

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-02-15 01:20 RN, revision 32053

Use the new event handler macros

2005-02-15 00:56 RN, revision 32052

include mondorian xpmm on cocoa too

2005-02-15 00:37 VZ, revision 32051

use wxDC::GetMultiLineTextExtent() instead of duplicating its code in wxButton::DoGetBestSize()

2005-02-15 00:27 VZ, revision 32050

updated all .po files for 2.5.4

2005-02-15 00:02 VZ, revision 32049

remove INSTANCE declaration which uses wrong dll export convention and is unneeded anyhow

2005-02-14 23:53 VZ, revision 32048

define wxFooHandler() macros for all wxFooEvents to make it possible to use Connect() type-safely; simplified event macros definitions by extracing common part to wx__DECLARE_EVTn()

2005-02-14 23:00 RN, revision 32047

fix null-pointer crash

2005-02-14 22:27 RN, revision 32046

Needs to inherit from wxSliderBase for new ValueInvertOrNot Change

2005-02-14 20:12 RN, revision 32045

Finalize wxJoystick on mac. Note change. Pretty up joystick sample a bit. Don't logsyserror when wxSound can't find a file - its annoying.

2005-02-14 19:29 ABX, revision 32044

Common code for the same handling of wxSL_INVERSE.

2005-02-14 19:29 SC, revision 32043

added alpha channel support to ShrinkBy

2005-02-14 18:28 ABX, revision 32042

Minor editing.

2005-02-14 18:08 ABX, revision 32041

Build fix.

2005-02-14 18:05 ABX, revision 32040


2005-02-14 15:40 JS, revision 32039

Added wxContextMenuEvent

2005-02-14 14:59 DS, revision 32038

fixed MSVC6's "C4702: unreachable code" warnings

2005-02-14 14:53 DS, revision 32037

fixed Cygwin compilation (can't use extern "C" in C compilation)

2005-02-14 14:48 DS, revision 32036

fixed Cygwin compilation (there's no _get_osfhandle)

2005-02-14 13:17 VS, revision 32035

bakefile-0.1.7 changes affect wx,too

2005-02-14 12:02 JJ, revision 32034

Committing in . OpenVMS setup file update Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-02-14 11:11 JJ, revision 32033

Committing in . Some more ; fixes Modified Files: wxWidgets/include/wx/motif/tglbtn.h wxWidgets/src/motif/evtloop.cpp wxWidgets/src/x11/bitmap.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-02-14 10:49 ABX, revision 32032

Inversed slider and wrapper for datepicker control on PalmOS. WinHandle instead of HWND as WXWidget type. Cleaning from wxMSW specific API. Moving controls support. Non deprecated API in new port. Refreshing of whole and portions of windows.

2005-02-14 10:18 VZ, revision 32031

no changes, just mention gtk_paint_expander() in comment

2005-02-14 09:38 RN, revision 32030

Move HID stuff into both OSX builds. Add preliminary joystick for OSX

2005-02-14 08:41 SN, revision 32029

Force OMF mode for DLL builds.

2005-02-14 05:51 SC, revision 32028


2005-02-14 05:50 SC, revision 32027

ssize_t is always defined in OSX

2005-02-14 04:18 RN, revision 32026

warnin - move pict to where it belongs :)

2005-02-14 04:06 RN, revision 32025


2005-02-14 03:57 RN, revision 32024

warning and compilos

2005-02-14 03:46 RN, revision 32023

10.2 fix for CG

2005-02-14 00:10 RL, revision 32022

Now needs wxBitmap as a concrete type.

2005-02-13 23:17 VZ, revision 32021

added support for background bitmap specified in background attribute of the HTML body tag

2005-02-13 23:09 SN, revision 32020

Added support for current version of "emxomf".

2005-02-13 23:08 VZ, revision 32019

removed trailing CRs

2005-02-13 23:06 VZ, revision 32018

corrected link to the list test page

2005-02-13 21:22 RN, revision 32017


2005-02-13 21:09 VS, revision 32016

moved GNOME printing code back to wxCore and fixed for --enable-plugins case

2005-02-13 21:06 VS, revision 32015

moved GNOME printing code back to wxCore and fixed for --enable-plugins case

2005-02-13 21:00 SN, revision 32014

Simplified and extended compiler detection for OS/2.

2005-02-13 20:28 MW, revision 32013

Add some information for HP-UX 11i

2005-02-13 19:58 RN, revision 32012

compile fix

2005-02-13 19:57 RN, revision 32011

compile fixes

2005-02-13 19:40 VS, revision 32010

don't crash on unterminated CDATA elements (patch #1117629)

2005-02-13 19:30 VZ, revision 32009

replaced wxLogDebugs() with wxLogTrace()S

2005-02-13 19:01 VZ, revision 32008

don't duplicate wxItemContainer methods in wxRadioBoxBase, instead extract the common intersection to a new wxItemContainerImmutable class and derive wxRadioBoxBase from it

2005-02-13 17:17 VZ, revision 32007

include wx/rawbmp.h

2005-02-13 17:16 VZ, revision 32006

another compilation fix: added dummy UseAlpha(0 and HasAlpha()

2005-02-13 17:14 VZ, revision 32005

compilation fix for raw bitmaps (can't include wx/rawbmp.h from wx/bitmap.h as the former includes the latter!)

2005-02-13 17:08 VZ, revision 32004

1. added SetSelection() to wxItemContainer and removed its declarations from derived classes 2. made wxItemContainer::Select() non virtual: it simply calls SetSelection() 3. renamed wxListBox::SetSelection(n, select) to DoSetSelection() for all ports and defined non virtual SetSelection() overloads in the base class to avoid virtual functions hiding