

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-10-21 21:32 SN, revision 30053

Added stubs for OS/2 to new printing system.

2004-10-21 18:47 VS, revision 30052

OS/2 needs wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN, too

2004-10-21 17:38 DW, revision 30051

Get rid of the class naming conflict with the base header for Print and supress some warnings.

2004-10-21 17:36 DW, revision 30050

Get rid of the class naming conflict with the base header

2004-10-21 13:58 DW, revision 30049

Removed temp OS/2 fix. Header now fixed.

2004-10-21 10:30 VZ, revision 30048

compilation fix after last checkin (missing header)

2004-10-20 22:50 VZ, revision 30047

added wxTextInputStream::operator>>(wchar_t) for compilers which support this

2004-10-20 22:14 VZ, revision 30046

decode URIs in wxFileDataObject::SetData(); fixes problem with filenames with spaces in their names (which were represented as )

2004-10-20 22:10 VZ, revision 30045

update g_isPainting in wxPaintEvent copy ctor

2004-10-20 22:03 VZ, revision 30044

added missing header (fixes compilation with WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 == 0)

2004-10-20 21:04 DE, revision 30043

Rewrote wxSound: * Get rid of #if wxUSE_SOUND from header. wx/sound.h checks this already. * Get rid of pragma interface/implementation. Apple GCC dislikes them anyway. * Allow source file to use precompiled headers (wx/wxprec.h) * Include only needed AppKit/Foundation headers, not AppKit/AppKit.h. * Implement simple constructors inline in header. * Get rid of m_sndname and m_waveLength instance variables. They aren't used. * Add copy constructor (why not). * Move implementation of byte-array constructor into LoadWAV for consistency with UNIX wxSound. * LoadWAV (what was in the constructor) now properly allocs, inits, and releases NSData. The old code for this was not valid. * Rename lastSound to s_currentSound. * Rename isLastSoundLooping to s_loopCurrentSound. * Ignore the sound:didFinishPlaying: delegate message if it is received for an NSSound other than s_currentSound. * Create should not Stop the current sound. * Don't use NSBundle to get a resource sound but use [NSSound soundNamed:] which will include system sounds. * Playing a sound synchronously uses wxEventLoop::Dispatch which will really block (not spin the CPU like Yield). The sound is considered finished playing when s_currentSound is set to something else. In order to make sure we don't get stuck in this event loop the delegate calls wxApp::WakeUpIdle if it releases s_currentSound. * Have IsPlaying() check to make sure s_currentSound is not nil since only messages returning another object or void are allowed to be sent to nil objects. Changes involving retain/release * Get rid of comment about tricky API, it's not. * Get rid of isLastSoundInScope. Cocoa has proper reference counting. * Add SetNSSound which, like the rest of wxCocoa, retains/releases appropriately, sets the delegate, and logs when WXTRACE=COCOA_RetainRelease. * Destructor does SetNSSound(nil) which will always release the NSSound. Create and LoadWAV use SetNSSound method like the rest of wxCocoa. * Make the delegate always release s_currentSound if not (or if done) looping. DoPlay sets s_currentSound to m_cocoaNSSound after retaining it so that the delegate can always safely release it. * Stop, like everything else, does not need check of isLastSoundInScope

2004-10-20 19:26 DW, revision 30042

getservbyname under INNOTEK gcc needs a (char*), not (const char*) for the protocol argument

2004-10-20 19:24 DE, revision 30041

Added some accelerators to the menu to help with stress testing wxSound: Ctrl+O Select WAV file Ctrl+S "Play sound synchronously" Ctrl+A "Play sound asynchronously" Ctrl+T "Play sound asynchronously (object on stack)" (T for temporary) Ctrl+L "Loop sound"

2004-10-20 19:18 DE, revision 30040

Added CocoaSetKeyEquivalent() that sets the accelerators. Only implemented for letters, numbers, and ascii control characters. TODO: up/down/etc.

2004-10-20 17:29 VZ, revision 30039

include colour.h (fixes wxX11 compilation under Unix)

2004-10-20 17:21 VZ, revision 30038

removed duplicate #include

2004-10-20 16:44 JS, revision 30037

Worked around font setting problem for GTK+1 on some distributions. This is a workaround for wxGrid only.

2004-10-20 15:14 VZ, revision 30036

use slashes instead of backslashes and quotes instead of angle brackets in all #includes

2004-10-20 15:00 VZ, revision 30035

fixed bug introduced by last commit: if we don't change the path because it is already correct, we should still change the name we use

2004-10-20 11:12 ABX, revision 30034

Minor manual fixes.

2004-10-20 10:47 VZ, revision 30033

only VC++ >= 7.0 has __COUNTER__

2004-10-20 09:18 ABX, revision 30032

DMC, OW and my copy of MinGW misses SH* values, Borland seems fine.

2004-10-20 01:25 ABX, revision 30031

Oups :-( incomplete previous undo.

2004-10-20 01:20 ABX, revision 30030

Correct fix to the compile time assert under OW. Kudos to Vadim to the tip.

2004-10-20 00:36 VZ, revision 30029

added stdpaths.* for MSW and Unix

2004-10-20 00:35 VZ, revision 30028

initial Unix implementation

2004-10-20 00:34 VZ, revision 30027

don't use wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2, wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT works for VC++ too now

2004-10-20 00:34 VZ, revision 30026

moved AppendAppName() from MSW to common code; modified it to not double the trailing slash, if any

2004-10-20 00:33 VZ, revision 30025

removed special definition of wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2, keep it only for compatibility

2004-10-20 00:31 VZ, revision 30024

define wxMAKE_UNIQUE_NAME so that it works even in VC++ with /ZI (edit and continue) option: use __COU*NTER__ instead of __LINE__

2004-10-19 23:51 VZ, revision 30023

updated bulid notes to include cmd line building instructions

2004-10-19 23:19 VZ, revision 30022

removed unneeded junk copied from MSW port

2004-10-19 23:17 VZ, revision 30021

fixed status bar source file name; removed wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUS_BAR; removed generic status bar file from makefile

2004-10-19 23:12 VZ, revision 30020

ignore build directory

2004-10-19 22:05 RD, revision 30019

reSWIGged for WebKitCtrl

2004-10-19 21:51 RD, revision 30018

docstring typo fixed

2004-10-19 21:50 RD, revision 30017

reSWIGged for WebKitCtrl

2004-10-19 21:48 RD, revision 30016

Give wxEVT_WEBKIT_STATE_CHANGED a dummy value too.

2004-10-19 21:41 RD, revision 30015

reSWIGged for WebKitCtrl

2004-10-19 21:40 RD, revision 30014

More WebKitCtrl tweaks, added wxWebKitStateChangedEvent and etc.

2004-10-19 21:10 ABX, revision 30013

Warning fix to avoid typecasting with OW elsewhere.

2004-10-19 21:05 RD, revision 30012

a little cleanup

2004-10-19 21:03 RD, revision 30011

reSWIGged for WebKitCtrl

2004-10-19 21:00 RD, revision 30010

Some tweaks for WebKitCtrl.

2004-10-19 21:00 ABX, revision 30009

OW warning fix. Our compile time asserts warns when used within function and dedicated #pragma seems not influence it so they are moved from functions into global space as near as possible.

2004-10-19 18:54 VS, revision 30008

added wxTB_HORZ_TEXT

2004-10-19 18:51 VZ, revision 30007

declaration (only, so far) for Unix

2004-10-19 18:50 VZ, revision 30006

wxStandardPaths test

2004-10-19 18:50 VZ, revision 30005

initial implementation for MSW

2004-10-19 18:49 VZ, revision 30004

switched to using a real class instead of a namespace because of Mac base/GUI problems