

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-11-08 00:28 RN, revision 30353

workback defs for OSX

2004-11-08 00:23 RN, revision 30352

clean up dust from uri tests

2004-11-08 00:17 RN, revision 30351

update msvc projs manually for changed tests and uri tests and rebake others

2004-11-07 22:22 KH, revision 30350

The spacing just isn't right without the 4 pixel border around the textbox part

2004-11-07 21:34 VS, revision 30349

fixed typo

2004-11-07 20:11 VZ, revision 30348

handle volume part of the path correctly in wxFileName(path, name, ext) ctor

2004-11-07 20:06 VZ, revision 30347

made IsPathSeparator(NUL) work (by returning false)

2004-11-07 19:44 VZ, revision 30346

ignore VC7 projects

2004-11-07 19:20 JS, revision 30345

wxWindows -> wxWidgets

2004-11-07 17:05 VS, revision 30344

use wxART_BUTTON for stock bitmap buttons

2004-11-07 15:47 RN, revision 30343

some setup.h changes for wxMovieCtrl

2004-11-07 14:14 RN, revision 30342

fix for [ 1052989 ] TextCtrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.NullColour) bug

2004-11-07 13:01 RN, revision 30341

fix for [ 1055191 ] wxTextCtrl::GetStyle() wrong attr and extended stat bar in text ctrl sample with rich text to show font attributes

2004-11-07 12:27 RN, revision 30340

quick fixup

2004-11-07 12:22 RN, revision 30339

allow multiple movie loading as per Julian's suggestion. DOC.

2004-11-07 11:42 RN, revision 30338

clear up wxStringBuffer docs a bit

2004-11-07 11:34 RN, revision 30337

correct Stopping - go to start of movie if stopped - add in preliminary docs

2004-11-07 10:56 RN, revision 30336

add Length, Tell, SetPlaybackRate and GetPlaybackRate - use Connect instead of message maps - on MSW don't assert if the file has no video and only sound - add event for when the movie finishes

2004-11-07 10:20 RR, revision 30335

Forgot to commit these.

2004-11-07 10:11 RR, revision 30334

Moved deletion of wxPrintFacory to module. Added wxWidgets 2.4 backward comp methods to wxPrintData which make use of the PostScript native print data if used.

2004-11-07 09:04 RN, revision 30333


2004-11-07 08:27 RN, revision 30332

wxMovieCtrl - for playing movies - mac carbon QT 3 MSW-compatable implementation and MSW DirectX7 directshow implementation

2004-11-07 05:38 KH, revision 30331

EnableEffects added for generic font dialog

2004-11-07 05:38 KH, revision 30330

Added checking of EnableEffects flag and not allowing changes to color or underlining if it is not set, consistent with MSW (GTK2 native control doesn't offer underlining or color, so flag is essentially always disabled on GTK2)

2004-11-07 01:11 RN, revision 30329

change spun via [ 1050204 ] wxFileDialog wildcard filters

2004-11-07 01:03 RN, revision 30328

[ 1057587 ] MacOSX build fails with --disable-gauge or --disable-spinbtn

2004-11-07 00:48 RN, revision 30327

fix for [ 1020924 ] wx.Display.IsPrimary is wrong

2004-11-07 00:09 RN, revision 30326

fix for [ 950550 ] wxChoice - wxEmptyString (wxChoice::FindString doesn't work with empty strings) - confirmed on win2k

2004-11-06 23:49 RN, revision 30325

fix for [ 1044879 ] wxMSW 2.5.3: memleaks in listctrl.cpp and bug in listctrl sample

2004-11-06 23:14 RN, revision 30324

fix for [ 1042972 ] Keycodes above WXK_START conflict with unicode characters

2004-11-06 22:14 SN, revision 30323

Added wxStandardPaths implementation for OS/2.

2004-11-06 20:39 RN, revision 30322


2004-11-06 20:32 RN, revision 30321

[ 955006 ] wxDb query with column information (modded to overload instead of creating a new function)

2004-11-06 08:23 RN, revision 30320

final cleanup of string conversion with null characters (hopefully :))

2004-11-06 07:09 RN, revision 30319

Revert files to previous version that were affected by wxIsXXX((wxChar)X) change. Note - passing a negative value to those c lib functions is undefined, and could return true on platforms using a lookup table, for example (might crash also?), which is what will happen when casting to char to ansii mode and a char is above 127

2004-11-06 06:57 RN, revision 30318

fixup // comment header

2004-11-06 06:42 RN, revision 30317

fix warning

2004-11-06 06:41 RN, revision 30316

rewrite wxGetKeyState a bit, spun from [ 1058347 ] Fixes wxGetKeyState

2004-11-06 06:26 DE, revision 30315

Use gsockosx.cpp from new corefoundation directory.

2004-11-06 06:19 SC, revision 30314

selection handling for data browser

2004-11-06 03:45 RD, revision 30313

syntax fixes

2004-11-06 03:45 RD, revision 30312

don't use --jobs

2004-11-06 02:32 RN, revision 30311

in unescape add normal characters in addition to unescaped characters :)

2004-11-06 02:24 KH, revision 30310

Add ability to position and/or center the dialog for wxGetPasswordFromUser like you can for wxGetTextFrom User (documentation)

2004-11-06 02:21 KH, revision 30309

Add ability to position and/or center the dialog for wxGetPasswordFromUser like you can for wxGetTextFrom User

2004-11-06 02:19 KH, revision 30308

Simplified the wxCENTRE style check

2004-11-05 22:25 RR, revision 30307

I admit I have no good solution for wxPrinter::Setup(wxWindow*) yet. I'd just remove it but I'll think it over if there is or was any use for it.

2004-11-05 21:33 RR, revision 30306

Mem leaks in connection with print factory code.

2004-11-05 21:18 ABX, revision 30305

Warning fixes to unused variables, int/wxChar keycode and other typecasting, not mixing 'type*' and 'type' variables in single line, IsEmpty to empty replacement etc.

2004-11-05 21:17 VS, revision 30304

use wxNewId in wxEditableListBox to avoid conflicts with XRC