

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-05-20 15:15 VZ, revision 74037

Add a public wxModalDialogHook class for intercepting modal dialogs. Extract wxModalDialogHook from wx/testing.h into its own wx/modalhook.h, extend it to allow to be notified not only about showing modal dialogs but also about dismissing them and document it and show its use in the dialogs sample. Also replace all the WX_TESTING_SHOW_MODAL_HOOK macros occurrences with WX_HOOK_MODAL_DIALOG.

2013-05-20 15:15 VZ, revision 74036

Fix return value of wxCountingOutputStream::LastWrite(). Don't reuse m_lastcount in wxCountingOutputStream to store the stream length, this doesn't make any sense and results in LastWrite() returning completely wrong results as it expects m_lastcount to be the number of bytes written by the last operation. Add m_lastPos member to store the stream length instead. Also correct wxCountingOutputStream documentation. Closes #15215.

2013-05-20 15:15 VZ, revision 74035

Make code reading BMP files more robust. Check that we did correctly read the requested amount of data instead of blindly assuming that the needed (from the point of view of BMP format specification) number of bytes are always available -- this doesn't work so well with corrupted or truncated files. Closes #12056.

2013-05-20 15:15 VZ, revision 74034

Add wxInputStream::ReadAll() and wxOutputStream::WriteAll(). Unlike Read() and Write(), these functions always transfer exactly the specified number of bytes or fail. See #12056.

2013-05-19 19:26 VZ, revision 74033

Link with liblzma when using built-in libtiff if it's available. New version of libtiff includes code using liblzma if it's available, so we need to link with it in this case. Closes #14963.

2013-05-19 14:47 VZ, revision 74032

Propagate wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED renaming to the real stc.cpp. wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED was renamed to wxEVT_TEXT in the generated stc.cpp but not in it was generated from. Do it there too to prevent the correct version in stc.cpp from being overwritten during the next regeneration. See #10661.

2013-05-19 14:38 VZ, revision 74031

Trigger wxLog auto-creation when getting old logger in wxLogChain ctor. This ensures that a program that uses wxLogChain or one of the classes deriving from it, such as wxLogWindow, can do it directly without worrying about the standard logging being completely suppressed if the default log target hadn't been instantiated yet.

2013-05-19 14:38 VZ, revision 74030

Delete the associated dialog in wxGTK wx{File,Dir}Button. The code seemed to rely on Destroy() being called for deleting the dialog, but it's actually not used for child windows, so do it in dtor instead. Closes #15156.

2013-05-19 14:38 VZ, revision 74029

Add conversions to/from long long to wxUniChar. Allow conversions to/from long long and unsigned long long values in wxUniChar for consistency with the other integral types. Also make the code shorter by using helper wxDO_FOR_INT_TYPES() and wxDO_FOR_CHAR_INT_TYPES() macros to avoid duplicating the same code for all of the integral types and having to handle wchar_t (and wxLongLong_t now) specially because sometimes we may need to overload on it and sometimes not. Finally, add more tests to check that all the wxUniChar methods compile and work with all the different types. Closes #15206.

2013-05-19 14:38 VZ, revision 74028

Disable menu event test case in wxGTK buildbot slaves. This test sporadically fails for unknown reason and I don't know what to do about it, so disable it for now to let the test suite pass consistently and be notifed about any new failures.

2013-05-18 16:07 SJL, revision 74020

Use wxCOMPtr throughout the wxWebViewIE Find code. As well as making the code a bit neater this seems to fix some memory issues. See #15207.

2013-05-17 22:00 VZ, revision 74019

Test using wxString::ToCDouble() in wxAny. Apparently the heap corruption problems in wxOSX/PPC build are due to using wxString::ToDouble() and not anything done specifically in wxAny at all.

2013-05-17 13:53 VZ, revision 74017

Try using wxString::ToCDouble() instead of ToDouble() in wxAny case. Apparently enabling the call to ToDouble() in the test is enough to corrupt the heap in wxOSX PPC build. No idea how can this be possible but try to check if using ToCDouble() helps...

2013-05-17 13:53 VZ, revision 74016

Make wxPreferencesEditor dtor virtual. Mainly just to suppress g++ warnings about a class with virtual functions but non-virtual dtor, this class isn't really supposed to be used polymorphically.

2013-05-16 20:00 RD, revision 74014

Add richtext event types.

2013-05-16 20:00 RD, revision 74013

More richtext fixes and cleanup for Phoenix

2013-05-16 19:57 RD, revision 74012

Add docs for SetMin and SetMax

2013-05-16 16:43 VZ, revision 74011

Initialize wxXmlResourceHandler members in its ctor. Not sure if this results in any real problems but at the very least memory checking tools give errors about reading uninitialized memory in wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl::CreateResource() if we leave them uninitialized, so do initialize all the pointers.

2013-05-16 16:43 VZ, revision 74010

Allow wxPreferencesEditor::Dismiss() to work when using modal dialogs too. The modal dialog case is not really different, the dialog may still need to be dismissed if the associated object doesn't exist any longer.

2013-05-16 16:43 VZ, revision 74009

Add wxPreferencesEditor::ShownModally(). While this is not necessary to use wxPreferencesEditor in normal scenario, it can be useful if the program needs to handle modal dialogs in some special way.

2013-05-16 16:43 VZ, revision 74008

Make wxPreferencesEditor::Show() virtual. This allows derived classes to override it to do something before/after showing the dialog, which can be useful on the platforms where modal dialogs are used for wxPreferencesEditor implementation.

2013-05-16 16:42 VZ, revision 74007

Use "<Application> Preferences" as generic wxPreferencesEditor dialog title. This is more appropriate than just "Preferences" under MSW and GTK which use the generic wxPreferencesEditor, OS X has its own native version which continues to correctly use "Preferences" for the title.

2013-05-16 16:42 VZ, revision 74006

Allow to specify the title used by wxPreferencesEditor window. Customize the title is useful for "Settings"-style windows which are used for editing the properties of the given object, that should be identified in the window title, as opposed to the global program preferences.

2013-05-16 16:42 VZ, revision 74005

Open generic wxPreferencesEditor at last shown page. This is very convenient under systems using a modal dialog for the preferences editor implementation (such as MSW), as it allows to do several changes in the same page without having to select it manually every time.

2013-05-16 16:42 VZ, revision 74004

Rename CreateWindow() to CreateDialog() in generic wxPreferencesEditor code. No real changes, just rename a method to avoid confusion with wxPreferencesPage::CreateWindow(). Also return the concrete type of the dialog, not a base wxDialog, as it will be useful for future changes.

2013-05-16 16:33 VZ, revision 74003

Add wxEVT_DIRCTRL_FILEACTIVATED wxDirCtrl event. Allow processing double clicks on the files in the directory control. Closes #15208.

2013-05-16 16:33 VZ, revision 74002

Rename wxEVT_DIRCTRL_CHANGED to wxEVT_DIRCTRL_SELECTIONCHANGED. This is more consistent with the existing wxEVT_FILECTRL_SELECTIONCHANGED. Closes #15209.

2013-05-16 16:32 VZ, revision 74001

Allow associating a validator with wxGridCellTextEditor. Add wxGridCellTextEditor::SetValidator() for finer control over text input in wxGrid. Closes #15176.

2013-05-16 16:32 VZ, revision 74000

Re-enable yet another hopefully harmless test in wxAny test case.

2013-05-16 16:15 VS, revision 73999

Call wxThread::Create() from Run() automatically. In the common case, when Run() is called immediately after Create() and default stack size is used, it's unnecessarily verbose. Just create the thread in Run() if it wasn't done explicitly yet.

2013-05-16 16:15 VS, revision 73998

Move POSIX implementation of wxThread::Create() to wxThreadInternal. No real changes, just refactoring to follow the same pattern as other implementations use.

2013-05-16 16:15 VS, revision 73997

Lock m_critsect in POSIX wxThread::Create(). This is the documented behavior: all methods accessing m_internal should lock it.

2013-05-16 13:40 VZ, revision 73996

Re-enable wxAny<double>::GetAs<wxString>() test.

2013-05-16 08:18 JJ, revision 73995

m_useExtendedPrecision is only used if the macro wxUSE_APPLE_IEEE is defined

2013-05-16 03:45 VZ, revision 73994

Enable wxAny<double>::GetAs<unsigned long>() test.

2013-05-15 23:45 VZ, revision 73993

Re-enable a single m_anyDoubleDouble1 test in wxAny test case.

2013-05-15 23:45 VZ, revision 73992

Fix wxXmlNode self-assignment. Don't lose the node contents if it's assigned to itself.

2013-05-15 22:02 VZ, revision 73991

Reenable m_anyBool1 tests in wxAny test case too.

2013-05-15 22:01 VZ, revision 73990

Fix memory leak in wxXmlNode::operator=(). We must delete all children and attributes in the node being overwritten and not just the first one of each. Add a unit test exercising this code to be able to check that valgrind doesn't report memory leak any more after the fix.

2013-05-15 15:05 VZ, revision 73989

Re-enable conversions of wxAny to boolean tests.

2013-05-15 15:05 VZ, revision 73988

Restore ability to parse hours only with wxDateTime::ParseTime(). This was accidentally removed in r51059, but worked in 2.8 and so should continue to work. Also add a unit test to ensure that this doesn't get broken again in the future. Closes #15204.

2013-05-15 15:05 VZ, revision 73987

Fix crash in wxGTK wxPopupWindow when creating it without parent. Popup windows don't necessarily have a parent, so don't crash if parent pointer is NULL in wxPopupWindow::Create(). Closes #15173.

2013-05-15 15:05 VZ, revision 73986

Allow shrinking the array with wxArray::resize(). This method did nothing if its argument was less than the current array size, as it was just a synonym for SetSize() which was documented to behave like this, but this was inconsistent with std::vector and wxVector resize() which does shrink the array, so change wxArray version to shrink it too. Closes #15195.

2013-05-15 15:05 VZ, revision 73985

Fix typo in a closing "#endif" comment in the test. Closes #15203.

2013-05-14 18:58 VS, revision 73984

Move wxTransform2D methods' bodies to geometry.cpp. They are all virtual and so cannot be inlined anyway and having them in the header like this confuses the g++ linker into always pulling some of the methods in merely because geometry.h was included.

2013-05-14 13:07 VZ, revision 73982

Reenable some wxAny tests back.

2013-05-14 13:07 VZ, revision 73981

Add more echo trace statements to runtests.bat script. Try to make the output a bit more organized.

2013-05-13 19:09 VZ, revision 73976

Disable more wxAny tests again.

2013-05-13 15:25 VZ, revision 73975

Try to find another wxAny test that results in heap corruption. Conversion to float is not the only problem...

2013-05-13 13:05 VZ, revision 73974

Disable more tests in wxOSX/PPC build. Also added a #warning to make it more apparent what we're doing here.