

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-05-27 14:15 SC, revision 53783

guard against layout changes during DoSize

2008-05-27 14:14 SC, revision 53782

make sure we add the correct wx-border pixels to native controls when calculating best size

2008-05-27 10:37 RR, revision 53781

Fix links

2008-05-27 10:24 RR, revision 53780

Minor doc update

2008-05-27 10:17 RR, revision 53779

Native wxBitmapComboBox patch for GTK+

2008-05-27 09:52 RR, revision 53778

Clear columns on destruction

2008-05-27 09:43 RR, revision 53777

Minor wxList clarification

2008-05-27 09:26 RR, revision 53776

Use wxList::DeleteContents() to delete columns

2008-05-27 09:19 RR, revision 53775

Use wxList::DeleteContents() to delete columns

2008-05-27 09:17 RR, revision 53774

Reapply wxWeakRef patch again

2008-05-27 08:53 RR, revision 53773

Use wxWindowRef to hold pointer to default button

2008-05-27 04:57 SC, revision 53772

fixing arc filling for angles > 180

2008-05-27 04:49 SC, revision 53771

fixing arc filling for angles > 180

2008-05-26 18:50 RD, revision 53754

Don't add new enums to the middle of the list to preserve ABI

2008-05-26 17:28 PC, revision 53753

fix removing menu item, ticket 3387

2008-05-26 11:41 RR, revision 53752

Removed more //@ groups

2008-05-26 11:17 RR, revision 53751

Ticket #9493: interface-string-asterisk.patch

2008-05-26 09:21 VS, revision 53750

use bakefile-0.2.3 to generate 2.8 bakefiles

2008-05-26 07:49 RR, revision 53749

Various minor corrections

2008-05-26 07:33 RR, revision 53748

Minor correction

2008-05-25 21:54 KO, revision 53747

(Port to trunk) Fix for wxClientDC::GetAsBitmap, which partially resolves ticket #9486

2008-05-25 21:48 KO, revision 53746

Build fix for non-pch builds, e.g. for universal binary building.

2008-05-25 21:29 RR, revision 53745

Removed Item Management category, minor corrections

2008-05-25 21:20 RR, revision 53744

Clarified wxWindow::Find() wrt to returning *this*, some formating

2008-05-25 20:54 RR, revision 53743

Defer SetHorizontalExtent to idle, also fixes (wxListBox::Delete ignores Freeze/Thaw and is verrrrry slow)