

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-06-11 19:14 RR, revision 27753

Compile fix for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:13 RR, revision 27752

Compile fix.

2004-06-11 19:12 RR, revision 27751

Added compatibility fix for wxADJUST_MINSIZE Added defines for HANDHELDPC

2004-06-11 19:02 ABX, revision 27750

No warning with wxUSE_BUSYINFO turned off.

2004-06-11 18:37 ABX, revision 27749

Generic colour dialog is still an option in wxMSW in non Univ mode

2004-06-11 17:19 ABX, revision 27748

wxUSE_FONTDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:45 ABX, revision 27747

wxUSE_PROGRESSDLG is optional.

2004-06-11 14:06 SC, revision 27746

adding compatibility mode fallback for custom window definition procs that don't allocated a content view at all

2004-06-11 13:14 ABX, revision 27745

wxID_ANY, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxNOT_FOUND, true, false, tabs replacements.

2004-06-11 12:55 ABX, revision 27744

Changed type of bitmaps. RC of DMC reported 'is not a valid Windows 3.0 or OS/2 1.x bitmap' for some images.

2004-06-11 12:36 DS, revision 27743

fixed typo, used word 'assigned' instead of 'allotted'

2004-06-11 02:41 RD, revision 27742

Accept both XY and X.Y version numbers

2004-06-11 01:25 RD, revision 27741

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-11 01:22 RD, revision 27740

Get unicows.dll from distrib/msw

2004-06-11 01:21 RD, revision 27739

Put this distributable here so it doesn't get lost again

2004-06-11 01:16 RD, revision 27738

corrected the .pyd names

2004-06-11 01:15 RD, revision 27737

fix the shebang

2004-06-10 22:17 VZ, revision 27736

update from herbert breunung

2004-06-10 20:40 JS, revision 27735

Combine new extra styles with old ones since some ports use this for internal implementation

2004-06-10 20:26 RD, revision 27734

Some doc tweaks

2004-06-10 19:37 VS, revision 27733

fixed pasting of Unicode strings

2004-06-10 19:24 VS, revision 27732

don't confuse wxDF_UNICODETEXT and wxDF_TEXT

2004-06-10 19:00 VS, revision 27731

removed outdated comment

2004-06-10 16:51 VZ, revision 27730

open more keys in read only mode if we need to only read from them (fixes problems with accessing some registry values under XP)

2004-06-10 16:50 VZ, revision 27729

fixed typo in wxFrame::SetStatusBar() (bug 970516)

2004-06-10 13:28 JS, revision 27728

OR extra style with existing value or some implementations will have problems (espec. wxGTK modal dialogs closing behaviour)

2004-06-10 13:27 VZ, revision 27727

disable the first top level parent, not the topmost top level parent

2004-06-10 12:06 VZ, revision 27726

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-10 12:01 DS, revision 27725

clarified the parameters of MB2WC and WC2MB a little in the docs/headers

2004-06-10 11:29 VZ, revision 27724

fixed assert in SetItemText() for wxTR_MULTIPLE controls

2004-06-10 00:09 RD, revision 27723

Take care of some focus issues with the AutoComp list box and also a crash at exit when losing focus.

2004-06-09 23:48 VZ, revision 27722

fixed OnFrameClose() return type

2004-06-09 22:19 RD, revision 27721

Ensure that the correct rectangle is clipped and refreshed for the CallTip

2004-06-09 22:01 VZ, revision 27720

explicit this-> is required by C++ standard, not g++, in WinStruct template

2004-06-09 21:48 VZ, revision 27719

count the root item in wxTreeCtrl::GetCount()

2004-06-09 19:00 RD, revision 27718


2004-06-09 18:59 RD, revision 27717


2004-06-09 18:55 RD, revision 27716

Use correct CheckForIntersect method

2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27715


2004-06-09 18:54 RD, revision 27714

Support for new ctor and Union

2004-06-09 17:51 RD, revision 27713


2004-06-09 17:50 RD, revision 27712

use the API Ptr accessor for the inline functions too.

2004-06-09 17:31 RD, revision 27711


2004-06-09 17:30 RD, revision 27710


2004-06-09 17:05 RD, revision 27709

Default position for PopupMenu

2004-06-09 16:42 ABX, revision 27708

-1->wxID_ANY, TRUE->true, FALSE->false and tabs replacements. Correct help system in non MSW builds of OGL-Studio sample.

2004-06-09 15:38 VS, revision 27707

removed unneeded prototype

2004-06-09 11:17 VS, revision 27706

documented wxString's ctors that convert between wc and mb strings

2004-06-09 07:12 RD, revision 27705


2004-06-09 07:10 RD, revision 27704

distrib and build updates