

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76612

Move wx/html/forcelnk.h back to wxHTML from wxBase headers. This partially undoes r32570 which doesn't seem necessary any more as wx/html/forcelnk.h is only used in wxHTML since the addition of wx/link.h soon after that revision and having it in wxBase is completely unnecessary and just looks strange.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76611

Update MSVC 10+ projects with upmake. Update the files used in MSVC 10, 11 and 12 projects from the master files list. The main change is the removal of all headers from the core project: it doesn't seem to make sense to have all headers, even for the completely unrelated projects, in it and it is easier to just have the core own headers. The only other changes are the addition of a few headers (including the .cpp files used as headers) to the base project and the removal of the files which are never built (but still appear in auto-generated by bakefile projects because they could have been used in wxUniv case) in the core project.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76610

Add first draft version of upmake, tool for updating makefiles. Start moving away from files.bkl as the primary source for the files -- and away from bakefile itself as the make/project file generator -- by storing the list of files in a new build/files file and provide a simple build/upmake script for updating files.bkl and the manually maintained MSVC10+ projects from this file contents.

2014-05-26 22:15 VZ, revision 76609

Add missing wx/msw/webview_missing.h header to MSVC 10+ webview projects. This file was present in auto-generated VC[789] projects but was forgotten in the manually maintained ones, add it now.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76608

Separate MSW resource files from the headers. Use separate MSW_HDR and MSW_RSC variables instead of putting everything into MSW_HDR: resources, such as .manifest, .bmp, .ico and .cur files, don't belong to the headers.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76607

No real changes, just use FOO_CMN_{SRC,HDR} for all libraries in files.bkl. Make variable definitions consistent for all libraries: previously some of them were decomposed in FOO_CMN_SRC and FOO_PLATFORM_SRC parts while others just defined FOO_SRC directly and interpolated FOO_PLATFORM_SRC into it. Use helper FOO_CMN_SRC for all of them now, as it will make it easier to update them automatically (and the same thing for headers, i.e. HDR variables). No changes to the generated project/make files.

2014-05-26 22:14 VZ, revision 76606

Minor cleanup in files.bkl. Remove duplicate file. Remove commented out variable assignments.

2014-05-26 09:30 PC, revision 76605

Fix setting client data when adding items to a sorted wxListBox, broken in r74317 closes #16290

2014-05-26 02:00 DS, revision 76604

remove stray '1' character from docs (introduced in r76601)

2014-05-25 11:40 TIK, revision 76603

Fix buffer overflow reported by the compiler: wxChar m_ext[kMacExtensionMaxLength] ; ... m_ext[kMacExtensionMaxLength] = 0 ; //warning: array index 16 is past the end of the array (which contains 16 elements) [-Warray-bounds]

2014-05-24 20:39 PC, revision 76602

fix wxStaticText improperly wrapping text when initial size is fully specified, closes #16278

2014-05-24 00:34 TIK, revision 76601

Make documentation reflect reality.

2014-05-22 22:35 VZ, revision 76600

Return wxWinVersion_[78] correctly from wxMSW wxGetWinVersion(). This is especially important because the workaround of r76152 for IFileDialog bug under Windows Vista also applied under later Windows versions as they were not detected correctly. Closes #16286.

2014-05-22 22:33 VZ, revision 76599

Return wxWinVersion_[78] correctly from wxMSW wxGetWinVersion(). This is especially important because the workaround of r76152 for IFileDialog bug under Windows Vista also applied under later Windows versions as they were not detected correctly. Closes #16286.

2014-05-22 17:13 VZ, revision 76598

Disable another wxStopWatch test case in the build bot builds. We can't rely on the program waking up quickly enough when running on the (loaded) buildbot machines, better to skip this test than to have spurious failures.

2014-05-22 16:36 VZ, revision 76597

Avoid showing the colour selection dialog twice in wxPropertyGrid. Selecting "Custom" in a colour property cell resulted in the colour selection dialog being shown twice if it was cancelled the first time. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC to indicate that the value is just being queried and the user shouldn't be asked to enter it, as it is already in the other places. Closes #15543.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76596

Fix changing individual font properties in the propgrid sample. Fixes the bug in the sample which resulted in the UI not working as expected. Closes #12779.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76595

Don't destroy wxFont from its GetFaceName() in wxMSW. wxFont::GetFaceName() could destroy the HFONT used by the font accidentally, avoid it by not invalidating the font when caching its face name. Closes #16273.

2014-05-22 16:35 VZ, revision 76594

Minor fixes to wxStaticBitmap documentation. Fix typo in the description; correct "See also" section. Closes #16279.

2014-05-22 16:15 VZ, revision 76593

Avoid showing the colour selection dialog twice in wxPropertyGrid. Selecting "Custom" in a colour property cell resulted in the colour selection dialog being shown twice if it was cancelled the first time. Fix this by using wxPG_PROPERTY_SPECIFIC to indicate that the value is just being queried and the user shouldn't be asked to enter it, as it is already in the other places. Closes #15543.

2014-05-22 16:08 VZ, revision 76592

Don't destroy wxFont from its GetFaceName() in wxMSW. wxFont::GetFaceName() could destroy the HFONT used by the font accidentally, avoid it by not invalidating the font when caching its face name. Closes #16273.

2014-05-21 09:41 VS, revision 76591

Fix warning in wxSimplebook::UpdateSelectedPage().

2014-05-21 09:40 VS, revision 76590

Fix warning in wxSimplebook::UpdateSelectedPage().

2014-05-20 05:16 RD, revision 76588

Add Get/SetDisabledBitmap methods for msw

2014-05-20 05:16 RD, revision 76587

Add Get/SetDisabledBitmap methods for msw