

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-09-10 16:59 BP, revision 77646

Rebaked with new wxTaskBarButton and taskbarbutton sample.

2014-09-10 16:58 BP, revision 77645

Rename appprog.{h,cpp} to appprogress.{h.cpp}.

2014-09-10 16:58 BP, revision 77644

wxUSE_TASKBARBUTTON should be disabled on wince.

2014-09-10 16:58 BP, revision 77643

Update docs of taskbar button and wxAppProgressIndicator.

2014-09-10 16:58 BP, revision 77642

Update VS2010+ project files.

2014-09-10 16:58 BP, revision 77641

Move wxAppProgressIndicator into its own header.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77640

Update docs of wxAppProgressIndicator. Also mention that MSWGetTaskBarButton is available since 3.1.0.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77639

Use the usual WXHWND instead of wxWidget.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77638

Fix too many friends of wxTaskBarButtonImpl.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77637

Fix mingw warning of using anonymous type in wxTaskBarButtonImpl fields.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77636

Fix coding nits. - enums shouldn't be DLL-exported, - Placement of "{" - Always have dtor of wxGuage and wxFrame.

2014-09-10 16:57 BP, revision 77635

Don't link shlwapi directly. For MSVC use #pragma comment to link shlwapi, and for MinGW use dynamic loading of this library.

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77634

Fix Wreorder of m_maxValue in the wxAppProgressIndicator. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77633

[Docs] Update docs. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77632

Use wxGA_PROGRESS style for wxGauage in the progress dialog. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77631

Intergrate wxAppProgressIndicator into wxGuage. Update the progress bar of taskbar button if wxGuage has wxGA_PROGRESS style. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77630

Suppress warning: type uses the anonymous namespace. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:56 BP, revision 77629

Fix mingw warning: passing NULL to non-pointer argument. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77628

Fix warning of reorder: m_appID. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77627

Update bakefiles and VS2010+ project file. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77626

Fix docs nits. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77625

Add docs of wxTaskBarJumpList. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77624

Add parent pointer of the classes: item -> category -> jump list. The parent of wxTaskBarJumpListItem is wxTaskBarJumpListCategory, the parent of wxTaskBarJumpListCategory is wxTaskBarJumpList. After this change, users do not need to call the update method of jump list manually. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77623

Update docs for wxTaskBarJumpListCategory, wxTaskbarJumpListItem. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:55 BP, revision 77622

Support setting AppUserModelID of wxTaskBarJumpList. Specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the application whose taskbar button will hold the custom Jump List built through the methods of this class. This parameter is optional. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:54 BP, revision 77621

Rename access method of custom categories. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:54 BP, revision 77620

Rename wxJumpList to wxTaskBarJumpList etc. Class name wxJumpList is overly generic. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:54 BP, revision 77619

Move implementation of jump list to class wxJumpListImpl. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:54 BP, revision 77618

Fix rebase error. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:54 BP, revision 77617

Implement jump list feature: adding custom categories. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77616

Implement getting recent and frequent category. - New class wxJumpListCategory to represent a category in the jump list. - Api for accessing recent and frequent category. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77615

Reset progress state to no progress when destructing. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77614

Fix mingw build error. 1. Load "ChangeWindowMessageFilter" dynamically when wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS is true. 2. Redefine interface: IObjectArray, IObjectCollection, IPropertyStrore etc. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77613

Support adding a separator in the task list when setting jump list. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77612

Implement wxAppProgressIndicator. An helper class used for updating the progress of taskbar button. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:53 BP, revision 77611

Redeclare the interfaces and support setting tasks of jump list roughly. - Interfaces including: ITaskbarList3, IShellLink, ICustomDestinationList. - New API for setting tasks of jump list: wxJumpList::SetTasks. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:52 BP, revision 77610

Add new api for appending a separator to the thumbnail toolbar. Actually, when calling AppendSeparator we are appending a disable ThumbBarButton without background, which can simulate the behavior of appending a separator. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:52 BP, revision 77609

Add docs for several interfaces of wxThumbBarButton. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:52 BP, revision 77608

Expose APIs that can update the behavior of wxThumbBarButton. - void Enable(bool enable = true); void Disable(); - void EnableDismissOnClick(bool enable = true); void DisableDimissOnClick(); - void SetHasBackground(bool has = true); - void Show(bool shown = true); void Hide(); - void EnableInteractive(bool interactive = true); void DisableInteractive(); Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:52 BP, revision 77607

Allow 2-phase creation of wxThumbBarButton. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:52 BP, revision 77606

Add doxygen docs of wxTaskBarButton. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77605

Coding style fix. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77604

Move wxTaskBarButton into core library. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77603

Fix mingw build error of ITaskbarList3. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77602

Work around the limitation of windows API when setting thumbnail toolbar buttons. - New API: InsertThumbBarButton, AppendThumbBarButton, RemoveThumbBarButton. - Though MSDN said that "Buttons cannot be added or deleted later, so this must be the full defined set. Buttons also cannot be reordered.", we can work around it by: when first time adding button, initialize all of the possible seven buttons and hide them, except the button adding. In the next time adding button, just show it, which can make it looks like it is added on the fly. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77601

Nit: fix code style. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:51 BP, revision 77600

Revise progress releted API to be more usual. - Add PulseProgress - Add SetProgressRange, instead of hard coding 100. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77599

Revise Show/Hide, for consistency with the other classes. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77598

API: SetThumbnailContents, for setting thumbnail contents with child window. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77597

Expose setting description of overlay icon for accessibility. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77596

Only register window message "TaskbarButtonCreated" when the first frame is created. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77595

Move taskbar button from wxTopLevelWindowMSW to wxFrame. Since there are two sub-classes of wxTopLevelWindowMSW: one is wxFrame, the other is wxDialog. However, wxDialog have no button shown in taskbar on windows, so the taskbar button feature should be only avaiable in wxFrame. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:50 BP, revision 77594

APIs for adding a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons. - AddThumbBarButton(wxThumbBarButton *button), ShowThumbnailToolbar(). - Add THBN_CLICKED message handler to top level window and generate a wxCommandEvent event. - Sample. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:49 BP, revision 77593

APIs to support setting overlay icon, tooltip, thumbnail clip, progress state. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:49 BP, revision 77592

API for change the visibility of button in the taskbar. - ShowInTaskbar and HideInTaskbar - Sample of usage. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:49 BP, revision 77591

Introduce skeleton of taskbar button feature. - Add classes: wxTaskBarButton and wxTaskBarButtonImpl. - New interface in wxTopLevelWindowMSW to get its wxTaskBarButton: MSWGetTaskBarButton. - A simple sample and build files under msvc. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 16:49 BP, revision 77590

Register message "TaskbarButtonCreated" when wxTopLevelWindowMSW is created. This message is used to make sure the taskbar button is in place, so wxTaskbarButton object can initialize correctly. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 13:57 CZ, revision 77589

Reverting failed mering of SOC2014_TASKBAR. Command: git svn dcommit is aborted, and the two branches is diverged.

2014-09-10 11:23 CZ, revision 77588

Allow 2-phase creation of wxThumbBarButton. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:19 CZ, revision 77587

Add doxygen docs of wxTaskBarButton. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:16 CZ, revision 77586

Coding style fix. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:15 CZ, revision 77585

Move wxTaskBarButton into core library. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:11 CZ, revision 77584

Fix mingw build error of ITaskbarList3. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:09 CZ, revision 77583

Work around the limitation of windows API when setting thumbnail toolbar buttons. - New API: InsertThumbBarButton, AppendThumbBarButton, RemoveThumbBarButton. - Though MSDN said that "Buttons cannot be added or deleted later, so this must be the full defined set. Buttons also cannot be reordered.", we can work around it by: when first time adding button, initialize all of the possible seven buttons and hide them, except the button adding. In the next time adding button, just show it, which can make it looks like it is added on the fly. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:06 CZ, revision 77582

Nit: fix code style. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:03 CZ, revision 77581

Revise progress releted API to be more usual. - Add PulseProgress - Add SetProgressRange, instead of hard coding 100. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 11:01 CZ, revision 77580

Revise Show/Hide, for consistency with the other classes. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:59 CZ, revision 77579

API: SetThumbnailContents, for setting thumbnail contents with child window. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:56 CZ, revision 77578

Expose setting description of overlay icon for accessibility. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:54 CZ, revision 77577

Only register window message "TaskbarButtonCreated" when the first frame is created. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:51 CZ, revision 77576

Move taskbar button from wxTopLevelWindowMSW to wxFrame. Since there are two sub-classes of wxTopLevelWindowMSW: one is wxFrame, the other is wxDialog. However, wxDialog have no button shown in taskbar on windows, so the taskbar button feature should be only avaiable in wxFrame. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:47 CZ, revision 77575

APIs for adding a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons. - AddThumbBarButton(wxThumbBarButton *button), ShowThumbnailToolbar(). - Add THBN_CLICKED message handler to top level window and generate a wxCommandEvent event. - Sample. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:43 CZ, revision 77574

APIs to support setting overlay icon, tooltip, thumbnail clip, progress state. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:40 CZ, revision 77573

API for change the visibility of button in the taskbar. - ShowInTaskbar and HideInTaskbar - Sample of usage. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:37 CZ, revision 77572

Introduce skeleton of taskbar button feature. - Add classes: wxTaskBarButton and wxTaskBarButtonImpl. - New interface in wxTopLevelWindowMSW to get its wxTaskBarButton: MSWGetTaskBarButton. - A simple sample and build files under msvc. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:34 CZ, revision 77571

Register message "TaskbarButtonCreated" when wxTopLevelWindowMSW is created. This message is used to make sure the taskbar button is in place, so wxTaskbarButton object can initialize correctly. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 10:30 CZ, revision 77570

Add wxUSE_TASKBARBUTTON under MSW port. Taskbar button features are only available under MSW port. Author: Chaobin Zhang

2014-09-10 09:17 SC, revision 77569

picking the selected font before closing the panel, fixes #16538

2014-09-10 07:54 BP, revision 77568

Rebaked D2D additions.

2014-09-09 15:53 SC, revision 77563

fixing initialization order, fixes #16542

2014-09-09 11:58 SC, revision 77562

fixing implicit narrowing conversions, silencing ICC warnings, fixes #16542

2014-09-09 09:42 SC, revision 77561

rebaked, d2d addition

2014-09-08 16:13 SC, revision 77560

added d2d

2014-09-08 16:12 SC, revision 77559

added d2d

2014-09-08 16:10 SC, revision 77558

added d2d

2014-09-08 16:10 SC, revision 77557

added d2d

2014-09-08 16:09 SC, revision 77556

added d2d

2014-09-08 09:51 JS, revision 77555

Removed commented out window variant lines

2014-09-07 20:26 JS, revision 77554

Use the small variant for help contents etc. since normal is a little outsized for this on Mac.

2014-09-07 19:33 JS, revision 77553

Make the selected item visible, to match behaviour on other platforms

2014-09-06 16:59 SC, revision 77550

direct2d GSOC2014 add addtional file

2014-09-05 23:55 VZ, revision 77549

Use bool constants instead of BOOL ones in wxBitmapComboBox code. Just s/TRUE/true/ See #14279.

2014-09-05 23:55 VZ, revision 77548

Fix empty wxBitmapComboBox height under wxMSW. Make (initially) empty wxBitmapComboBox as high as a normal wxComboBox instead of making it visibly shorter. Closes #14279.

2014-09-05 23:54 VZ, revision 77547

Use bool constants instead of BOOL ones in wxBitmapComboBox code. Just s/TRUE/true/ See #14279.

2014-09-05 23:54 VZ, revision 77546

Fix empty wxBitmapComboBox height under wxMSW. Make (initially) empty wxBitmapComboBox as high as a normal wxComboBox instead of making it visibly shorter. Closes #14279.

2014-09-05 14:46 VZ, revision 77545

Always disable "Back" wxWizard button for the starting page. Do it even if the start page has a previous page (e.g. because the wizard has been started in the middle for some reason). Closes #16535.

2014-09-05 14:42 VZ, revision 77544

Fix wxOSX build with < 10.9 SDK after r77511. We need to guard the use of 10.9+ symbols such as NSActivityOptions at compile-time too and not only at run-time. See #16413, closes #16529.

2014-09-05 02:37 VZ, revision 77543

Fix restoring locale in wxCmdLineParser::SetArguments(). We need to call setlocale(NULL) to query the current locale, setlocale("") returns the newly set locale and not the original one.

2014-09-05 02:36 VZ, revision 77542

Fix restoring locale in wxCmdLineParser::SetArguments(). We need to call setlocale(NULL) to query the current locale, setlocale("") returns the newly set locale and not the original one.

2014-09-04 22:06 VZ, revision 77541

wxGTK PCH-less compilation build fix after r77537. Add the required #include. See #15699.