

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2015-01-03 21:45 VZ, revision 78345

Fix wxFileDialog::GetFilterIndex() when opening files in wxOSX. Update m_filterIndex in the "opening" case, just as we already did in the "saving" one (see #13158 and r67550). Closes #16764.

2015-01-03 16:20 AW, revision 78344

Optimize wxPGChoices::Add methods. Remove unnecessary variables, limit the scope of variables and implement some sanity checks.

2015-01-03 16:10 AW, revision 78343

Optimize wxPGChoices::Set method. There is no need to check if referenced array with values is valid since "reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code". Moreover, conditional call of Add() methods(one with explicit parameter and one with default one) is not necessary.

2015-01-03 14:33 VZ, revision 78342

Fix the size of the "new" bitmap in the toolbar sample. It was broken by the changes of r78238 and was too small for the height in the header, resulting in an immediate crash on toolbar sample startup.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78341

Don't change MDI children order after showing a file dialog in wxMSW. Don't use the generic focus saving/restoring code for wxMDIParentFrame in wxMSW as it already saves and restores the active MDI child on its own and we should let it do it, as our code could change the active child when restoring focus if it hadn't been saved correctly previously. The fact that it is isn't saved is another bug, but even if it is fixed, we should let MSW MDI implementation handle activation as we can't do it any better -- but can do worse, as the bug described in #16635 shows. Closes #16635.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78340

Fix saving focus for MDI child frames in wxMSW. Use wxWindow::IsDescendant() instead of wxGetTopLevelParent() to determine whether the focused window is inside the TLW, as the former works correctly for any window, including wxMDIChildFrames, while the latter would return wxMDIParentFrame for them (as MDI children are not considered to be TLWs) and so saving the focus would always fail and the focus was always restored to the first child of wxMDIChildFrame after switching from it to another child frame and back, as could be seen by applying the simple patch: ---------------------------------- >8 -------------------------------------- diff --git a/samples/docview/view.cpp b/samples/docview/view.cpp index 9f20032..8386522 100644 --- a/samples/docview/view.cpp +++ b/samples/docview/view.cpp @@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ bool TextEditView::OnCreate(wxDocument *doc, long flags) wxFrame* frame = wxGetApp().CreateChildFrame(this, false); wxASSERT(frame == GetFrame()); m_text = new wxTextCtrl(frame, wxID_ANY, "", - wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxPoint(5, 5), wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE); + new wxButton(frame, wxID_ANY, "Button", wxPoint(5, 100)); frame->Show(); return true; ---------------------------------- >8 -------------------------------------- Notice that the bug usually stayed hidden because it didn't happen if wxMDIChildFrame contained a wxPanel (which also stores the last focus) inside it or if the focus switched away from the entire application instead of just going to another child and back, as in this case the last focus was stored in wxMDIParentFrame, for which the old code did work.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78339

Add include/wx/richtext/richtexttabspage.h to the MSBuild project. This seems like an occidental omission.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78338

Remove files not being compiled from richtext MSBuild project. Several sources in this project are actually not compiled at all, but are included from other files, so they don't appear in the master sources list. Update the project accordingly, for consistency with the earlier versions of MSVC. If these files should appear in it, they need to be added to RICHTEXT_HDR variable.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78337

Add appprogress.{h,cpp} to the files list. The wxMSW header was absent from both the bakefile and master file list, and the latter also lacked the other wxAppProgressIndicator-related files. Also regenerate the project file to contain the MSW header.

2015-01-03 02:07 VZ, revision 78336

No changes, just sort files alphabetically in the bakefiles files list. Keep MSW_SRC files list sorted, appprogress.cpp was added in a wrong place.

2015-01-03 00:49 VZ, revision 78334

German translations update from Wolfgang Stöggl .

2015-01-02 17:15 AW, revision 78333

Delete wxDC object when exiting from wxPropertyGrid::OnPaint

2015-01-02 15:26 VZ, revision 78332

Improve widgets sample UI consistency. Ensure that the various attributes (colours, font, border, ...) are preserved when a widget is recreated or the current page is changed. This is more convenient and also avoids discrepancies between the state of the menu items and the actual state of the widget. Closes #16576.

2015-01-01 00:36 RD, revision 78331

a commit to test Trac/SVN integration. Closes #16754

2014-12-31 23:25 RD, revision 78330

just another test commit

2014-12-31 23:20 RD, revision 78329

just a test commit

2014-12-28 21:06 AW, revision 78328

Pass outside wxPG a modified clone of wxEVT_TEXT event instead of hacking current event object. Using a clone of event (with PG id) instead of replacing id in the currently processed event coming from wxPGTextCtrlEditor seems to be less intrusive and safer action.

2014-12-27 15:24 VZ, revision 78327

Fix reading of not NUL-terminated strings using wxRegKey. Even though this is typically the case, some strings in Windows registry are not NUL-terminated, deal with them correctly by using the explicit length. Closes #16719.

2014-12-27 15:24 VZ, revision 78326

Revert "Add support for reading multi string values to wxRegKey." Reverts r78136 (see #15727) because the multi-string values in Windows registry are actually not "name=value" pairs at all but just NUL-separated strings and the API provided for reading them was inappropriate. Also see #16719.

2014-12-27 15:24 VZ, revision 78325

Fix flickering when resizing a frame with status bar in wxMSW. The flicker was only visible under Windows XP or when using a class theme and was due to mis-positioning the status bar initially in PositionStatusBar(). Fix this by adjusting its position by the toolbar offset before calling its SetSize(). Closes #16705.

2014-12-27 15:24 VZ, revision 78324

Make disabling submenus work in wxMSW. As submenu items don't have a valid ID, we need to address them by their position when calling EnableMenuItem() -- and for simplicity do it for all the items. Closes #16747.

2014-12-27 15:17 VZ, revision 78323

Make disabling submenus work in wxMSW. As submenu items don't have a valid ID, we need to address them by their position when calling EnableMenuItem() -- and for simplicity do it for all the items. Closes #16747.

2014-12-27 15:17 VZ, revision 78322

Fix handling of fast clicks in wxRibbonBar under MSW. Second click can result in a double click event instead of the usual simple click if it happens quickly enough after the first one, so handle double clicks in the same way as simple clicks instead of ignoring them. Closes #16551.

2014-12-27 12:30 AW, revision 78321

Do not actually reconnect PG event handlers when attempting to reconnect them to the same window. When in wxPropertyGridManager::ReconnectEventHandlers() new window ID is the same as old window ID then there is no need to do anything with handlers. An assertion warning is displayed in this case to notify about this unusual (and maybe unintended) situation.

2014-12-25 02:32 VZ, revision 78320

Fix removing tools from wxToolBar in wxOSX. Release the tool instead of retaining it (typo?) and also remove it from the toolbar view. See #16663.