

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67055

Replace wxST_MARKUP style with wxControl::SetLabelMarkup(). This is an incompatible change which removes the wxStaticText-specific wxST_MARKUP style and adds wxControl::SetLabelMarkup() replacing it. It doesn't actually change anything yet but it simplifies wxStaticText code a lot by getting rid of many markup-related functions in it which had to behave differently depending on whether wxST_MARKUP was used or not and also paves way for adding markup support for the other controls in the future.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67054

Don't call base class SetLabel() from GTKSetLabelForLabel(). Calling wxControlBase::SetLabel() only from GTKSetLabelForLabel() made its behaviour inconsistent with GTKSetLabelWithMarkupForLabel() and also was redundant in all but two places from which it was called, so remove this call from this function itself and instead add it to its callers where it's really needed.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67053

Remove unnecessary use of RemoveMarkup() in wxMSW wxHyperlinkCtrl. Only the ampersands need to be escaped when setting the text of a native hyper link control in MSW and this is done by wxControl::EscapeMnemonics(), not by wxStaticText::RemoveMarkup() which also removes any tags which is not wanted at all here.

2011-02-27 13:47 VZ, revision 67052

Add wxFont::SetSymbolicSize() and SetSymbolicSizeRelativeTo(). These methods allow to set the font size using CSS-like absolute size specifications. Notice that the factors used here are incompatible with (but better than) the ones used in wxBuildFontSizes() in src/html/winpars.cpp. In the future it would be nice to reuse the new wxFont functions in wxHTML code.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67051

Add wxFont::Underlined() and MakeUnderlined() methods. Add two more helpers for consistency with the existing methods such as Bold() and MakeBold().

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67050

Use wxMarkupParser in wxStaticText for dealing with markup. No real changes, just remove markup parsing code from wxStaticText implementation and reuse wxMarkupParser methods there instead. This makes include/wx/private/stattext.h file unnecessary as it is used only in a single place now so remove it and move its remaining contents to src/gtk/mnemonics.cpp.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67049

Add wxMarkupParser::Strip(). This helper function strips all markup tags from the string (and also decodes the XML entities in it).

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67048

Add a class for parsing simple markup. This code is not used anywhere yet, this commit only adds the parser for the markup and the related classes as well as the corresponding unit test.

2011-02-27 13:46 VZ, revision 67047

Add a simple wxStack<> template class based on wxVector<>. This is still simpler than std::stack<> which can be used with any container and not just wxVector<> but better than the WX_DECLARE_STACK() macro which was all that we had before.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67046

Disable NumValidatorTestCase::Interactive() for build bot slaves. This test consistently fails on the MSW build slave machines (see e.g. VC9 wxMSW trunk release/builds/2084/steps/test/logs/stdio) for unknown reason so disable it for them. Notice that it does pass when ran locally so it looks like another instance of a problem with wxUIActionSimulator on these machines rather than the problem with the class itself.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67045

Only use wxBU_EXACTFIT for width calculations in wxMSW wxButton. wxBU_EXACTFIT should affect the width of the button best size but not its height which should be at least the same as the height of a standard button even when wxBU_EXACTFIT is specified, otherwise buttons created with it (like the one in generic wxCollapsiblePane implementation) look completely ugly. This commit restores the old behaviour which was recently changed by wxButton sizing code simplifications.

2011-02-27 13:45 VZ, revision 67044

Specify correct size for disabled image list in wxMSW wxToolBar. Use the real bitmap size instead of the default tool size when creating the disabled image list as the actual bitmap size could be less than the default one and in this case adding images to the image list later would fail (as could be seen by using custom bitmaps in the toolbar sample).

2011-02-27 09:51 JMS, revision 67043

Include image.h and check for wxUSE_IMAGE

2011-02-27 09:16 JS, revision 67042

Change log for wxRTC fix

2011-02-27 09:15 JS, revision 67041

Applied #12986: Improved installation instructions for Mac OS X for 2.8.12 branch

2011-02-27 09:13 JS, revision 67040

Applied #12985: Improved installation instructions for wxWidgets for Mac OS X Cocoa and Carbon

2011-02-26 18:51 VZ, revision 67033

Fix libraries order in screenshotgen bakefile. The richtext library must come before the adv one as it depends on the classes in the latter and with the old libraries order linking failed in static build.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67032

Mention wxZlib classes in archives overview. Closes #12974.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67031

Don't use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER in wxSpinCtrlGeneric. We don't need to catch Enter presses to generate spin control events as we do it anyhow when we lose focus. So simply remove the Enter handling code entirely (it could be used to generate wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER events but we don't generate them nor wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED at all currently in the generic version). Closes #12980.

2011-02-26 18:46 VZ, revision 67030

Don't use wxTE_NOHIDESEL in wxSpinCtrlGeneric. There is no reason to use this flag for the spin control and doing it makes it gratuitously different from the native one under wxMSW.

2011-02-26 16:44 SC, revision 67029

fixing support for true children of wxStaticBox with wxStaticBoxSizer under osx_cocoa

2011-02-26 12:04 SC, revision 67028

making GetPosition 1:1 symmetrical to Move (respecting contentViews), fixing borderDrawing within NSBox

2011-02-25 18:28 JS, revision 67026

Fix for #11647: text from WriteText not scrolled to be visible in wxRichTextCtrl IsPositionVisible was incorrect.

2011-02-25 18:28 JS, revision 67025

Fix for #11647: text from WriteText not scrolled to be visible in wxRichTextCtrl IsPositionVisible was incorrect.

2011-02-25 14:00 JMS, revision 67024

In wxPGProperty::SetValueImage(), use wxImage::Rescale() for scaling down the bitmap instead of wx(Memory)DC functions. Results should look much nicer and also retains alpha channel with much less effert.

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67023

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:25 JS, revision 67022

Applied patch in #12279: in wxRichTextCtrl, when wxRE_READONLY is set, the undo, redo function should be disabled

2011-02-25 13:21 JS, revision 67021

Applied #12601: Background color when saving wxRichText to HTML file

2011-02-25 12:37 JS, revision 67020

Applied #12941: Fixes and enhancements for wxRTC (Robert Hoffman)

2011-02-25 11:31 JS, revision 67019

Added missing colour index case

2011-02-25 10:38 JS, revision 67018

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to fix tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-25 10:37 JS, revision 67017

Added wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXHIGHLIGHTTEXT to correct tree and list control selection rendering.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67015

Handle ANSI release configuration correctly in msvc/wx/setup.h. Preprocessor operations don't work with empty values so check for the case of empty suffix specially. This avoid warnings about "not enough actual parameters for macro 'wxSTRINGIZE_HELPER'" from MSVC.

2011-02-24 21:34 VZ, revision 67014

No changes, just fix a typo in the changelog. s/futher/further/

2011-02-24 19:08 JS, revision 67013

Better unfocused selected list item colouring

2011-02-24 15:56 SC, revision 67012

reverting part of r58797, otherwise wxClientDC get no graphics context at all

2011-02-24 11:02 JS, revision 67011

Fix for #12979: wrong unfocused selected text colour in wxTreeCtrl/wxListCtrl

2011-02-24 10:35 JS, revision 67010

Documented fixes

2011-02-24 09:42 JS, revision 67009

Applied #12959: Fix build with libpng-1.5

2011-02-24 00:35 VZ, revision 67006

Update and improve "Hello world" example in the documentation. The example was corrupted by transition to Doxygen (the menu item labels got eaten), fix it to actually work. Also use this opportunity to improve and modernize it.

2011-02-23 19:43 JS, revision 67004

Note to add --disable-gui

2011-02-23 19:41 JS, revision 67003

Tweak from #12975

2011-02-23 19:37 JS, revision 67002

Assertion fixed (colours not in sync with wxSystemColour)

2011-02-22 19:51 SC, revision 67001

supporting content size scaling (retina display)

2011-02-22 16:47 SC, revision 66998

building iphone again

2011-02-22 14:55 VZ, revision 66997

Update Czech translations. Apply update from Zbynek Schwarz.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66996

Don't duplicate INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES definition. Move it in wx/msw/missing.h header instead of defining it in two different places. Closes #12964.

2011-02-22 14:26 VZ, revision 66995

Test for cairo_push_group() in configure. This function is required by wxGraphicsContext Cairo-based implementation but is missing in old Cairo versions so check for it in configure and disable wxGraphicsContext is it's not available. Closes #12966.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66994

Put storage class outside WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() macros. The storage class must come first in a declaration so put it in front of WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE() and not inside it to avoid warnings from some compilers (notably Intel one). Closes #12932.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66993

Remove duplicated control names strings declarations from wxOSX. There is no need to declare wxFooNameStr constants in wx/osx/foo.h files as they are already declared in wx/foo.h. Also remove a couple of header/forward declarations unnecessary for the same reason.

2011-02-22 14:25 VZ, revision 66992

Move wxCheckBoxNameStr declarations to wx/tglbtn.h from wx/port/tglbtn.h. Don't duplicate wxCheckBoxNameStr declarations in all ports. Of course, the question still remains why does wxToggleButton use wxCheckBoxNameStr and not a specific name in the first place.

2011-02-22 13:13 JS, revision 66991

Documented menu bar fix

2011-02-22 13:10 JS, revision 66990

VC6 build fix

2011-02-20 21:08 JS, revision 66986

Regenerated makefiles using Bakefile 0.2.9

2011-02-20 19:18 VS, revision 66985

Put normal space between Back and Next buttons in wxWizard. Use regular space between these two buttons even on Windows, where they were previously close together. This used to be done in older Windows versions, but modern Windows HIG documents show wizards with equal spacing between all buttons and that's what Windows OS itself does. In other words, not treating this pair of buttons specially is more native.

2011-02-20 13:05 JS, revision 66984

Corrected a hit test problem when tabs are present

2011-02-20 13:05 JS, revision 66983

Corrected a hit test problem when tabs are present

2011-02-20 12:04 TIK, revision 66982

Check for bind() failing. Closes #12299

2011-02-20 11:48 TIK, revision 66981

Apply #12084: Double-clicking disabled left/right scroll buttons in wxAuiNotebook no longer counts as background doubleclick.

2011-02-20 11:26 TIK, revision 66980

Need to call wxFrame::Create instead of wxWindowBase::CreateBase in the wxPseudoTransparentFrame constructor. Fixes crash reported in #11474

2011-02-20 07:31 SC, revision 66979

handling nil images correctly, solves #12956

2011-02-19 17:18 SC, revision 66978

appeasing clang

2011-02-19 15:51 SC, revision 66977

only draw separator line on the area adjacent to content, avoids double frames

2011-02-19 15:26 VZ, revision 66976

Work around an intermittent crash in GSocket under Mac. The socket descriptor may somehow be invalid when an input timeout notification is received. This is almost certainly not the right fix but the code has completely changed in 2.9 so it doesn't make much sense to spend time on fixing it properly here. But adding this check seems to be enough to fix the crash, see #12264. Closes #8904.

2011-02-19 15:26 VZ, revision 66975

No changes, just de-TAB gsocket.cpp. TABs must be removed before committing other (significant) changes to this file which would otherwise be blocked by svn commit hook.

2011-02-19 15:17 VZ, revision 66974

Remove unused variables in wxOSX code. Simply remove some unused variables that Xcode 4 compiler warned about. See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66973

Remove extra semicolons in Objective-C code. The semicolons after the method signature in its implementation are useless and, in fact, provoke warnings from the compiler used by Xcode 4. Simply remove them. See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66972

Remove stray #pragma implementation. This #pragma is obsolete and shouldn't be used any more (if it ever had to be). See #12927.

2011-02-19 15:16 VZ, revision 66971
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/html/htmlfilter.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/html/search.cpp

Remove long unused wxHTML files. These files seem to be left overs from the initial cvs import many years ago, remove them to avoid confusion. See #12927.

2011-02-19 14:54 VZ, revision 66970

Define forward-compatible wxT_2() macro. This macro is the same as wxT() in wx 2.8 but allows to write code compatible with wxWidgets 3 where it expands to nothing. See #12925 and r66968.

2011-02-19 14:54 VZ, revision 66969

Replace a name with Latin-1 characters with ASCII equivalent. The file wxchar.h currently doesn't have UTF-8 encoding but contained non-ASCII 'å' character which prevented any changes to it from being committed. Instead of converting the file to UTF-8 (which would be better but just might create some unforeseen problems) simply use the ASCII spelling of the name, as it's already done in several other files.

2011-02-19 14:44 VZ, revision 66968

Add wxT_2() macro for compatibility with wxWidgets 2 API. This macro can be used to make the same code compile with both v2 and v3 as it expands to wxT() in 2.8 and nothing in later versions. See #12925.

2011-02-19 13:33 VZ, revision 66967

Add wxAutomationInstance_SilentIfNone flag for wxMSW OLE code. This flag allows to suppress the error message in case there are no currently running instances of this object and can be useful if the caller doesn't know in advance whether it's available or not. Closes #12734.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66966

Move "static" keyword out from wxDEPRECATED() macros to placate icc. Intel compiler gives warnings if the static keyword is not at the beginning of the declaration and this happened when using it inside wxDEPRECATED() and related macros because the declaration started with __declspec(deprecated) or __attribute__((deprecated)) instead. To avoid this problem, simply move "static" outside the macro. Closes #12932.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66965

Correct signed/unsigned comparison in wxGridBagSizer code. Casting a signed value to unsigned type is a recipe for disaster if it actually turns out to be negative because the comparison remains always false and the loop becomes practically infinite. So cast the unsigned value to signed int instead, this should be perfectly safe as the number of columns or rows in a sizer can't exceed INT_MAX anyhow. Notice that after the changes of the previous revision the signed value should actually be always positive so this change is not strictly needed but it is still safer to write the comparison like this. See #12934.

2011-02-19 13:32 VZ, revision 66964

Don't accept invalid values for rows/columns in wxGBSpan ctor. wxGBSpan must have strictly positive row and column span as otherwise the grid bag sizer code could enter an infinite loop trying to exceed a negative number which it casted to an unsigned one. And while the cast itself is incorrect too the program still behaves undesirably (produces a lot of asserts in debug build and then crashes or crashes directly in release) if a zero size span is used so it seems better to prevent this from happening. Closes #12934.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66961

Fix out of bounds string access in wxMSW wxDirDialog. Using the initial directory of "/" (or "\\" or in fact any string consisting solely of slashes and backslashes) resulted in a crash as the code incorrectly tried to read the character before the beginning of the string. Fix this by checking that the string is not empty before using s.end()-1 iterator. Closes #12946.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66960

Don't ask for wxTextAttr colour if it doesn't have any in text sample. This fixes an assert which could happen when showing the rich text editor. Also show the colour in a more readable form if possible. Closes #12950.

2011-02-19 01:30 VZ, revision 66959

Compilation fix for PCH-less wxOSX build. Forward declare wxChoice. Closes #12953.

2011-02-19 00:42 JS, revision 66958

Version number change

2011-02-18 20:06 SC, revision 66956

fixes #12935

2011-02-18 19:44 SC, revision 66955

bail out with error in case of carbon set for 64 bit architecture

2011-02-18 19:25 SC, revision 66954

precomp header fixes

2011-02-18 18:48 SC, revision 66953

updating sysopt string

2011-02-18 18:29 SC, revision 66952

support for file-type popup, compatible for 10.4+, solves #12429

2011-02-18 08:26 SC, revision 66951

support non precomp builds

2011-02-17 23:08 JS, revision 66949

Change log updates and version/date updates

2011-02-17 16:01 JS, revision 66945

Workaround for #10040: wxGrid scrolls back to the previous edit position

2011-02-17 14:39 JS, revision 66943

Applied backport for #11157: Generic wxTreeCtrl - SelectItem toggles selection if item already in desired state

2011-02-17 13:30 JS, revision 66942

Applied fix #11254: assert on wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST and wxGrid

2011-02-17 12:01 JS, revision 66941

Backport for for #12143: Click anywhere inside wxListBox generates wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED event Needs wxUSE_LISTBOX_SELECTION_FIX to be set to 1 in include/wx/msw/listbox.h since it is not binary compatible.

2011-02-17 11:20 JS, revision 66940

Fix for backport

2011-02-17 11:12 JS, revision 66939

Applied backport for fix to #4111: wxFileName::IsFileReadable fails under Windows 98

2011-02-17 10:57 JS, revision 66938

Fixed #12312: Can't use --disable-radiobtn with 2.8

2011-02-17 10:53 JS, revision 66937

Fixed bug #9856: wxSizer::Replace( size_t, wxSizerItem *) doesn't call SetContainingSizer

2011-02-17 10:52 JS, revision 66936

Fixed bug #9856: wxSizer::Replace( size_t, wxSizerItem *) doesn't call SetContainingSizer

2011-02-17 10:46 SC, revision 66935

activating high-res support via artprov mac

2011-02-17 07:46 SC, revision 66934

patch applied with thanks, fixes #10524

2011-02-17 00:51 VZ, revision 66932

Correct example of wxRegKey use in its documentation. Don't check for the key existence, it ought to exist if we create it like this. Also don't allocate wxRegKey object on the heap unnecessarily.

2011-02-17 00:45 VZ, revision 66931

Remove WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE from VC6 wxCompositeWindow declaration. Hopefully not using WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE here should fix VC6 warnings about using non dll-interface class as a base class for a dll-interface one.