

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-03-26 12:00 VZ, revision 73720

Add wxDocument::Activate() method. Make activating the first (and, in the vast majority of cases, the only) view of the document easier. Closes #15120.

2013-03-26 12:00 VZ, revision 73719

Initialize Unicode code when generating wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK in wxMSW. Use the fixed value of 0 for the keys without Unicode equivalent instead of whatever junk was there in the uninitialized variable.

2013-03-26 12:00 VZ, revision 73718

Use WXK_DELETE as Unicode key code for VK_DELETE in wxMSW. U+007F is a Unicode character so we should set Unicode key code to this value for VK_DELETE presses. This also makes wxMSW consistent with wxGTK. Closes #3458.

2013-03-26 01:59 VZ, revision 73717

Use wxCONTROL_PRESSED instead of wxCONTROL_SELECTED in wxOSX renderer code. wxCONTROL_SELECTED is supposed to only apply to the selected items in a listbox and similar cases whereas the buttons use wxCONTROL_PRESSED flag to indicate whether they are toggled. Correct the code in wxRendererMac to use the latter, for consistency with the other platforms.

2013-03-26 01:59 VZ, revision 73716

No changes, just remove wxGtkIMData forward declarations. This class doesn't exist any more, so clean up references to it. See #3158.

2013-03-22 18:03 PC, revision 73708

fix GTK3 build

2013-03-22 15:13 VZ, revision 73707

Add GdkEventKey declaration fix PCH-less build. Declare it in wx/gtk/textentry.h too, not only wx/gtk/window.h.

2013-03-21 23:37 VZ, revision 73695

Add IM and full wxEVT_CHAR support to wxTextCtrl and wxComboBox in wxGTK. Generate wxEVT_CHAR events for non-ASCII characters entered in these controls by intercepting their insert-text signal. Also try to use GtkEntry/GtkTextView internal IM objects but unsuccessfully so far. Closes #3158.

2013-03-21 23:37 VZ, revision 73694

Allow using either single or multi line wxTextCtrl in keyboard sample. These controls are implemented quite differently in wxGTK, so it's convenient to be able to test both of them in the sample to check that they both behave correctly.

2013-03-21 23:37 VZ, revision 73693

Refactor wxGTK IM-related code to allow future modifications. No real changes, just make it possible to use a different IM than the one allocated in wxWindow for input handling. This will be used in the upcoming changes to wxTextEntry and the related classes. See #3158.

2013-03-21 23:36 VZ, revision 73692

Tweak wxGTK keyboard handling to allow accelerators to work again. Accelerators were broken by the changes of r72640 which were done to ensure that the focused window gets the keyboard event first, before its top level parent. Fix them now by still passing the events to the focused window first but also passing them to the parent top level if it hasn't been handled by the focused child. Unfortunately this is still not fully compatible with wxMSW because in wxGTK wxEVT_CHAR handler must skip the event in order to allow the accelerator using the same key to work, while in wxMSW the accelerator can only be suppressed by overriding wxWindow::MSWShouldPreProcessMessage(). We will need to make the two ports behave in the same way when the event is not skipped in the future. But for now, at least make them both behave correctly when the handler does skip the event. Closes #14553.

2013-03-21 23:36 VZ, revision 73691

Use flat generic status bar by default and add wxSB_SUNKEN. GTK+ applications don't use sunken status bars since many years, do don't do it in wxWidgets neither by default any more. Add wxSB_SUNKEN style that can be explicitly used if the old appearance is desired. Closes #15009.

2013-03-21 23:36 VZ, revision 73690

Disable Unity global menu while native modal dialogs are shown in wxGTK. We need to use wxOpenModalDialogLocker even with native GTK+ dialogs to prevent the menu commands from being available while they're shown, so do it in wxMessageDialog and wxColourDialog which call gtk_dialog_run(). Closes #14823.

2013-03-21 23:36 VZ, revision 73689

Create a small helper class for Unity global menu bug workaround. Encapsulate the code temporarily incrementing wxOpenModalDialogsCount in a small helper class to make it easier to reuse it elsewhere. See #14823.

2013-03-21 23:36 VZ, revision 73688

No changes, just remove an unused line of code. Fix g++ warning about initialized but unused variable in wxRTC code.

2013-03-19 16:43 VZ, revision 73687

Add missing space to fix r73681 changes. We need a space between the command and stderr redirection to avoid the "2" from being taken as part of the last option on the command line.

2013-03-19 03:58 VZ, revision 73682

Fix WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP missing definition for VC6. The previous workaround of defining it explicitly if it's not defined was left in src/msw/frame.cpp while the code using WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP was moved to src/msw/toplevel.cpp in r73562. Move the fallback definition there too.

2013-03-19 03:55 VZ, revision 73681

Suppress error output from Unix system information functions. Redirect stderr to /dev/null in wxGetCommandOutput() to avoid errors from the shell if the command we're trying to run doesn't exist.

2013-03-19 00:32 JS, revision 73680

Make sure include doesn't get overwritten when code regenerated

2013-03-18 21:41 RD, revision 73679

fix compilation problem

2013-03-18 21:21 JS, revision 73678

Fixed help for symbol picker and style manager dialogs

2013-03-18 13:07 JS, revision 73677

Added control over whether size and position units can be changed, and also size and position checkboxes.

2013-03-17 13:10 VZ, revision 73676

Fix minor typo in wxDV_VERT_RULES documentation. Don't say "is supported" when meaning "if supported" and, in fact, remove this part entirely as these styles are supported by all implementations.

2013-03-17 09:14 JS, revision 73675

Corrected clipboard data id

2013-03-17 09:13 JS, revision 73674

Corrected clipboard data id

2013-03-16 20:36 JS, revision 73673

Fixed centering/right alignment of last line

2013-03-16 18:27 VZ, revision 73672

Don't create temporary file in wxDebugReport ctor. Just use wxFileName::GetTempDir() instead of creating a file in the temporary directory and then using its path. Closes #15103.

2013-03-15 11:21 JS, revision 73665

Fixed a wxRichTextCaret refresh bug

2013-03-14 23:32 JS, revision 73664

Corrected wxRichTextCaret refresh

2013-03-14 22:04 JS, revision 73663

We need to switch off UI elements before they are laid out. Do this via static functions.

2013-03-13 14:47 VZ, revision 73648

Remove obsolete parts of autoconf_inc.m4. This file has accumulated a lot of condition checks which were not relevant any more, remove and recreate it (by running bakefile_gen) to get rid of them. Closes #15101.

2013-03-13 10:05 JS, revision 73647

Fixed some warnings

2013-03-12 21:54 JS, revision 73646

Added ability to switch off more components of the size page UI

2013-03-12 14:33 JS, revision 73645

Fixed UI customization helper

2013-03-11 19:03 JS, revision 73644

Search for font instead of creating it each time

2013-03-11 19:02 JS, revision 73643

Added missing RTTI

2013-03-11 11:08 SC, revision 73642

more specific solution to tooltips appearing on neighboring views, refs #15072

2013-03-10 23:13 SC, revision 73641

supporting also mouse entered / exited events which are not sent to the deepest child window, refs #15072

2013-03-10 22:14 SC, revision 73640

support alpha in color dialog, see #14127

2013-03-10 22:12 SC, revision 73639

make sure dialogs can support alpha transparency sliders

2013-03-10 21:36 SC, revision 73638

add support for alpha in color dialog on OSX, see #14127

2013-03-10 20:02 SC, revision 73637

avoid multiple mouse moved events, refs #15072

2013-03-10 15:20 SC, revision 73636

trying to solve cursor update problems with AUI, refs #15072

2013-03-10 02:09 VZ, revision 73635

Disable sorting of generic wxDataViewCtrl while it is frozen. Don't sort the contents of wxDataViewCtrl while it is frozen and resort it only when it is thawed. This dramatically speeds up adding items to the control when sorting is used as we only sort it once now instead of doing it after adding every item. Closes #14073.

2013-03-10 02:09 VZ, revision 73634

Use symbolic constants instead of magic numbers in wxDataViewCtrl code. No real changes, just add SortColumn_XXX symbolic constants which are somewhat more clear than -1 and -2 used before. Although the code based on the global variables remains as bad as before.

2013-03-09 16:08 VZ, revision 73633

Add GetFile() accessor to wxFileStream classes. Allow to retrieve the underlying file used by the stream. Closes #15093.

2013-03-09 16:08 VZ, revision 73632

No real changes, just use wxString::clear() instead of assignment. Consistently use clear() everywhere instead of assigning wxEmptyString in some places and wxT("") in some others to a string in order to clear it. See #15091.

2013-03-09 16:08 VZ, revision 73631

Return false from wxFileName::AppendDir() and InsertDir() on failure. Give the caller a way to know whether the directory was valid or not. Closes #15091.

2013-03-09 16:08 VZ, revision 73630

Use generic spin control itself as parent for its children. This fixes a problem with using wxSpinCtrlGeneric in toolbars under wxOSX, using the toolbar itself (i.e. the parent of the spin control) as parent for the children didn't work there and no windows were visible at all. Also use wxNavigationEnabled as base class of wxSpinCtrlGeneric to fix keyboard navigation. And override SetBackgroundColour() to set it for the text control part of the spin control only. Closes #15016.

2013-03-09 16:08 VZ, revision 73629

Implement support for pen cap and join in wxPostScriptDC. Use PostScript "setlinecap" and "setlinejoin" commands to do it. Closes #1244.