

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-03-23 01:51 VZ, revision 76183

Fix toolbar repainting after deleting a tool in wxMSW. The toolbar was in an inconsistent state when recalculating the sizes of the separators used as placeholders for the controls and stretch spacers as the tool was already deleted from the native toolbar but still present in wx internal toolbar data and this resulted in discrepancies between the indices in the native and wx toolbars. Fix this by specially marking the already deleted but not yet removed tool and ignoring it during the recalculations. This makes the old, and only partially successful, attempt to work around this bug in DoDeleteTool() unnecessary and so the code is actually simplified by this change. Closes #16095.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76182

Fix wxFileSystemWatcher::RemoveAll() to actually work. We need to call DoRemove() on all watcher objects to really remove them, just removing our record of them was not enough and e.g. resulted in errors if we tried to re-add a previously watched path again. Closes #15531.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76181

Fix handling deletion of watched directory in MSW wxFileSystemWatcher. Don't log an incomprehensible error when the watched directory itself is deleted, but generate wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE for it. This is consistent with the behaviour under Unix and generally more useful. Closes #13294.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76180

Small refactoring in wxFileSystemWatcher MSW implementation. Make wxIOCPService::GetStatus() smarter about its return value, it makes sense to encapsulate the convention used to indicate the thread exit condition inside wxIOCPService class itself instead of sharing it between it wxIOCPThread itself. It will also make it easier to detect more detailed error conditions in this code.

2014-03-22 23:03 VZ, revision 76179

Handle normalization of directory names correctly in wxFileHistory. Don't use relative path for the directories, which can also be managed by wxFileHistory, because they don't have any and the old code resulted in showing an empty string for them.

2014-03-20 20:52 VZ, revision 76177

Put a __cplusplus guard around C++-specific tests in wx/defs.h. This avoids the warning about __cplusplus being undefined in the recently added wxOVERRIDE logic and make the existing wx_xxx_cast<>s definitions simpler.

2014-03-20 20:45 VZ, revision 76176

Mark some deprecated wxGrid methods as deprecated in the documentation. Point people to the new names of the deprecated methods. Closes #16103.

2014-03-20 20:45 VZ, revision 76175

Use Doxygen @deprecated tags for deprecated methods. Instead of just mentioning that the methods are deprecated in the documentation text, use the @deprecated tag for them to make it possible to detect it in documentation-processing tools too. Closes #16102.

2014-03-20 16:49 VZ, revision 76174

Remove configure test for override keyword. Detect its support in the code by testing __cplusplus value and using specific checks for MSVC and Clang as configure detects it as being available when using recent g++ versions in non-C++11 mode, which do support this keyword but warn when it is used without -std={gnu,c}++11 option, which makes actually using it a bad idea in this case.

2014-03-20 14:26 VZ, revision 76173

Add wxOVERRIDE and use it in common and wxOSX code. Make overriding virtual methods more explicit and enable additional checks provided by C++11 compilers when "override" is used. Closes #16100.

2014-03-20 14:26 VZ, revision 76172

Compilation fix in wchar_t build after r76171. Don't concatenate narrow wxLongLongFmtSpec with wide strings, just don't use wxT() at all. Closes #14685.

2014-03-19 23:57 VZ, revision 76171

Add wxInt64 support to wxText{Input,Output}Stream. Add explicit Read64[S]() and Write64() methods. Closes #14685.

2014-03-19 19:06 VZ, revision 76170

Use "virtual" keyword with overridden methods. No real changes, just make the code more clear by explicitly using "virtual". Closes #16097.

2014-03-19 19:01 VZ, revision 76169

Remove more unnecessary headers from drawing test. Don't include GUI headers in non-GUI code.

2014-03-19 18:59 VZ, revision 76168

Fix WX_ASSERT_SAME_AS_FILE() definition in the new drawing test. This macro should use AreFilesContentsEqual(), not AreImagesFilesContentsEqual(), used by WX_ASSERT_SAME_AS_IMAGE_FILE().

2014-03-18 21:12 VZ, revision 76166

Don't include apparently unnecessary headers in drawing test. wx/window.h shouldn't be needed in this non-GUI test.

2014-03-18 21:10 VZ, revision 76165

Remove redundant forward declaration of wxCursor from wx/window.h. We include wx/cursor.h from wx/window.h anyhow (and can't avoid it as we have a member of wxCursor type in wxWindowBase).

2014-03-18 20:31 VZ, revision 76164

Add a new test checking wxGraphicsContext implementation correctness. This test verifies that the output of wxGraphicsContext on the current system matches the pregenerated reference output.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76163

Include the individual headers that we really need instead.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76162

Don't include wx/dc.h from wx/graphics.h. This is not necessary and prevents compilation of this header in wxUSE_GUI=0 case.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76161

Don't include wx/cursor.h from wx/dc.h. This is simply not needed.

2014-03-18 18:23 VZ, revision 76160

Add font colour support to wxFontPickerCtrl. Currently this is only really implemented under Windows, just as the colour support in wxFontDialog, but make the API available under all platforms for consistency. Closes #11614.

2014-03-18 18:23 VZ, revision 76159

Use helper GetPickerWidget() function in wxFontPickerCtrl. No real changes, just use a helper function instead of an ugly M_PICKER macro. See #11614.

2014-03-18 18:08 VZ, revision 76158

Use "MultiProcessorCompilation" instead of explicit /MP in MSVS projects. Use the user-visible option instead of the command line option which is now hidden in the IDE. Closes #16093.

2014-03-18 18:07 VZ, revision 76157

Use "MultiProcessorCompilation" instead of explicit /MP in MSVS projects. Use the user-visible option instead of the command line option which is now hidden in the IDE. Closes #16093.