

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-09-19 01:02 VZ, revision 48778

shut down GDI+ from a module instead of doing it during static object destruction time when it may be too late (patch 1792915)

2007-09-19 00:45 VZ, revision 48777

allow using wxSizerFlags with wxSizer methods adding spacers too (patch 1797272)

2007-09-19 00:41 VZ, revision 48776

fix bug with deleting and recreating entries in wxFileConfig (patch 1796866)

2007-09-18 21:49 MW, revision 48775

template class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XRC wxVector<wxXmlResourceHandler *>; instantiates as well as forward declares, which gives us multiple definition link errors on some systems. So trying WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XRC on the declaration of m_handlers instead.

2007-09-18 18:37 SC, revision 48774

fix for no striped background under panther when using coregraphics

2007-09-18 18:34 SC, revision 48773

fixing bug 1782738

2007-09-18 17:43 RR, revision 48772

Rearrange code to fix some problems

2007-09-18 17:31 SC, revision 48771

applying patch 1789066

2007-09-18 17:27 SC, revision 48770

adding reminder

2007-09-18 17:09 RR, revision 48769

Correct setting of line width

2007-09-18 15:51 PC, revision 48768

return type for "grab-broken-event" is not void; remove some redundant conditionals

2007-09-18 15:15 JS, revision 48767

Layout corrections

2007-09-18 15:11 JS, revision 48766

Layout corrections

2007-09-18 14:15 JS, revision 48765

wxBORDER_THEME now means 'use an appropriate themed border' on all plaforms as opposed to wxBORDER_NONE which may or may not show a border, depending on control.

2007-09-18 12:06 VZ, revision 48764

fix for the last commit: reset the dummy wxRICHTEXT_DEFAULT_DROPTARGET pointer in dtor to avoid crashing when trying to delete it in the base class dtor

2007-09-18 12:04 VZ, revision 48763

properly NUL-terminate the buffer returned by wxMBConv::cMB2WC()

2007-09-18 11:07 JS, revision 48762

Committed missing part of earlier bottom tab patch

2007-09-18 10:48 JS, revision 48761

wxBORDER_THEME now means 'use an appropriate themed border' on all plaforms as opposed to wxBORDER_NONE which may or may not show a border, depending on control.

2007-09-18 09:47 JS, revision 48760

Fixed compilo

2007-09-17 19:47 RD, revision 48758

changelog for

2007-09-17 17:24 PC, revision 48755

various small cleanups

2007-09-17 16:43 DE, revision 48754

Instantiate NSSecureTextField instead of NSTextField when wxTE_PASSWORD is specified. Copyright 2007 Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-09-17 15:41 KO, revision 48753

Adding prototype script for creating a wx Mac framework from a configure-based wxPython build.

2007-09-17 14:37 VZ, revision 48752

fix compilation due to wxCmdLineEntryDesc changes once again

2007-09-17 13:37 RR, revision 48751

Always rearrange wxListBook and send out size event, otherwise scrollbar overlaps icons