test of unsigned >= 0

2011-01-08 19:05 PC, revision 66657

remove unneeded #includes

2011-01-08 18:55 PC, revision 66656

fix GCC warning about not explicitly initializing base class

2011-01-08 18:45 PC, revision 66655

remove always-true tests of unsigned >= 0

2011-01-08 18:33 PC, revision 66654

fix GCC warning about not explicitly initializing base class

2011-01-08 18:17 PC, revision 66653

proper const-ness for GetLine() and operator[]()

2011-01-08 18:16 PC, revision 66652

proper const-ness for Item(), operator[](), and Last()

2011-01-08 11:22 SC, revision 66651

removing xti code which isn't necessary for unicode under trunk anymore

2011-01-08 09:03 SC, revision 66650

rearranging xti code

2011-01-08 07:57 PC, revision 66649

update docs after r66615

2011-01-08 07:42 PC, revision 66648

Move SendIdleEvents() from wxApp to wxWindow. Use it to properly implement idle events for wxGTK menubar, toolbar and statusbar.

2011-01-08 07:39 SC, revision 66647

adding xti info for commandlinkbutton

2011-01-07 23:52 SC, revision 66646

gcc fixes

2011-01-07 23:46 SC, revision 66645

bracketing xti-only methods

2011-01-07 23:37 SC, revision 66644

adding xti info