

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-04-12 17:10 VZ, revision 53144

don't stop on NULs in Replace()

2008-04-12 17:05 VZ, revision 53143

test that iterator is valid before comparing with it (another bug introduced when replacing indices with iterators)

2008-04-12 17:03 VZ, revision 53142

fix bugs introduced in wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs() during Unicode transition; added a unit test for it

2008-04-12 16:30 RR, revision 53141

Try to escape backward slash with two of them

2008-04-12 15:37 RR, revision 53140

Add wxPopupWindow

2008-04-12 15:14 RR, revision 53139

Mention Scrolled and wxScrolledWindow

2008-04-12 15:12 VZ, revision 53138

forward declare wxVideoMode as struct, not class, now that it was reverted to be struct again

2008-04-12 15:05 RR, revision 53137

added @li to return values in wxStandardPaths

2008-04-12 12:05 CE, revision 53136

add ifacechaek to distrib

2008-04-12 02:31 VZ, revision 53135

use WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE instead of WXDLLEXPORT to avoid newer mingw32 warnings

2008-04-12 02:28 VZ, revision 53134

wxThread::Sleep() is the same as wxMilliSleep() on all platforms but Mac (and maybe it should be the same thing there as well)

2008-04-12 02:24 VZ, revision 53133

correct CallHtmlHelp() overload being called in Quit()

2008-04-12 02:17 VZ, revision 53132
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/apptbase.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/apptrait.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/apptbase.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/mac/carbon/apptrait.h

remove unused wxAppTraits-related files

2008-04-11 22:12 VS, revision 53131

Added documentation for wxItemContainer class; moved methods docs from wxControlWithItems there and fixed errors in them.

2008-04-11 17:56 VZ, revision 53130

ENDSESSION_LOGOFF is a bit flag, test for it using bit end and not equality in WM_ENDSESSION handler

2008-04-11 13:01 VZ, revision 53129

argh, really, really fix Darwin build

2008-04-11 12:59 VZ, revision 53128

GetSocketManager() has no GUI-specific version under Darwin finally

2008-04-11 12:51 VZ, revision 53127

also use AddProcessCallback() and GetSocketManager() under Darwin

2008-04-11 10:40 RR, revision 53126

Add test for context menu, fixed mem leak, fixed focus problem when re-editing same item

2008-04-11 10:32 RR, revision 53125

Improve wxMenu docs

2008-04-11 09:52 VS, revision 53124

reverted wxVideoMode API breakage by r53049, finished documentation for it

2008-04-11 08:35 JJ, revision 53123

Updates for VMS : new Makefiles, proper type casts

2008-04-11 07:01 BP, revision 53122

Fixed multiple inheritance structure of vscroll.h classes.

2008-04-10 22:09 FM, revision 53121

introduce a new @beginFlagTable

2008-04-10 22:04 FM, revision 53120

other misc fixes