

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-06-05 02:28 VZ, revision 76666

Fix spurious assert when creating multiline wxTextCtrl from XRC. Don't try to set the hint unconditionally, this doesn't work with multiline text controls and so resulted in an assert when trying to create one from XRC since the changes of r76629. Closes #16317.

2014-06-05 02:26 VZ, revision 76665

Stop Scintilla timer when the control doesn't have focus. This avoids excessive CPU load due to generating completely unnecessary timer notifications for every wxSTC control in a program. Closes #14938.

2014-06-05 00:47 VZ, revision 76664

Add cast to wxWindow to fix wxUniv/MSW compilation. wxWindowMSW is different from (base class of) wxWindow in wxUniv and needs to be converted to it explicitly.

2014-06-05 00:47 VZ, revision 76663

Including missing header for wxUniv/MSW build. Compilation fix after the changes of r76657, see #16265.

2014-06-04 23:34 VZ, revision 76662

Compilation fix to wxMSW tooltip code when not using PCH. Include the required header when not using PCH. See #16265.

2014-06-04 23:15 VZ, revision 76661

Polish translations update from Mariusz Drozdowski.

2014-06-04 22:55 VZ, revision 76660

Polish translations update from Mariusz Drozdowski.

2014-06-02 20:14 VZ, revision 76659

Compilation fix for wxMSW 64 bit build with icc. This compiler doesn't want to narrow INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to int, so use wxUIntPtr instead. See #16233.

2014-06-02 15:15 VZ, revision 76658

Explicitly convert int to HANDLE to fix 64 bit wxMSW build. This fixes g++ compilation problem in 64 bit mode after the changes of r76653, it complained about comparing pointer (HANDLE) with an integer. It might also fix compilation with icc. See #16233.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76657

Hide tooltip when its associated window is hidden in wxMSW. Don't leave the tooltip shown on screen if the window it was shown for was hidden or iconized (without moving the mouse, as that would have dismissed the tooltip as well). Closes #16265.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76656

Fix bug with removing items from menus with radio buttons in wxMSW. Update the indices of the radio groups after removing an item from the menu. See #14213.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76655

Use wxWinAPI::Event wrapper class instead of raw Windows event handles. This makes the code slightly shorter and, more importantly, more readable and safer. Closes #16233.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76654

Add a simple wrapper for Windows event handle object. This will be used instead of raw events in wxMSW code in the upcoming commit. See #16233.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76653

Allow wxMSW AutoHANDLE helper to be used with more kinds of handles. Make AutoHANDLE a template to allow specifying the invalid handle value, which is inconsistent across Win32 API and is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE for most kinds of handles but 0 for some others, e.g. event object handles. See #16233.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76652

Ensure that wxPreviewCanvas always gets idle event. Use wxWS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE flag to ensure that the print preview receives idle events even when wxIDLE_PROCESS_SPECIFIED global idle mode is used. Closes #15104.

2014-06-02 03:15 VZ, revision 76651

Allow access to the currently shown wxInfoBar buttons. Add wxInfoBar::GetButtonCount(), GetButtonId() and HasButtonId() methods. Closes #15110.

2014-06-02 03:13 VZ, revision 76650

Fix bug with removing items from menus with radio buttons in wxMSW. Update the indices of the radio groups after removing an item from the menu. See #14213.

2014-06-02 02:16 VZ, revision 76649

Revert "Correctly detect cancelled drag-and-drop operations in wxGTK." This reverts r75745 (and r75749 fixing a minor problem in it) as this change broke the reporting of the result of the drag and drop operation instead of fixing it. See #15930.

2014-06-01 18:46 VZ, revision 76648

Document that wxCANCEL_DEFAULT doesn't work in wxOSX/Cocoa. See #16268.

2014-06-01 18:46 VZ, revision 76647

Don't check for model in wxDataViewCtrl::InsertColumn() in wxOSX. This isn't done in neither generic nor the GTK versions and prevents from inserting the columns into the control before associating a model with it. Closes #16257.

2014-06-01 18:44 VZ, revision 76646

Document that wxCANCEL_DEFAULT doesn't work in wxOSX/Cocoa. See #16268.

2014-06-01 18:30 VZ, revision 76645

Don't check for model in wxDataViewCtrl::InsertColumn() in wxOSX. This isn't done in neither generic nor the GTK versions and prevents from inserting the columns into the control before associating a model with it. Closes #16257.

2014-06-01 18:28 VZ, revision 76644

Relax checking window visibility in wxGLCanvas::SetCurrent(). It is enough for the window to be shown for SetCurrent() to work, it doesn't have to be actually visible on screen, and checking for this using IsShownOnScreen() resulted in false positives. Closes #16193.

2014-06-01 18:27 VZ, revision 76643

Relax checking window visibility in wxGLCanvas::SetCurrent(). It is enough for the window to be shown for SetCurrent() to work, it doesn't have to be actually visible on screen, and checking for this using IsShownOnScreen() resulted in false positives. Closes #16193.

2014-06-01 18:23 VZ, revision 76642

Don't leak sort descriptors array in wxDataViewCtrl in wxOSX. wxCocoaOutlineDataSource owns its sortDescriptors field, so it must release it in its dealloc() (and also initialize it in its init(), no idea how did it work without this being done before). Closes #16231.

2014-06-01 18:23 VZ, revision 76641

Fix memory leak when using custom renderers in wxOSX wxDataViewCtrl. wxDataViewRendererNativeData retains a reference to the cell passed to it, so the cell must be released after passing it to wxDataViewRendererNativeData to avoid leaking it. Closes #16226.

2014-06-01 18:23 VZ, revision 76640

Don't leak wxDataViewCtrl column objects in wxOSX/Cocoa. NSOutlineView addTableColumn method takes ownership of the column passed to it, so we must release it ourselves to avoid leaking it. Closes #16223.

2014-06-01 18:23 VZ, revision 76639

Don't recreate the native control in wxOSX wxDataViewCtrl dtor. Don't call ClearColumns() which recreates the control in order to remove its columns in wxOSX/Cocoa, just clean up the internal data, the control, and its columns, will soon be deleted anyhow. Closes #16210.

2014-06-01 18:22 VZ, revision 76638

Don't leak sort descriptors array in wxDataViewCtrl in wxOSX. wxCocoaOutlineDataSource owns its sortDescriptors field, so it must release it in its dealloc() (and also initialize it in its init(), no idea how did it work without this being done before). Closes #16231.

2014-06-01 18:22 VZ, revision 76637

Fix memory leak when using custom renderers in wxOSX wxDataViewCtrl. wxDataViewRendererNativeData retains a reference to the cell passed to it, so the cell must be released after passing it to wxDataViewRendererNativeData to avoid leaking it. Closes #16226.

2014-06-01 18:22 VZ, revision 76636

Don't leak wxDataViewCtrl column objects in wxOSX/Cocoa. NSOutlineView addTableColumn method takes ownership of the column passed to it, so we must release it ourselves to avoid leaking it. Closes #16223.

2014-06-01 18:22 VZ, revision 76635

Don't recreate the native control in wxOSX wxDataViewCtrl dtor. Don't call ClearColumns() which recreates the control in order to remove its columns in wxOSX/Cocoa, just clean up the internal data, the control, and its columns, will soon be deleted anyhow. Closes #16210.

2014-05-31 23:01 TIK, revision 76634

wxString::To(U)LongLong has very bad semantics, if that function is not supported on a given platform, it silently fails. Took me hours to spot this as the cause for a strange bug in one of my programs. While not fixing the silent failure (e.g. via #error), this patch adds support for additional platforms.

2014-05-31 16:30 VZ, revision 76633

Remove spurious MSVC check around wxDF_HTML code in wxMSW. For some reason, support for wxDF_HTML in clipboard code was disabled for non-MSVC compilers. Enable it now as it's not compiler-specific at all. See #16297.

2014-05-31 16:30 VZ, revision 76632

Remove spurious MSVC check around wxDF_HTML code in wxMSW. For some reason, support for wxDF_HTML in clipboard code was disabled for non-MSVC compilers. Enable it now as it's not compiler-specific at all. See #16297.

2014-05-31 16:21 VZ, revision 76631

Allow viewing read-only long string wxPropertyGrid properties values. When wxLongStringProperty is read-only, it should still be possible to view its value by opening the dialog normally used for editing it, otherwise this value cannot be seen (nor copied, which is also useful sometimes) at all. Closes #14945.

2014-05-31 16:21 VZ, revision 76630

Return all information from wxListCtrl::GetItem() if no mask specified. This is more useful than returning nothing and is consistent with the generic version behaviour. Closes #3666.

2014-05-30 18:35 VZ, revision 76629

Add support for "hint" property in wxTextCtrl XRC handler. It is convenient to allow specifying the hints directly in the resources.

2014-05-30 18:34 VZ, revision 76628

Add support for "hint" property in wxTextCtrl XRC handler. It is convenient to allow specifying the hints directly in the resources.

2014-05-30 18:34 VZ, revision 76627

Fix cancelling choice of custom colour in wxPropertyGrid. When using wxPGEditor_Choice colour property, cancelling the choice of the custom colour reset the previously selected custom colour. Fix this by correcting the test for the custom colour which didn't work before. Closes #15542.

2014-05-30 18:29 PC, revision 76626

Fix X 'BadPixmap' crash in Blit() with mask when GTK+ <= 2.16, closes #16303

2014-05-30 01:48 VZ, revision 76625

Update the instructions about adding a new wxUSE_FOO symbol. Mention wx/chkconf.h. Provide specific instructions for MSW-specific options. Don't tell people to update wx/univ/setup.h (it is auto-generated) nor setup.h_vms (it is manually updated by the OpenVMS maintainer).

2014-05-30 01:48 VZ, revision 76624

Fix cancelling choice of custom colour in wxPropertyGrid. When using wxPGEditor_Choice colour property, cancelling the choice of the custom colour reset the previously selected custom colour. Fix this by correcting the test for the custom colour which didn't work before. Closes #15542.

2014-05-30 01:48 VZ, revision 76623

Correct handling of the characters outside of the BMP in wxSTC. The code mapping positions for the units of the UTF-13/32 string used by wxWidgets to positions for the units of the UTF-8 string used by Scintilla didn't work correctly for the characters outside of the BMP, i.e. Unicode code points >= 0x10000. See #15621.

2014-05-30 01:48 VZ, revision 76622

Fix wrong resulting string length in UTF-16 to wchar_t conversion. Don't optimize the returned length for surrogate-less case, this does save a pass of the string but at the price of returning a wrong result, which is not worth it, just compute the really required length exactly. Closes #16298.

2014-05-28 21:33 VZ, revision 76618

Fix wrong resulting string length in UTF-16 to wchar_t conversion. Don't optimize the returned length for surrogate-less case, this does save a pass of the string but at the price of returning a wrong result, which is not worth it, just compute the really required length exactly. Closes #16298.

2014-05-28 01:59 VZ, revision 76616

Don't include "webview" in "standard" libraries. This means `wx-config --libs` doesn't include webview in its output by default any longer, it must be explicitly requested. Closes #16291.

2014-05-28 01:59 VZ, revision 76615

Don't advise people to make new libraries standard. Update the instructions for adding the new library to not recommend to make the new library standard, this is rarely, if ever, needed. See #16291.

2014-05-27 23:09 SC, revision 76614

work around OS X bug, fixes #16292

2014-05-27 19:27 VZ, revision 76613

Ensure that wxTestableFrame is shown on the (main) screen. Undo the accidental commit of local modifications in r74997.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76612

Move wx/html/forcelnk.h back to wxHTML from wxBase headers. This partially undoes r32570 which doesn't seem necessary any more as wx/html/forcelnk.h is only used in wxHTML since the addition of wx/link.h soon after that revision and having it in wxBase is completely unnecessary and just looks strange.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76611

Update MSVC 10+ projects with upmake. Update the files used in MSVC 10, 11 and 12 projects from the master files list. The main change is the removal of all headers from the core project: it doesn't seem to make sense to have all headers, even for the completely unrelated projects, in it and it is easier to just have the core own headers. The only other changes are the addition of a few headers (including the .cpp files used as headers) to the base project and the removal of the files which are never built (but still appear in auto-generated by bakefile projects because they could have been used in wxUniv case) in the core project.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76610

Add first draft version of upmake, tool for updating makefiles. Start moving away from files.bkl as the primary source for the files -- and away from bakefile itself as the make/project file generator -- by storing the list of files in a new build/files file and provide a simple build/upmake script for updating files.bkl and the manually maintained MSVC10+ projects from this file contents.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76609

Add missing wx/msw/webview_missing.h header to MSVC 10+ webview projects. This file was present in auto-generated VC[789] projects but was forgotten in the manually maintained ones, add it now.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76608

Separate MSW resource files from the headers. Use separate MSW_HDR and MSW_RSC variables instead of putting everything into MSW_HDR: resources, such as .manifest, .bmp, .ico and .cur files, don't belong to the headers.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76607

No real changes, just use FOO_CMN_{SRC,HDR} for all libraries in files.bkl. Make variable definitions consistent for all libraries: previously some of them were decomposed in FOO_CMN_SRC and FOO_PLATFORM_SRC parts while others just defined FOO_SRC directly and interpolated FOO_PLATFORM_SRC into it. Use helper FOO_CMN_SRC for all of them now, as it will make it easier to update them automatically (and the same thing for headers, i.e. HDR variables). No changes to the generated project/make files.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76606

Minor cleanup in files.bkl. Remove duplicate file. Remove commented out variable assignments.

2014-05-26 09:30 PC, revision 76605

Fix setting client data when adding items to a sorted wxListBox, broken in r74317 closes #16290

2014-05-26 02:00 DS, revision 76604

remove stray '1' character from docs (introduced in r76601)

2014-05-25 11:40 TIK, revision 76603

Fix buffer overflow reported by the compiler: wxChar m_ext[kMacExtensionMaxLength] ; ... m_ext[kMacExtensionMaxLength] = 0 ; //warning: array index 16 is past the end of the array (which contains 16 elements) [-Warray-bounds]

2014-05-24 20:39 PC, revision 76602

fix wxStaticText improperly wrapping text when initial size is fully specified, closes #16278

2014-05-24 00:34 TIK, revision 76601

Make documentation reflect reality.

2014-05-22 22:35 VZ, revision 76600

Return wxWinVersion_[78] correctly from wxMSW wxGetWinVersion(). This is especially important because the workaround of r76152 for IFileDialog bug under Windows Vista also applied under later Windows versions as they were not detected correctly. Closes #16286.

2014-05-22 22:33 VZ, revision 76599

Return wxWinVersion_[78] correctly from wxMSW wxGetWinVersion(). This is especially important because the workaround of r76152 for IFileDialog bug under Windows Vista also applied under later Windows versions as they were not detected correctly. Closes #16286.

2014-05-22 17:13 VZ, revision 76598

Disable another wxStopWatch test case in the build bot builds. We can't rely on the program waking up quickly enough when running on the (loaded) buildbot machines, better to skip this test than to have spurious failures.

2014-05-22 16:36 VZ, revision 76597

Avoid showing the colour selection dialog twice in wxPropertyGrid. Selecting "Custom" in a colour property cell resulted in the colour selection dialog being shown twice if it was cancelled the first time. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC to indicate that the value is just being queried and the user shouldn't be asked to enter it, as it is already in the other places. Closes #15543.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76596

Fix changing individual font properties in the propgrid sample. Fixes the bug in the sample which resulted in the UI not working as expected. Closes #12779.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76595

Don't destroy wxFont from its GetFaceName() in wxMSW. wxFont::GetFaceName() could destroy the HFONT used by the font accidentally, avoid it by not invalidating the font when caching its face name. Closes #16273.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76594

Minor fixes to wxStaticBitmap documentation. Fix typo in the description; correct "See also" section. Closes #16279.

2014-05-22 16:15 VZ, revision 76593

Avoid showing the colour selection dialog twice in wxPropertyGrid. Selecting "Custom" in a colour property cell resulted in the colour selection dialog being shown twice if it was cancelled the first time. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC to indicate that the value is just being queried and the user shouldn't be asked to enter it, as it is already in the other places. Closes #15543.

2014-05-22 16:08 VZ, revision 76592

Don't destroy wxFont from its GetFaceName() in wxMSW. wxFont::GetFaceName() could destroy the HFONT used by the font accidentally, avoid it by not invalidating the font when caching its face name. Closes #16273.

2014-05-21 09:41 VS, revision 76591

Fix warning in wxSimplebook::UpdateSelectedPage().

2014-05-21 09:40 VS, revision 76590

Fix warning in wxSimplebook::UpdateSelectedPage().

2014-05-20 05:16 RD, revision 76588

Add Get/SetDisabledBitmap methods for msw

2014-05-20 05:16 RD, revision 76587

Add Get/SetDisabledBitmap methods for msw

2014-05-19 20:40 SC, revision 76586

backport, fixing deletion of window during mouse down handler

2014-05-19 19:27 VS, revision 76585

Add missing Language: header to locale/msw/it.po.

2014-05-19 19:26 VS, revision 76584

Add missing Language: header to locale/msw/it.po.

2014-05-19 19:23 VS, revision 76583

Fix wxOSX warnings about unused variables.

2014-05-19 19:23 VS, revision 76582

Don't use the deprecated 'register' storage specifier. It is not only useless with any modern C++ compiler, but also deprecated in C++11. Removing it fixes Clang warnings on the subject.

2014-05-19 19:23 VS, revision 76581

Fix wxOSX warnings about unused variables.

2014-05-19 19:23 VS, revision 76580

Don't use the deprecated 'register' storage specifier. It is not only useless with any modern C++ compiler, but also deprecated in C++11. Removing it fixes Clang warnings on the subject.

2014-05-19 18:58 SC, revision 76579

guarding against deleted 'self' during the mouse handler, setting peer ptr to NULL during destruction

2014-05-18 18:33 SC, revision 76578

in order to get all focus set events, store field in editor and catch becomeFirstResponder there, see #14269

2014-05-18 15:59 SC, revision 76577

allowing reentrancy on NSPanels makeResponder as in NSWindow, see #14269

2014-05-18 12:46 SC, revision 76576

refactoring to common code for updating selections, using common focus code, see #14269

2014-05-18 12:44 SC, revision 76575

refactoring to common code for focus set and lost events, so that changes can be made a single place, see #14269

2014-05-18 02:24 VZ, revision 76569

Fix bugs in wxEnumProperty introduced by r76562. The compilation fixes introduced run-time fixes due to not account for the use of NULL pointers (which are not accepted as choices cache but are accepted as choices values, go figure). Closes #16266.

2014-05-17 23:31 DS, revision 76568

Add 3 missing declarations for wxPoint2DInt non-member operator functions. Three duplicate declarations were removed in r70493 instead of replacing them with the missing declarations. Closes #10946.

2014-05-17 23:29 DS, revision 76567

Cast arguments passed to wxPoint2DInt constructor. Cast them to wxInt32 (instead of int) as that is the type of the wxPoint2DInt members m_x and m_y. See #10946.

2014-05-17 23:26 DS, revision 76566

Fix wxPoint2DInt::operator*= and wxPoint2DInt::operator/= . These operator functions are respectively adding and subtracting their arguments. Instead let the functions multiply and divide their arguments (like their wxPoint2DDouble counterparts were doing already). See #10946.

2014-05-17 21:14 SC, revision 76565

using the base class wxHAS_NATIVE_ENABLED_MANAGEMENT in cocoa disabling/enabling child windows, fixes #16232, fixes #15495

2014-05-17 19:34 PC, revision 76564

Fix wxSystemSettings::GetColour() returning transparent colors with GTK3, closes #16255

2014-05-17 19:22 PC, revision 76563

fix propgrid sample when WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_3_0==0, broken in r75561

2014-05-17 15:41 VZ, revision 76562

Compilation fixes to wxPropertyGrid after r76558. We can't use _() in the static wxChar* arrays: first, because this doesn't compile and second because if it did compile, it still wouldn't work as no message catalogs are loaded yet when the static arrays are initialized. Use wxTRANSLATE() instead and arrange for the strings to be translated when they are really used. This is rather ugly and perhaps it would be better to avoid passing untranslated labels array to the property classes but at least the code compiles again now. See #16266.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76561

Don't use X11-only GDK functions in wxGTK/Win32 build. Add GDK_WINDOWING_X11 checks to allow compiling wxGTK display code under Win32. Closes #16270.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76560

Use non-deprecated pen and brush style constants in wxOSX code. Use wx{PEN,BRUSH}STYLE_{SOLID,TRANSPARENT} instead of the old wx{SOLID,TRANSPARENT}. Closes #16269.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76559

Fix recursive self-reference in wxRichTextAttr documentation. Refer to wxTextAttr, not wxRichTextAttr itself. Closes #16271.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76558

Make names of properties used in wxPropertyGrid translatable. Use _() around these user-visible strings, not wxT(). Closes #16266.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76557

Fix querying the value of wxEnumProperty in wxPropertyGridEditor. Doing this changed the internal state of the control and resulted in the choice not being updated. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC. Closes #15449.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76556

Add simple font tests for the drawing unit test. Check that DrawText() results in the expected output. Currently the tests are disabled for non-Windows systems because of the problem with the reference file paths there. See #16261.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76555

Add public wxDegToRad() and wxRadToDeg() functions. Define these functions just once in wx/math.h instead of duplicating them in a dozen of places.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76554

Include renderer version into the platform tag in graphics context tests. This allows to distinguish the results of the same renderer (e.g. GDI+-based one) on the different OS versions (because GDI+ produces different results under XP and Windows 8). Closes #16260.

2014-05-17 14:29 VZ, revision 76553

Make assert message in GraphicsContextDrawingTestCase more informative. Include the paths of the files that we failed to copy. See #16260.

2014-05-17 14:28 VZ, revision 76552

Fix recursive self-reference in wxRichTextAttr documentation. Refer to wxTextAttr, not wxRichTextAttr itself. Closes #16271.

2014-05-17 14:28 VZ, revision 76551

Fix querying the value of wxEnumProperty in wxPropertyGridEditor. Doing this changed the internal state of the control and resulted in the choice not being updated. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC. Closes #15449.

2014-05-17 13:25 DS, revision 76550

Compilation fix for --disable-precomp-headers in combination with --disable-all-features . Fix an error for compile step of "Linux i386 wxGTK trunk no features" buildbot by forward declaring wxWindow class.

2014-05-16 15:01 VZ, revision 76549

Remove checks for ancient gcc/MinGW versions. Don't test for wxUSE_NORLANDER_HEADERS, this is always true since many, many years. Remove tests for gcc version < 3.3, notably 2.95: the minimal supported gcc version is 3.4. Closes #15727.

2014-05-16 15:01 VZ, revision 76548

Remove obsolete MSVC version tests. Don't compare __VISUALC__ with versions 1200 (VC6) and earlier, such tests are always true or always false now that we don't support VC6 any more, so just remove them simplifying the code.

2014-05-16 15:01 VZ, revision 76547

Remove support for Digital Mars compiler. This compilers is not being developed any longer since many years, drop support for it.

2014-05-16 15:01 VZ, revision 76546

Remove (Open)Watcom support. This compiler is not being developed since several years and almost certainly can't be used to build the current wxWidgets sources anyhow, so remove all support for it, including a lot of extremely ugly workarounds for its bugs with template functions.

2014-05-16 15:00 VZ, revision 76545

Add default argument for the overridden base class Connect() in wxHTTP. This allows to call Connect(wxIPV4address) on a wxHTTP object, without having to explicitly specify the second argument (this was documented as being a Watcom-specific problem, but actually it wasn't).

2014-05-16 15:00 VZ, revision 76544

Update wx/android/setup.h automatically from wx/setup_inc.h too. Not sure if this file is actually used at all right now, but update it to avoid discrepancies with the other setup[0].h.

2014-05-16 13:29 VZ, revision 76543

Update configure after the last commit. Previous commit didn't include bakefile-generated update to configure, breaking the build, fix this.

2014-05-16 12:53 VZ, revision 76542

Don't build drawing test plugin in static builds. Static wxWidgets library can't be used in dynamically loaded plugin, simply don't build it in this case.

2014-05-16 12:53 VZ, revision 76541

Build 3.0 branch on Travis as well.

2014-05-16 12:00 VZ, revision 76540
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/msw/wx_dll.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/samples.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/tests/benchmarks/bench.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/ifacecheck/src/ifacecheck.dsw
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/screenshotgen/src/screenshotgen.dsw

Remove remaining MSVC6 workspace files. See #15726.

2014-05-16 11:59 VZ, revision 76539

Fix drawing test link in static build. We must use wx_append template which adds the required GUI libraries when using static versions of wxWidgets libraries and not wx_append_base.

2014-05-16 11:59 VZ, revision 76538

Fix image resolution options setting in wxBMPHandler code. This was broken by the changes of r76144 as the resolution information read from the bitmap was never used due to a typo in Resolution::Init().

2014-05-16 11:59 VZ, revision 76537

Work around bogus "use of possibly uninitialized variable" warning. Resolution::m_x and m_y were always initialized before use but g++ 4.2 still complained about them being possibly not initialized, so do initialize them.

2014-05-16 11:59 VZ, revision 76536

Remove unused variables to avoid compilation warnings. Don't call CFGetRetainCount() unnecessarily.

2014-05-16 04:33 VZ, revision 76535

Remove support for Win9x from wxMSW. Most importantly, this allows us to remove all MSLU-related stuff. Some functions which were previously loaded dynamically can now be just used directly, too.

2014-05-16 04:31 VZ, revision 76534

Fix MinGW build after MSVC6 removal changes. Don't define wxUSE_DBGHELP as 1 for MinGW, it was only supposed to be defined as 1 for MSVC (just for all versions of it now that we don't support MSVC6 which couldn't compile this code).

2014-05-16 01:56 VZ, revision 76533

Remove wxPM, wxWidgets port to OS/2. This port is not used and is not being worked on, so remove it to reduce the amount of the code which needs to be updated for every global change. Also remove tests for VisualAge compiler which isn't used since ages.

2014-05-16 00:32 VZ, revision 76532

Remove MSVC6 support. Don't support this compiler any more, this allows to get rid of tons of MSVC6-specific workarounds, in particular we can now use Bind() and natural template functions calls in the library code. Also remove MSVC6 project and solution files and don't generate them when bakefile_gen is ran any more (removing the remaining occurrences of msvc6prj from the bakefiles results in weird bake-time errors, so it's simpler to just leave them there).

2014-05-14 14:40 VZ, revision 76531

Use wxMemorySize type in Unix implementation of wxGetFreeMemory(). This should avoid overflows on 32 bit systems with more than 2GB of RAM.

2014-05-14 14:40 VZ, revision 76530

Check result of fgets() and sscanf() in wxGetFreeMemory(). This fixes g++ -Wunused-result warnings and also actually makes the code more robust.

2014-05-14 14:40 VZ, revision 76529

Use wxMemorySize type in Unix implementation of wxGetFreeMemory(). This should avoid overflows on 32 bit systems with more than 2GB of RAM.

2014-05-14 14:40 VZ, revision 76528

Check result of fgets() and sscanf() in wxGetFreeMemory(). This fixes g++ -Wunused-result warnings and also actually makes the code more robust.

2014-05-14 14:39 VZ, revision 76527

Remove unused variables from wxRichTextListStylePage code. This avoids warnings about them.

2014-05-14 14:21 VZ, revision 76526

Remove non existing wxPG_COMPACTOR style from documentation. No idea what was it supposed to do, but this style doesn't exist and never did in the version included in wxWidgets, so simply remove it. Closes #16264.

2014-05-13 22:48 SC, revision 76525

support for enable/disable and capitalization in ios

2014-05-13 22:47 SC, revision 76524

expose capitalize flag for ios as well

2014-05-13 22:03 SC, revision 76523

fixing compile in case of absent wxSpinCtrl

2014-05-13 22:02 SC, revision 76522

order than the current OnInit handling for cocoa and carbon we still have to use the native callback for ios

2014-05-13 21:55 SC, revision 76521

allowing compile under ios, where menus are not available

2014-05-13 21:54 SC, revision 76520

fixing compile under ios

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76519

Fix print preview in 64 bit MinGW wxMSW builds. Don't hardcode wrong PRINTDLG structure size for 64 bit builds. In fact, don't hardcode it at all as it just doesn't seem to be necessary to do it, the comment about Cygwin getting it wrong seems to be out of date. Closes #16256.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76518

Fix cast from "void*" to integer type in wxThread::Exit() for non-MSVC. This fixes another problem in 64 bit Cygwin build.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76517

Use DWORD instead of unsigned long in wxFileSystemWatcher wxMSW code. These two types are not the same in 64 bit Cygwin builds, so fix the build by just using DWORD everywhere.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76516

Fix tests for __WXMSW__ in non-GUI-only code. __WXMSW__ is not defined when compiling wxBase, so the tests which were meant to prevent using Unix event loop classes under Cygwin (under which both __UNIX__ and __WINDOWS__, but not __WXMSW__, are defined) failed, breaking compilation of all wxEventLoop-related code in wxBase in Cygwin builds.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76515

Don't use _{get,ch}drive() functions in Cygwin builds. They are not available there when not using MinGW headers, e.g. in 64 bit builds. Also simplify the code by using wxHAS_DRIVE_FUNCTIONS instead of complicated (and sometimes negated) checks for MinGW32 version.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76514

Don't use LCID and WXLCID interchangeably in wxMSW code. Similarly to the problem with WXDWORD and DWORD, LCID is actually an unsigned int and not unsigned long in 64 bit Cygwin builds, so it's a different type.

2014-05-12 15:16 VZ, revision 76513

Add casts from long to LONG to fix 64 bit Cygwin wxMSW build. In 64 bits, LONG is actually defined as int in Cygwin gcc headers, so is different from long -- even if both types use identical representation. Just add the casts to fix this for now, as this is the smallest ABI-preserving change. Ideally, something better and less ugly would need to be done in the future.

2014-05-12 15:15 VZ, revision 76512

Don't use DWORD and WXDWORD interchangeably in wxMSW code. WXDWORD is defined as unsigned long, while DWORD is defined as unsigned int in 64 bit builds using Cygwin gcc, so they are not the same type (although they do have the same size) and using the latter instead of the former in the function definition results in errors in this build configuration.

2014-05-12 15:15 VZ, revision 76511

Define __WIN64__ for 64 bit wxMSW builds with gcc too. Previously __WIN64__ was only defined for 64 bit builds with MSVC, which resulted in many problems when using 64 bit Cygwin compiler. Also don't use MSVC-specific __int64 but our wxInt64 for WX{L,W}PARAM and WXLRESULT definitions in 64 bit builds.

2014-05-12 15:15 VZ, revision 76510

Use __WIN64__ instead of MSVC-specific _WIN64 in wxIsPlatform64Bit(). Make the code work correctly for 64 bit builds with other compilers, e.g. gcc.

2014-05-12 15:15 VZ, revision 76509

Don't define wxSIZE_T_IS_UINT for Cygwin unconditionally. This breaks 64 bit Cygwin builds and is unnecessary for 32 bit ones where configure already defines wxSIZE_T_IS_UINT correctly. Closes #16130.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76508

Fix print preview in 64 bit MinGW wxMSW builds. Don't hardcode wrong PRINTDLG structure size for 64 bit builds. In fact, don't hardcode it at all as it just doesn't seem to be necessary to do it, the comment about Cygwin getting it wrong seems to be out of date. Closes #16256.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76507

Fix cast from "void*" to integer type in wxThread::Exit() for non-MSVC. This fixes another problem in 64 bit Cygwin build.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76506

Use DWORD instead of unsigned long in wxFileSystemWatcher wxMSW code. These two types are not the same in 64 bit Cygwin builds, so fix the build by just using DWORD everywhere.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76505

Fix tests for __WXMSW__ in non-GUI-only code. __WXMSW__ is not defined when compiling wxBase, so the tests which were meant to prevent using Unix event loop classes under Cygwin (under which both __UNIX__ and __WINDOWS__, but not __WXMSW__, are defined) failed, breaking compilation of all wxEventLoop-related code in wxBase in Cygwin builds.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76504

Don't use _{get,ch}drive() functions in Cygwin builds. They are not available there when not using MinGW headers, e.g. in 64 bit builds. Also simplify the code by using wxHAS_DRIVE_FUNCTIONS instead of complicated (and sometimes negated) checks for MinGW32 version.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76503

Don't use LCID and WXLCID interchangeably in wxMSW code. Similarly to the problem with WXDWORD and DWORD, LCID is actually an unsigned int and not unsigned long in 64 bit Cygwin builds, so it's a different type.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76502

Add casts from long to LONG to fix 64 bit Cygwin wxMSW build. In 64 bits, LONG is actually defined as int in Cygwin gcc headers, so is different from long -- even if both types use identical representation. Just add the casts to fix this for now, as this is the smallest ABI-preserving change. Ideally, something better and less ugly would need to be done in the future.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76501

Don't use DWORD and WXDWORD interchangeably in wxMSW code. WXDWORD is defined as unsigned long, while DWORD is defined as unsigned int in 64 bit builds using Cygwin gcc, so they are not the same type (although they do have the same size) and using the latter instead of the former in the function definition results in errors in this build configuration.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76500

Define __WIN64__ for 64 bit wxMSW builds with gcc too. Previously __WIN64__ was only defined for 64 bit builds with MSVC, which resulted in many problems when using 64 bit Cygwin compiler. Also don't use MSVC-specific __int64 but our wxInt64 for WX{L,W}PARAM and WXLRESULT definitions in 64 bit builds.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76499

Use __WIN64__ instead of MSVC-specific _WIN64 in wxIsPlatform64Bit(). Make the code work correctly for 64 bit builds with other compilers, e.g. gcc.

2014-05-12 15:14 VZ, revision 76498

Don't define wxSIZE_T_IS_UINT for Cygwin unconditionally. This breaks 64 bit Cygwin builds and is unnecessary for 32 bit ones where configure already defines wxSIZE_T_IS_UINT correctly. Closes #16130.

2014-05-12 01:16 DS, revision 76497

Fixed code checking for bit flags. Use "flag & bitmask" instead of "flag && bitmask" (resulted in LLVM compiler warning: "Use of logical '&&' with constant operand").

2014-05-12 00:51 DS, revision 76496

Added default parameter to EnableCloseButton(). Previously the default parameter was only available in wxMSW and wxGTK. Added it to the base class as well to allow EnableCloseButton() calls without a parameter under other platforms too.

2014-05-12 00:41 DS, revision 76495

Added support for using OS X' full screen API (available since OS X 10.7). Added EnableFullScreenView() to have a full screen button in the title bar and also allowing ShowFullScreen() to make use of the newer full screen API. See #14357.

2014-05-10 18:20 VZ, revision 76494

Disable wxSleep() test case for buildbot builds. This test keeps failing just because the buildbot machine are too heavily loaded. This is not really an error, so just avoid running this test there.

2014-05-10 18:16 VZ, revision 76493

Improve RTL support in wxStyledTextCtrl. Use the correct HDC, inheriting the right text orientation, when creating wxMemoryDC in SurfaceImpl code. There may still be problems with the actual RTL languages, but at the very least English text displayed in RTL locale is not mirrored any more. Closes #16230.

2014-05-10 18:15 VZ, revision 76492

Do not export template wxMSWOwnerDrawnButton class from the DLL. This doesn't seem to be necessary even for ICC, finally, see #16237.

2014-05-10 18:15 VZ, revision 76491

Fix crash in generic wxDataViewCtrl::AssociateModel(NULL). Don't use the possibly dangling pointer. Closes #16249.

2014-05-10 18:15 VZ, revision 76490

Fix wxRichTextCtrl code compilation with wxUSE_XML==0. Add missing wxUSE_XML checks. Closes #16251.

2014-05-09 17:14 PC, revision 76489

fix build on systems which don't have vsscanf, such as Solaris 8

2014-05-08 19:05 PC, revision 76488

fix building on IRIX with GCC It's impossible to know what problem this was supposed to fix (it's been there since the Dawn of Time: r2), but it prevents stddef.h from defining ptrdiff_t, among others. We need ptrdiff_t.

2014-05-08 16:43 VZ, revision 76487

Add wxStyledTextCtrl copy/paste text events. Add wxEVT_STC_CLIPBOARD_{COPY,PASTE} events, allowing to transform the text being copied from or pasted into wxStyledTextCtrl. Closes #16191.

2014-05-08 16:43 VZ, revision 76486

Remove wxStyledTextEvent::m_text and m_dragText. These fields were unnecessary and duplicated m_cmdString inherited from the base class. Also use base class GetString() instead of the redundant GetText() and GetDragText() in the code, even though these methods are still kept for backwards compatibility. See #16191.

2014-05-08 16:43 VZ, revision 76485

Do export wxMSWOwnerDrawnButton from DLL in wxMSW. This class shouldn't need to be exported but not doing it breaks builds using LTCG with Intel compiler, so do export it to avoid this problem. Closes #16237.

2014-05-08 16:43 VZ, revision 76484

Fix harmless warning about using wxCONTROL_CHECKED in ternary operator. Add wxCONTROL_NONE which is just a symbolic name for 0 and use it in the code to avoid g++ 4.8 warnings about mixing enum and int in conditional expression. Closes #16242.

2014-05-08 16:43 VZ, revision 76483

Compilation fix for PCH-less build of wxMSW. Include wx/msw/ownerdrawnbutton.h usually included via wx/checkbox.h from the PCH. Closes #16241.

2014-05-07 17:24 VZ, revision 76482

Make wxGetPangoContext() work even without open display. Use default Pango font map if we don't have any default screen in wxGTK. Closes #16240.

2014-05-07 15:43 VZ, revision 76481

Add missing "inline" to std::swap() specialization for wxUniCharRef. Avoid multiple definitions of this function. See #16234.

2014-05-07 15:10 VZ, revision 76480

Remove non-existent wx/ownerdrawnbutton.h from MSVS projects. This resulted in constant spurious rebuilds as this file doesn't exist, only wx/msw/ownerdrawnbutton.h does.

2014-05-07 15:10 VZ, revision 76479

Put files in the correct groups in MSVS manually maintained projects. Don't show textmeasurecmn.cpp, textmeasure.cpp and xmlreshandler.cpp at the top project level.

2014-05-07 15:10 VZ, revision 76478

Fix harmless C4275 MSVC warning in wxMSW DLL builds. Since the addition of wxMSWOwnerDrawnButton, DLL builds started generated a lot of warnings about using this non DLL-exported class as base class for the DLL-exported wxCheckBox and wxRadioButton. Simply suppress these warnings as they are harmless in this case because the base class has no static data, which is the real problem this warning hints at. Closes #16237.

2014-05-07 15:10 VZ, revision 76477

Add LexRust.cxx to manually generated MSVS project files. This should have been part of r76121, see #15742.

2014-05-07 15:10 VZ, revision 76476

Remove DebugInformationFormat options from MSVC 10+ projects. This option is common to all projects and is defined in the global properties file, so it doesn't need to be present in the projects themselves at all. See #16236.

2014-05-07 15:09 VZ, revision 76475

Generate debug information for all MSVC builds. We want to have debug information even for the release builds as it doesn't affect the binaries produced but greatly helps when debugging, so create PDB for all release builds as well in the manually maintained MSVS files (this was already the case for Win32 release builds but not x64 ones for some reason). This also fixes the problem with "None" being an invalid value for DebugInformationFormat with MSVC 10 as a side effect. Closes #16236.

2014-05-07 15:09 VZ, revision 76474

Define std::swap() correctly for wxUniCharRef. The default implementation doesn't work for this reference-like class, and this breaks not only swap() itself (see #14694), but also any algorithms using it, such as std::reverse(). Fix this by providing our own specialization which does work correctly. Closes #16234.

2014-05-06 20:20 VZ, revision 76473

Allow using sizers for laying out wxMDIClientWindow in wxMSW. Let the user code put wxMDIParentFrame::GetClientWindow() into a sizer and manage it as any other window, instead of having to do it manually. Closes #16196.

2014-05-06 20:16 VZ, revision 76472

Minor documentation corrections. Escape the space after "i.e." (or avoid using it altogether), add missing @ref. Closes #16235.

2014-05-06 20:16 VZ, revision 76471

Minor documentation corrections. Escape the space after "i.e." (or avoid using it altogether), add missing @ref. Closes #16235.

2014-05-06 18:34 PC, revision 76470

Always check for wide char IO functions, they are used regardless of wxUSE_UNICODE setting

2014-05-06 17:58 SC, revision 76469

backport, fixing enabling/disabling child windows, closes #16232

2014-05-06 17:49 SC, revision 76468

using the base class wxHAS_NATIVE_ENABLED_MANAGEMENT in cocoa disabling/enabling child windows, fixes #16232, fixes #15495

2014-05-06 13:44 VZ, revision 76467

Add wx/msw/ownerdrawnbutton.h to {make,project} files. In particular, ensure that it's installed when using configure+make.

2014-05-06 13:44 VZ, revision 76466

Define BS_TYPEMASK for the compilers which don't have it. Fixes compilation with MinGW after wxMSWOwnerDrawnButton introduction.

2014-05-05 17:53 PC, revision 76465

Implement access to a global toplevel GdkWindow in a way that does not require always having an extra GtkWindow. And don't use "RootWindow" in the name, it is not a root window in the X11 sense. Also add wxGetPangoContext() to get access to a PangoContext.

2014-05-05 16:47 VZ, revision 76464

Fix wxMSW owner drawn buttons appearance in "selected" state. Draw the buttons (i.e. checkboxes and radio buttons) correctly when the space key is pressed. See #10137.

2014-05-05 16:42 VZ, revision 76463

Add a TODO comment to wxGTK wxToolBar::FindToolForPosition(). Replace the out of date comment saying that GTK+ doesn't have a function to do this with a TODO comment mentioning the name of the function which should be used here.

2014-05-05 16:42 VZ, revision 76462

Fix handling of multiple and rectangular selections in wxSTC. Copy and paste rectangular selections in the standard format, this is especially important under Windows where a (de facto) standard clipboard format for such selections exists. Also fix handling of multipaste, i.e. pasting clipboard contents into several locations at once. Closes #16221.

2014-05-05 16:42 VZ, revision 76461

Show Scintilla multiple selections and multipaste features in the sample. Add menu items to toggle multiple selections and multipaste support in wxSTC. See #16221.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76460

Fix resetting owner drawn radio buttons to normal state. Ensure that we bring the native button in sync with the real state of the radio button when we switch to normal state. Also avoid using BM_GETCHECK for the owner drawn buttons as we don't use BM_SETCHECK for them (as it's useless). See #10137.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76459

Factor out common owner drawn code from wx{Check,Radio}Box. Create wxMSWOwnerDrawnButton class which contains all of this code. Currently the methods of this class are (still) implemented in src/msw/control.cpp. See #10137.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76458

Fix pressed owner-drawn checkbox appearance in wxMSW. Handle the "pressed" state correctly in wxCheckBox::MSWOnDraw(). See #10137.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76457

Fix the size of owner-drawn checkbox and radiobuttons under Vista and later. The size of the native buttons has changed between XP and Vista, so add version check to draw the buttons of correct size under all Windows versions. See #10137. REBASE: squash with aa5d7c5 Fix the size of owner-drawn check and radio boxes under Vista and later.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76456

Implement setting foreground colour for wxRadioButton in wxMSW. Native radio buttons don't support changing their foreground colour, so use owner drawn buttons if SetForegroundColour() was called, similarly to what was already done for wxCheckBox. Closes #10137.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76455

Refactor owner drawn buttons drawing code in wxMSW. Move it from wxCheckBox to wxControl to allow reusing this code in other classes, notably wxRadioButton in the upcoming commits. See #10137.

2014-05-05 00:13 VZ, revision 76454

Use wxArrayInt methods instead of duplicating them. Just use wxArrayInt::Index() instead of doing a linear search in the array manually. Also use RemoveAt() + Insert() instead of manually iterating over the items. See #16110.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76453

Fix position of the column after drag-move operation in wxGrid. Fix the logic for finding the correct position to drop the column at when ending a drag move operation. The old code dropped it one position too far to the left when it was dropped on the "far" (i.e. right with LTR layout) part of the target column. See #16110.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76452

Fix changing column order in wxGrid when some columns are hidden. Using negative column widths used for hidden columns when updating the column positions after dragging one of them to a new position totally broke their display. Fix this by ignoring the hidden columns. Closes #16110.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76451

Add wxGridCellRenderer::GetBest{Height,Width}() and use them in wxGrid. Allow the renderer to specify the best height at the given width (or vice versa) instead of the best size in both direction which is not defined for e.g. wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer. Closes #15943.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76450

Document restrictions on icon names in the resources in wxMSW. Make it more clear that application icon must precede "wx" in alphabetical order. Closes #3529.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76449

Fix busy cursor handling in modal dialogs under MSW. Modal dialogs shown during wxBusyCursor effect shouldn't show the busy cursor as they do accept input, but did in wxMSW (as could be seen in e.g. the widgets sample after enabling the "Global busy cursor" in the menu and showing the text entry dialog via "Text|Set Help Hint"). Fix this by explicitly checking for the special case of having a modal dialog as parent at wxWindow level as doing it in wxDialog simply didn't work as its WM_SETCURSOR handler wasn't called at all for determining the cursor to use for its children because they handled WM_SETCURSOR themselves in the global busy state, without letting DefWindowProc(), which propagates this message upwards the window hierarchy, to have it at all.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76448

Bring MSVS 2010 projects in line with 2011 and 2012 ones. The new projects are easier to customize as the build options can now be specified in wx_vc10_local.props file. They also have correct dependencies and avoid sharing violations when copying wx/setup.h. Finally, they also use the correct names for the webview DLL, see #15820.

2014-05-05 00:12 VZ, revision 76447

Reset icon ref count when deleting the icon in wxMSW balloon icons code. This avoids the assert which happened when trying to show the next notification message in SetUpIcon() as the icon was null while the reference count was positive.

2014-05-05 00:11 VZ, revision 76446

Fix position of the column after drag-move operation in wxGrid. Fix the logic for finding the correct position to drop the column at when ending a drag move operation. The old code dropped it one position too far to the left when it was dropped on the "far" (i.e. right with LTR layout) part of the target column. See #16110.

2014-05-05 00:11 VZ, revision 76445

Fix changing column order in wxGrid when some columns are hidden. Using negative column widths used for hidden columns when updating the column positions after dragging one of them to a new position totally broke their display. Fix this by ignoring the hidden columns. Closes #16110.

2014-05-05 00:11 VZ, revision 76444

Fix busy cursor handling in modal dialogs under MSW. Modal dialogs shown during wxBusyCursor effect shouldn't show the busy cursor as they do accept input, but did in wxMSW (as could be seen in e.g. the widgets sample after enabling the "Global busy cursor" in the menu and showing the text entry dialog via "Text|Set Help Hint"). Fix this by explicitly checking for the special case of having a modal dialog as parent at wxWindow level as doing it in wxDialog simply didn't work as its WM_SETCURSOR handler wasn't called at all for determining the cursor to use for its children because they handled WM_SETCURSOR themselves in the global busy state, without letting DefWindowProc(), which propagates this message upwards the window hierarchy, to have it at all.

2014-05-05 00:11 VZ, revision 76443

Correct webview DLL name in x64 config of MSVS 2010 project files. The architecture suffix was missing. Closes #15820.

2014-05-03 18:44 PC, revision 76442

vswscanf is needed regardless of wxUSE_UNICODE

2014-05-03 18:31 PC, revision 76441

build fix for systems lacking vswscanf when wxUSE_UNICODE==0

2014-05-03 15:07 JS, revision 76440

Implemented keyboard selection and better cell navigation for tables

2014-05-02 16:19 VZ, revision 76439

Fix property sheets names in MSVS 2013 custom build project. It must be vc12, not vc11.

2014-05-02 16:19 VZ, revision 76438

Add dependency of wxregex on wx/setup.h in MSVS projects. Modified regex library code uses wx headers, so build _custom_build project creating wx/setup.h before it.

2014-05-02 16:19 VZ, revision 76437

Don't crash when dismissing expanded ribbon panel. The parent of wxRibbonPanel is not always a wxRibbonPage, it can also be the containing wxFrame itself if the panel is a temporarily expanded one created when the user clicks a panel reduced to a button. So don't rely on the cast of the parent to wxRibbonPage to always work. This is ugly but at least avoids a crash. Closes #16215.

2014-05-01 18:57 PC, revision 76436

send changed event when selecting a special directory from wxDirPickerCtrl combobox closes #16064

2014-04-30 19:08 PC, revision 76435

avoid referencing xml and html libs when they are not enabled

2014-04-30 16:11 VZ, revision 76434

Fix wxGetClientDisplayRect() when _NET_WORKAREA is not supported. Don't intersect the total rectangle with the uninitialized work area one resulting in an empty rectangle being returned from wxGetClientDisplayRect() if X11 server doesn't support _NET_WORKAREA (this is the case for at least Cygwin X11 server).

2014-04-30 16:10 VZ, revision 76433

Fix wxGetClientDisplayRect() when _NET_WORKAREA is not supported. Don't intersect the total rectangle with the uninitialized work area one resulting in an empty rectangle being returned from wxGetClientDisplayRect() if X11 server doesn't support _NET_WORKAREA (this is the case for at least Cygwin X11 server).

2014-04-30 09:01 SC, revision 76432

backport, supporting alpha channel from clipboard correctly, closes #16198

2014-04-30 08:59 SC, revision 76431

supporting alpha channel correctly from clipboard, closes #16198

2014-04-29 22:35 VZ, revision 76430

Use SetInitialSize() in the about wxHTML sample. SetSize() is useless here as it is simply ignored by the sizer which will fit the window to its initial size anyhow.

2014-04-29 20:34 SC, revision 76429

backport, fix multiline texts for drawing rotated text, see #16216

2014-04-29 20:22 SC, revision 76428

adding support for multi-line text in rotated text, fixes #16216

2014-04-29 16:20 SC, revision 76427

backport, fix memory leak, see #15666

2014-04-29 16:18 SC, revision 76426

fix memory leak for initial empty menubar, see #15666

2014-04-29 12:59 VZ, revision 76425

Recognize Intel compiler as MSVC one under Windows in the build options. The two compilers are binary compatible and by pretending that Intel compiler is the same as MSVC, we allow using ICC to build applications using DLLs built with MSVC. Closes #9437.

2014-04-28 13:33 VZ, revision 76424

Fix problems due to using "%i" format with size_t in propgrid sample. Cast size_t value to int when passing it to "%i" format specifier as it has a different size on LP64 platforms. Closes #16213.

2014-04-28 13:32 VZ, revision 76423

Fix problems due to using "%i" format with size_t in propgrid sample. Cast size_t value to int when passing it to "%i" format specifier as it has a different size on LP64 platforms. Closes #16213.

2014-04-28 13:28 VZ, revision 76422

Make "Close" button affirmative ID in standard dialog button sizer. This allows to use the Escape key to close a dialog with the "Close" button only. Closes #16185.

2014-04-28 13:28 VZ, revision 76421

Make "Close" button affirmative ID in standard dialog button sizer. This allows to use the Escape key to close a dialog with the "Close" button only. Closes #16185.

2014-04-28 00:42 VZ, revision 76420

Fix precision in wxGraphicsContext::{Stroke,Draw}Lines() under MSW. Use floating point coordinates instead of ints which were used for some reason, resulting in a loss of precision. Closes #16187.

2014-04-28 00:41 VZ, revision 76419

Extract setup.h copying into a separate project for MSVC11+. This fixes problems with parallel builds in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 IDE as multiple projects may try to copy setup.h file at once, resulting in errors. Use _custom_build project as a common dependency to ensure that the copy step is done only once. Closes #16177.

2014-04-28 00:41 VZ, revision 76418

Add wxThread::MSWGetHandle(). Under MSW a thread has both an ID, returned by wxThread::GetId(), and a handle, which couldn't be retrieved so far. Add an accessor to do it. Closes #16170.

2014-04-28 00:41 VZ, revision 76417

Fix wrong wxStatusBar height in wxMSW in some circumstances. Creating the status bar before the menu bar but associating it with the frame after creating the menu bar resulted in a status bar of completely wrong height. Fix this by enforcing the default height on the status bar when it's attached to the frame. Closes #10956.

2014-04-28 00:41 VZ, revision 76416

Allow dropping data outside of item area in wxDataViewCtrl. Implement this change for the generic and the native GTK versions and document it. Closes #16152.

2014-04-28 00:40 VZ, revision 76415

Bring wxMSW wxBitmap::SetBitmapXXX(wxBitmap()) in line with wxGTK. Remove or reset the corresponding bitmap if the provided one is invalid instead of asserting, this is what wxGTK does and this behaviour seems to be more useful. Also document this behaviour as it's now implemented in both wxMSW and wxGTK. Closes #13569.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76414

Micro optimization of checking for alpha transparency. Use faster accessors to the image size. Closes #16148.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76413

Make wxMSW wxTextCtrl::AdjustSpaceLimit() safe to call in all cases. Allow calling this function not only from inside DoWriteText(): first, because the existing code could be doing this (although this is only a concern in 3.0 branch as it was made private in the trunk) and second because it could actually happen if the text limit was exceeded by user typing in the control. See #15980.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76412

Don't call AdjustSpaceLimit() explicitly in wxMSW wxTextCtrl any more. There is no need to do it as this is done by DoWriteText() and AdjustSpaceLimit() doesn't work correctly if called from outside of it now. Because of this, also make it private to prevent other accidental calls to it. Closes #15980.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76411

Fix warning about using "deprecated" close() in MSVC build. Use wxClose(), which is the same as _close() for MSVC. Closes #16212.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76410

Suppress warnings about using _set_se_translator() for MSVC 12 too. We did it up to MSVC 11 but this still seems to work just fine without /EHa with MSVC 12 too, so relax the version check to allow it to pass.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76409

Get rid of deprecated warnings for ::GetVersionEx(). This does not solve the actual problem of this function not returning the correct value for Windows 8+ any more, but at least allows to compile the library without warnings with MSVC 12 and later.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76408

Don't duplicate wxGetOsVersion() in wxMSW wxGUIAppTraits. Just call wxGetOsVersion() instead of using the Windows ::GetVersionEx() function directly.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76407

Enable wxCSConv UTF-7 test under Windows. Even though it doesn't work with iconv under Unix, we can still enable this test under Windows.