

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-08-23 18:44 VZ, revision 55213

implement wxWinINetInputStream::GetSize() (#9600) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 18:38 VZ, revision 55212

don't use BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON at all, BS_RADIOBUTTON works just as well and doesn't hang the application in some circumstances (#9786) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 18:30 VZ, revision 55211

always define wxUSE_RICHEDIT[2] -- this is better than never defining them (#9514) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 18:17 VZ, revision 55210

fix warnings about passing double as unsigned char

2008-08-23 18:17 VZ, revision 55209

fix changing font/colour of label in buttons with images (#3939) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 17:53 VZ, revision 55208

don't reserve space for the icons if none are used, even if we're in icon view (#9472) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 17:49 VZ, revision 55207

handle FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME which happens if an invalid file name is passed to wxFileDialog (#9688) [backport from trunk]

2008-08-23 16:19 VZ, revision 55206

use wx_static_cast() instead of static_cast<> on an off chance that some compiler still doesn't have the latter; fix svn properties for the new file

2008-08-23 14:14 SC, revision 55204

fixing typo

2008-08-23 12:55 SC, revision 55203

cocoa implementation files

2008-08-23 12:43 SC, revision 55202

common implementation files

2008-08-23 08:20 RR, revision 55201

wxComboCtrlBase::Enable() does not refresh the control #9900

2008-08-23 08:19 RR, revision 55200

wxComboCtrlBase::Enable() does not refresh the control #9900

2008-08-23 07:57 BIW, revision 55199

add missing header for WXMAC

2008-08-23 07:24 BIW, revision 55198

fix header problems

2008-08-23 06:37 BIW, revision 55197

rebaked because of auibar.*

2008-08-23 06:35 BIW, revision 55196

updated aui sample with new toolbar

2008-08-23 06:31 BIW, revision 55195

added wxAuiToolBar

2008-08-22 22:27 VZ, revision 55182

fix a couple of spelling errors

2008-08-22 22:22 VZ, revision 55181

fix 2 doxygen errors

2008-08-22 15:22 JS, revision 55177

Documented wxRTC fixes

2008-08-22 15:21 JS, revision 55176

Improved auto list numbering Fixed selection bugs

2008-08-22 15:21 JS, revision 55175

Improved auto list numbering Fixed selection bugs

2008-08-22 14:00 JS, revision 55173

Typo corrections

2008-08-22 13:08 SC, revision 55172

routing SetTitle to SetLabel as MSW does, fixing potential zombie pointers after mouse down events which delete windows