

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-05-30 13:49 VZ, revision 53843

mention the problem with writing enums to wxConfig (see #8656)

2008-05-30 13:35 VZ, revision 53842

always define wxUSE_RICHEDIT[2] -- this is better than never defining them (closes #9514)

2008-05-30 13:31 VZ, revision 53841

mention the ambiguities which arise when passing wxString[.c_str()] to functions overloaded to take both char* and wchar_t* (see #9507)

2008-05-30 10:47 VS, revision 53840

re-added accidentally omitted 'ANSI'

2008-05-30 10:33 VS, revision 53839

fixed confusingly complicated sentence to make sense

2008-05-30 01:07 VZ, revision 53833

document that SetItemCount() doesn't have to refresh the control (to avoid problems of ticket #4570)

2008-05-30 01:05 VZ, revision 53832

use 'i' and 'd' instead of WXK_DELETE/INSERT as wxMSW list control doesn't get the latter keys in its OnListKeyDown()

2008-05-30 00:26 VZ, revision 53831

ensure that GetEditControl() returns something even if label editing was started by the user and not the program (closes #1325)

2008-05-30 00:03 VZ, revision 53830

no changes, just refactor the code to avoid having the same code for m_textCtrl destruction in 4 places

2008-05-29 23:47 RR, revision 53829

Don't fail compilation with GTK+ 2.2 in 2.8 branch

2008-05-29 23:36 VZ, revision 53828

remove misleading documentation of minPage in GetPageInfo() (see ticket #9502)

2008-05-29 23:13 RR, revision 53827

More work on getting wxLisBox events right

2008-05-29 18:28 KO, revision 53824

svn merge -r 53533:53823

2008-05-29 17:05 KO, revision 53823

Rebaked files after last commit.

2008-05-29 17:04 KO, revision 53822

Implementing wxScreenDC::GetAsBitmap on Mac.

2008-05-29 16:58 VZ, revision 53821

include wx/crt.h needed for wxFprintf() (closes #9509)

2008-05-29 14:13 SC, revision 53820

adding lowlevel hook to listbox

2008-05-29 14:11 SC, revision 53819

adding lowlevel hook to listbox

2008-05-29 14:10 RR, revision 53818

Create own entry for default constructors

2008-05-29 13:35 VZ, revision 53817

don't give an error if VT_DATE variant is being released, there is nothing to do for it anyhow (closes #4527)

2008-05-29 13:28 VZ, revision 53816

take wxString in wxCrashReport::SetFileName() to allow passing either ASCII or wide strings as well as wxStrings to this method (closes 9505)

2008-05-29 09:54 SC, revision 53815

guarding against crashes because of out-of-bounds accesses in release mode (returning 0), better error reporting in debug builds

2008-05-29 09:53 SC, revision 53814

guarding against crashes because of out-of-bounds accesses in release mode

2008-05-29 08:42 MW, revision 53813

New devs.

2008-05-29 07:06 SC, revision 53812

define HAVE_DLOPEN as it's always available on >=10.3