

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-03-11 11:19 VZ, revision 32753

Unix compilation warning fixes

2005-03-11 09:33 JJ, revision 32752

Committing in . OPenVMS updates Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms wxWidgets/src/unix/stdpaths.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2005-03-11 09:15 SC, revision 32751

border handling streamlined

2005-03-11 07:35 ABX, revision 32750

Use empty check consistent with other parts.

2005-03-11 07:32 ABX, revision 32749

Bring back help turned off as in previous WinCE setup.h. Perhaps it should be !__SMARTPHONE__.

2005-03-11 07:21 ABX, revision 32748

chkconf.h of wince has to be included in files.bkl

2005-03-11 03:03 VZ, revision 32747

added debugrpt.cpp and dbgrptg.cpp

2005-03-11 03:02 VZ, revision 32746

test background bitmap

2005-03-11 03:01 VZ, revision 32745

do use PCH with gsocket.cpp

2005-03-11 02:55 VZ, revision 32744

added wxDebugReport

2005-03-11 02:13 VZ, revision 32743

gave default value of wxID_ANY to id parameter of wxStaticLine ctor as nobody uses anything else for it anyhow

2005-03-11 01:55 VZ, revision 32742

added wxSizerFlags::Left/Right()

2005-03-11 01:15 VZ, revision 32741

correct relative paths for headers

2005-03-11 00:26 VZ, revision 32740

regenerated with /EHsc instead of /GX (this requires cvs bakefile, please don't overwrite these changes with previous bakefile versions)

2005-03-11 00:19 VZ, revision 32739


2005-03-11 00:19 VZ, revision 32738

cosmetic fix to a message

2005-03-11 00:02 VZ, revision 32737

corrected wxLogErrors() in Clear() and Flush()

2005-03-10 23:55 RD, revision 32736


2005-03-10 23:54 RD, revision 32735

add default action methods

2005-03-10 23:06 RR, revision 32734

Reenable dead keys under GTK2.

2005-03-10 22:02 JS, revision 32733

When drawing a solid page background, don't use theme painting

2005-03-10 20:51 ABX, revision 32732

Missing API of wxMenuItem. const corrections. PalmOS specific note.

2005-03-10 20:14 ABX, revision 32731

Warning fix.

2005-03-10 19:59 ABX, revision 32730

Disable wxID_EXIT on PalmOS with all consequences in content of menu (separators). Remove msw related code in wxPalmOS.

2005-03-10 19:37 VZ, revision 32729

disable drag and drop

2005-03-10 19:34 ABX, revision 32728

Use initial book from available controls. Select it in menu correctly.

2005-03-10 19:23 VZ, revision 32727

wxGetEnv() should return wxChar *, even if it's a macro and not a function

2005-03-10 19:22 ABX, revision 32726

Apart smartphones use choicebook when notebook is not available (like testing smartphone layout using desktop build).

2005-03-10 19:20 VS, revision 32725

use dummy.cpp with eVC, too

2005-03-10 19:20 VS, revision 32724

use dummy.cpp with eVC, too

2005-03-10 19:20 VZ, revision 32723

define wxGetEnv() as macro, not inline function, for WinCE as otherwise extended.c compilation fails

2005-03-10 19:19 VZ, revision 32722

Unicode fix after last commit

2005-03-10 19:16 VZ, revision 32721

ignore build files for stuff which is not in the cvs

2005-03-10 19:14 VZ, revision 32720

define wxGetenv() for WinCE which doesn't have _tgetenv() to always return NULL

2005-03-10 19:14 VZ, revision 32719

use wxGetenv() instead of getenv() which doesn't exist under WinCE

2005-03-10 19:11 VZ, revision 32718

moved WinCE-specific part into wx/msw/wince/chkconf.h; added more stuff to it (partly moved from wince/setup.h)

2005-03-10 19:07 RD, revision 32717

Give the wxChoice an explicit width so the min size of the panel won't be too large, preventing the splitter from resizing it back down to a manageble size.

2005-03-10 19:06 VZ, revision 32716

disable wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS when compiling with VC++ but without /GX (a.k.a. /EHsc) switch

2005-03-10 18:54 VZ, revision 32715

unused param warning with wxUSE_OLE=0

2005-03-10 18:26 VZ, revision 32714

generate (common part of) include/wx/msw/wince/setup.h automatically, as for MSW, Mac and Unix setup.h versions

2005-03-10 15:47 SC, revision 32713

cursor setting corrected

2005-03-10 15:46 SC, revision 32712

make sure we don't have two associations pointing to the same control

2005-03-10 14:49 VZ, revision 32711

check that wxYES and wxNO are always used together as the native msg box can't use them separately (related to bug 1160422)

2005-03-10 14:18 ABX, revision 32710

Smartphone adjustements to generic log dialog.

2005-03-10 00:45 RD, revision 32709


2005-03-10 00:41 RD, revision 32708

Catch possible exception from getdefaultlocale

2005-03-09 23:17 JS, revision 32707

Added some missing samples

2005-03-09 23:01 VS, revision 32706

fixed wxrc's dependencies

2005-03-09 22:52 VS, revision 32705

AddFile usage clarifications

2005-03-09 22:49 RD, revision 32704
