

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-04-21 01:40 BP, revision 53279

More initial reviews of d* interface headers.

2008-04-20 23:50 BP, revision 53278

More initial reviews of d* interface headers.

2008-04-20 22:44 PC, revision 53277

fix child window redraw glitches during scrolling (bug 1944002)

2008-04-20 22:10 VS, revision 53276

implement wxLIST_AUTOSIZE support in wxMac's wxListCtrl

2008-04-20 22:10 VS, revision 53275

implement wxLIST_AUTOSIZE support in wxMac's wxListCtrl

2008-04-20 20:30 VS, revision 53274

fixed wxMac's wxListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(-1, ...) to really set width for every column

2008-04-20 20:28 VS, revision 53273

fixed wxMac's wxListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(-1, ...) to really set width for every column

2008-04-20 19:08 JS, revision 53272

Fix for slow first character insertion

2008-04-20 19:06 JS, revision 53271

Fix for slow first character insertion

2008-04-20 11:39 VS, revision 53270

fixed wxHyperlinkCtrl XRC handler to not crash

2008-04-20 11:39 VS, revision 53269

fixed wxHyperlinkCtrl XRC handler to not crash

2008-04-19 21:56 VZ, revision 53268

replace inexistent wxTBK_DEFAULT with wxBK_DEFAULT

2008-04-19 20:54 PC, revision 53267

don't reset m_deferShow if Show() is called more than once, bug 1939534

2008-04-19 17:22 RR, revision 53266

Fixed wxDatePickerCtrl under OS X

2008-04-19 16:14 VS, revision 53265

source files are not executable

2008-04-19 11:18 VS, revision 53264

fixed wxString::Replace() to work directly on m_impl -- matters for UTF-8 build

2008-04-19 09:10 CE, revision 53263

add missing hildon files to gtk distrib

2008-04-19 08:12 BP, revision 53262

More dc* interface headers reviewed.

2008-04-18 08:08 RR, revision 53260

Reverted accidental change

2008-04-18 08:07 SC, revision 53259

1945421 applied

2008-04-18 08:06 SC, revision 53258

1945421 applied

2008-04-18 08:06 RR, revision 53257

Reverted accidental change

2008-04-18 08:04 RR, revision 53256

Reverted accidental change

2008-04-18 08:01 RR, revision 53255

Layout improvements for CalendarCtrl

2008-04-18 07:58 RR, revision 53254

Bring wxSpinCtrl closer to HIG