

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-03-25 12:00 VS, revision 67307

Revert r67137. GTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES causes trouble with other included libraries (libgnomeprint this time) too. This check for trivially fixed problems is not worth the continuing trouble. Fixes #13078.

2011-03-24 18:53 JS, revision 67306

wxRTC image writing speedup didn't make it into 2.8.12

2011-03-24 17:52 PC, revision 67305

fix tool item enter/leave notify, fixes #13083

2011-03-24 17:08 VZ, revision 67304

Set m_inheritBgCol flag in wxPanel with a background bitmap. This ensures that the panel background is used by its transparent children under wxMSW even when the panel itself is inside a wxNotebook with themed background: making InheritsBackgroundColour() return true prevents the notebook from overriding our background.

2011-03-24 11:59 JS, revision 67303

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-24 11:58 JS, revision 67302

Speeded up image saving to XML (WriteHex).

2011-03-23 18:37 PC, revision 67299

move deprecated GtkTooltips forward declaration to one place that still needs it

2011-03-23 18:36 PC, revision 67298

clean up wxGTK tooltip code

2011-03-23 16:22 DS, revision 67297

backported r67296. ( Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. See #12937. )

2011-03-23 16:20 DS, revision 67296

Fixed buffer overflow when saving certain images in the Windows icon format. When an image did not have a width with a multiple of 4 the calculations for the number of padding bytes (to get a scan line DWORD aligned) would be wrong. This caused a buffer overrun when saving the 1 bits per pixel mask. Fixes #12937.

2011-03-23 14:57 VS, revision 67295

Only react to clicks on the checkbox in wxDataViewToggleRenderer. Previously, left click anywhere in the cell toggled the checkbox. This was unexpected when the cursor was far from the checkbox in a wide column. With this change, one has to be over the checkbox to toggle it.

2011-03-23 13:59 VZ, revision 67294

Add WXK_CONTROL_A..WXK_CONTROL_Z constants. These key codes provide nicer symbolic values for ASCII values in 1..26 range generated by Ctrl+Letter keys. Closes #13075.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67293

Prevent event generation in wxGtkCalendarCtrl::SetDate(). Block not only gtk_day_selected_callback() but also gtk_month_changed_callback() as we don't want wxEVT_CALENDAR_PAGE_CHANGED generated neither when calling SetDate(). This fixes partial resetting of the just set value in wxDatePickerCtrl as calling SetDate() there resulted in the date being reset from inside it and the behaviour of the control was clearly wrong as could be seen in the widgets sample. Closes #13073.

2011-03-23 11:37 VZ, revision 67292

Use correct month in the date picker page of the widgets sample. Months returned by wxDateTime::GetMonth() start from 0 while people mostly expect to have 1-based months in the UI.

2011-03-22 20:13 VS, revision 67290

Fix <object_ref> processing to respect overridden attributes. r60494 accidentally broke this, by adding faster code path for child-less <object_ref>s. Unfortunately, this made it ignore <object_ref>s without children, but with attributes overrides. Fixes #13061.

2011-03-22 19:44 SC, revision 67289

wiring notifications

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67288

Add wxUSE_THREADS checks around wxMSW functions dealing with threads. This removes the code unneeded in wxUSE_THREADS==0 build and also fixes compilation of wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread() which didn't compile any more with wxUSE_THREADS==0 since r67185. Closes #13050.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67287

Don't consider fully opaque bitmaps as having alpha in wxMSW. Remove the alpha channel from the DIB we create not only if all of its pixels are fully transparent but also if they are all fully opaque. This prevents us from erroneously creating bitmaps with alpha channel when none is needed nor expected. Closes #13056.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67286

Add wxText{Input,Output}Stream::Get{Input,Output}Stream() methods. These methods simply return the underlying low-level stream. See #10807.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67285

Post size events to the event handler and not window itself. Post the artificial wxSizeEvent to the window event handler and not window itself in SendSizeEvent() as otherwise any event handlers wouldn't see this event at all. Closes #13066.

2011-03-22 18:15 VZ, revision 67284

Use disabled version of normal bitmap for disabled one in wxMSW::wxButton. Initialize the disabled button bitmap with a greyed out version of the normal one instead of using the same normal bitmap for it. This is more consistent with the other ports and makes more sense. Closes #13070.

2011-03-22 17:40 SC, revision 67283

first version of osx_cocoa implementation

2011-03-22 17:39 SC, revision 67282

only remove from parent if not content view, fixes #13068

2011-03-22 16:07 VZ, revision 67281

Correctly align background brush when erasing owner drawn bitmaps in wxMSW. Add a hack to work around the problem with background alignment when drawing the owner-drawn buttons in wxMSW. This fixes the alignment for any custom brushes used for background painting but doesn't help with user-defined EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handlers which still don't work well with the owner-drawn buttons. Unfortunately DrawThemeParentBackground() remains a mystery and I couldn't understand why not only doesn't it position the DC correctly on its own but also ignores any attempts to do it manually. This also doesn't help with the stubbornly remaining one pixel non-transparent border around non-owner-drawn buttons which I just can't get rid of.

2011-03-22 15:17 DS, revision 67280

Fixed various typos. Applied patch by snowleopard2 fixing a bunch of typos such as misspellings and double words in the documentation. Combined the patch with some local queued typos waiting to be committed as well as adding new typo fixes inspired by the patch. Function names with American spelling were not changed nor was third-party code touched. The only code changes involve some changes in strings that are translated ("Can not" -> "Cannot"). Closes #13063 (again).

2011-03-22 15:08 BP, revision 67279

Extensive documentation typo patch (closes #13063).

2011-03-22 15:06 DS, revision 67278

No code changes, removed tabs from source file.

2011-03-22 11:57 JJ, revision 67277

Update OpenVMS makefiles for WXMARKUP

2011-03-22 10:56 JMS, revision 67276

To have better support for themed and custom backgrounds for wxMSW wxComboCtrl, use WS_EX_COMPOSITED and wxBG_STYLE_ERASE instead of custom double-buffering (when made possible by the OS version)

2011-03-22 09:59 JMS, revision 67275

In wxComboCtrlBase::DrawButton(), let the button background rendering changes also apply to buttons with user-defined bitmaps

2011-03-22 09:45 JMS, revision 67274

Added entry for recent wxComboCtrl background rendering changes

2011-03-22 08:10 SC, revision 67273

fixes #13064

2011-03-22 07:44 SC, revision 67272

fixes #12579

2011-03-21 12:00 VZ, revision 67269

Fix wxMSW build without PCH after recent wxPanel changes. Add missing include of wx/bitmap.h in !WX_PRECOMP case. Closes #13060.

2011-03-21 11:59 VZ, revision 67268

Allow using milliseconds in wxLog timestamp. Use wxDateTime::UNow() instead of time() and wxDateTime::Format() instead of localtime() to make it possible to use "%l" specifier in wxLog time stamp. Closes #13059.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67267

Added a simple example of semi-transparent window to the erase sample. Show how to create a custom control with transparent background. Notice that this doesn't work in wxGTK currently.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67266

Remove keyboard-related code from the erase sample. This code seems irrelevant in this sample and just complicates it unnecessarily.

2011-03-20 23:33 VZ, revision 67265

Don't draw the mysterious black rectangle in the erase sample. The black rectangle drawn in EVT_PAINT handler in the sample prevented the custom background from showing through the wxStaticBitmap. Maybe it was initially done intentionally but this makes the sample look broken so just don't do this.

2011-03-20 20:48 DS, revision 67264

Made some TIFF reading adjustments. Read a few TIFF tags that assist with having a similar TIFF file when saving the image again, instead of (by default) always saving as a 24-bit RGB image. Also, in accordance with libtiff, allow reading X and Y resolution values even if the resolution unit tag is not set. Applied (modified) patch by scottb. Closes #13015.

2011-03-20 13:27 JS, revision 67259

Removed ugly black (simple) border around wxHTML help window in wxGTK.

2011-03-20 12:50 VZ, revision 67258

Fix test for wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL for PCH-less build. wxHAS_GENERIC_PANEL is only defined in wx/panel.h so test for it after including this file, not before. This fixes link errors due to missing wxPanel symbols in PCH-less builds.

2011-03-20 12:50 SC, revision 67257

spinctrl on mac is generic, so the peer is a userpane, fixes #13058

2011-03-20 12:15 JMS, revision 67256

Added wxComboCtrlBase::m_hasTcBgCol. Re-using base wxWindow::m_hasBgCol was trouble.

2011-03-20 11:59 JMS, revision 67255

Redone (generic) wxComboCtrl background painting and handling. The 'actual' wxWindow background colour is now largely ignored and overridden to refer the text-area's background colour instead (as is usually the case with controls like this). Base 'transparent' background is now only painted when double-buffered rendering is required, and otherwise delegated to the system, as appropriate. This should significantly improve control's appearance and compliancy with GTK+ and OS X themes and custom backgrounds.

2011-03-20 01:14 DS, revision 67254

No changes, synchronised source names that appear commented at the top of files with the actual path to the files. Fixed commented names (path, filename, and extension) of files in include/ and src/. Prepended the names in src/ with "src/" everywhere, while starting those in include/wx/ with "wx/".

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67253

Add wxPanel::SetBackgroundBitmap(). This method provides a simple way to set a background bitmap without defining an EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handler and, more importantly, one that works correctly in wxMSW for a window with children as it paints the background of transparent children too. Add a test of this method to the erase sample.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67252

Deprecate old style wxPanel ctor taking separate coordinates. wxPanel had a ctor in very old (wx 1.x-compatible?) style which was marked as "old" and not documented but not officially deprecated. Do deprecate it now in view of removing it in later releases.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67251

Split wxPanel in wxPanelBase and platform-specific files. So far we have only wxMSW-specific implementation (and also a trivial wxUniv-specific one) but it's still tidier to have all platform-specific code in separate files, especially as we're going to have more of it for wxMSW soon.

2011-03-20 01:00 VZ, revision 67250

No changes, just refactor wxMSW background brush methods. Factor out MSWGetCustomBgBrush() from MSWGetBgBrushForChild(). This is useful as in the vast majority of cases the parent window will want to use the same background brush for all of its children so it doesn't really care about the concrete child passed to MSWGetBgBrushForChild() and we can adjust the brush to the child origin in the common code instead of asking each derived class overriding MSWGetBgBrushForChild() to do this. This doesn't change anything but will make the upcoming changes to wxPanel background painting simpler.

2011-03-19 21:35 JS, revision 67249

Applied #13055: socket thread safety

2011-03-19 13:29 JS, revision 67248

Document wxRTC XML performance fix

2011-03-19 13:27 JS, revision 67247

Fix very poor performance on wxGTK when loading a lot of paragraphs with fonts due to pango calls in font accessors called from FindOrCreateFont.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67246

Fix wxRegKey::GetKeyInfo() output parameters in 64 bit builds. Use intermediate 32 bit DWORD variables for ::RegQueryInfoKey() outputs as size_t is 64 bit in 64 bit MSW builds and so the variables of type size_t can't/shouldn't be passed directly to this function to avoid only filling their lower 32 bits. Closes #11778.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67245

Slightly improve wxMouseCaptureLostEvent documentation. Minor changes to make the event description more clear. Closes #13052.

2011-03-19 12:57 VZ, revision 67244

Document wxPopupTransientWindow. Also fix a typo in a comment in the real class declaration. Closes #13044.

2011-03-19 09:36 SC, revision 67243

going private with userpane info

2011-03-18 23:22 DS, revision 67240

Fixed documentation of enum wxImageResizeQuality. A C-style comment was not closed and resulted in the explanation of wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL additionally containing the explanation of wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE and the latter having none. Regression since r67203.

2011-03-18 16:45 SC, revision 67233

moving userpane attribute into implementation

2011-03-18 16:10 DS, revision 67232

Set svn properties on various files throughout the repository (skipped docs/ ). Added missing svn:eol-style (set to native) and svn:keywords (set to Id) properties to c/cpp/cxx/h/mm files.

2011-03-18 15:33 SC, revision 67231

going private for m_peer to give a foundation for better encapsulation

2011-03-18 15:20 SC, revision 67230

going private for m_peer to give a foundation for better encapsulation

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67229

Fix exporting clipboard data to primary selection in wxGTK. Honour the requested selection in our selection handler instead of always returning the default one resulting in wrong data being pasted when using primary selection (e.g. middle clicking). Closes #12947.

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67228

Add wxHtmlHelpController::SetShouldPreventAppExit(). Add a method which can be used to indicate that the help window should prevent the application from exiting and use it in the help sample to prevent it from closing prematurely. Closes #13046.

2011-03-18 10:16 VZ, revision 67227

Limit the search in wxMSW virtual wxListCtrl by time. Instead of performing the search only up to a certain number of items, do it for as long as it takes less than the given time threshold (currently fixed at half a second). Closes #13038.

2011-03-18 08:16 JJ, revision 67226

Update configuration for OpenVMS

2011-03-17 12:35 VZ, revision 67224

Add a wxStaticText to the erase simple. This control explains better what is going on in the sample and also allows to test whether wxStaticText itself has properly transparent background (this is not currently the case under MSW).

2011-03-17 10:46 JS, revision 67223

Fixed problems caused by duplicated names across different style types.

2011-03-17 10:23 JS, revision 67222

Fixed problems caused by duplicated names across different style types.

2011-03-16 20:16 SC, revision 67221

adding missing newline at end of file

2011-03-16 14:15 SC, revision 67220

removing condition that is always true anyway (unsigned>=0)

2011-03-16 13:46 DS, revision 67219

Added support for reading image resolutions from PNG images. Patch by scottb. Closes #12893.

2011-03-16 11:58 SC, revision 67218

fixing unused params

2011-03-16 11:57 SC, revision 67217

always skip OnSize

2011-03-16 11:56 SC, revision 67216

calling explicit base class constructor from copy constructor

2011-03-16 11:55 SC, revision 67215

calling explicit base class constructor from copy constructor

2011-03-16 08:22 SC, revision 67214

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:18 SC, revision 67213

fixing iterator use

2011-03-16 08:16 SC, revision 67212

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:06 SC, revision 67211

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 08:00 SC, revision 67210

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 07:57 SC, revision 67209

making conversion explicit silences deprecation warning

2011-03-16 07:49 SC, revision 67208

signed/unsigned warning fix

2011-03-16 07:40 SC, revision 67207

signed/unsigned warning fix

2011-03-16 07:36 SC, revision 67206

replace usage of objective-c keyword 'id'

2011-03-16 07:34 SC, revision 67205

silence incorrect warning about missing return value

2011-03-15 21:21 SC, revision 67204

fixing iphone build

2011-03-15 17:42 DS, revision 67203

Changed behaviour of wxImageResizeQuality parameter in wxImage.Scale and wxImage.Rescale. Made the following changes: * Formerly specifying to resize using wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC or wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR could result in the ResampleBox method being used. Now always resize with the method that the user actually specified. * Added wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE to explicitly allow resizing with the ResampleBox method. * Previously wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH was equal to wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC. It has been changed to use wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BOX_AVERAGE when reducing the size of an image and wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC in all other cases. Closes #12845.

2011-03-15 17:37 DS, revision 67202

Changed wxImage.ResampleBox to always use a box size of at least 2 by 2 pixels. Previously when resizing by more than 50% (for example resizing from 100x100 to 51x51 or 140x140) a box size of 1x1 would be used which effectively would give the same result as using nearest neighbour. Make sure that at least a box size of 2x2 pixels is always used. Patch by scottb, see also #12845.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67201

Always use icons with wxToolbook in the notebook sample. wxToolbook asserts and doesn't work if it has no images so always use them with it in the sample to avoid it. Closes #11656.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67200

Use consistent sizes for all icons used in the button page of widgets sample. Explicitly pass wxART_BUTTON to wxArtProvider to ensure that all the icons are returned in the same size, otherwise they didn't look well and could result in an assert too, see #12909.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67199

Fix setting tooltips for generic wxSpinCtrl. Forward the tooltip set for the control to its subcontrols. Closes #9817.

2011-03-15 12:10 VZ, revision 67198

Document wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED in wxSlider documentation too. This even was only documented in wxCommandEvent documentation but not in wxSlider, mention it there too. Closes #12292.

2011-03-15 00:25 VZ, revision 67195

No changes, just clean up wxSVGFileDC code a little. Use literal strings instead of macros such as "newline", "space" and "semicolon" and also use wxColour::GetAsString() instead of reimplementing it. Closes #13037.

2011-03-14 12:55 VZ, revision 67192

Show wx{Note,Tool}book-specific styles in the notebook sample too. Demonstrate the use of styles such as wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH or wxTBK_HORZ_LAYOUT specific to particular controls and not only the ones common to all of them. Closes #13036.

2011-03-14 12:55 VZ, revision 67191

Don't generate wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK events while the mouse is captured. This prevents the parent TLW from interfering with the keyboard handling of the window that captured the mouse which very often needs Escape for itself to cancel the capture. In particular, this fixes the problems with Escape closing the entire dialog containing the controls instead of closing just the combobox drop down or a popup menu in wxMSW. Also modify wxGTK for consistency and update the documentation. Closes #12952.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67190

Document EVT_CHAR_HOOK. Explain that it is sent to the active TLW and not the focus window and that handling it suppresses all the normal keyboard events. Mention that it is not generated by wxOSX/Cocoa currently, see #12431.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67189

Don't intercept Escape key while IME is active. Escape is used by IME and intercepting it at wxWidgets level to generate EVT_CHAR_HOOK breaks the IME UI and may result in unexpected loss of data entered by user. To work around this, don't generate EVT_CHAR_HOOK for Escape while IME is active by checking for the special semaphore variable (which could be also used for other things in the future, see #9102) value. Closes #11386.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67188

Produce correct SVG files in all locales. Using wxSVGFileDC in locales using comma as decimal separator resulted in invalid SVG files being created as a decimal period should always be used in them. Fix this by replacing "%g" format specification with wxString::FromCDouble() call (wrapped in a convenient NumStr() helper function). Closes #12008.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67187

Fix changing the size of the bitmaps in wxMSW wxButton. The size of the wxImageList used to store the bitmaps wasn't updated before and so the old bitmap size continued to be used even after changing the actual bitmaps. Recreate wxXPButtonImageData to ensure that the image list size does change. Closes #12909.

2011-03-14 12:54 VZ, revision 67186

Print everything by default in non-interactive mode. IF we don't show the dialog allowing the user to select the pages range, we should print everything by default instead of printing nothing at all as we used to do. Closes #12998.