

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-08-16 23:52 VZ, revision 35203

avoid gcc warning

2005-08-16 23:14 VZ, revision 35202

added wxStaticText::Wrap()

2005-08-16 20:50 ABX, revision 35201

Warning fix.

2005-08-16 20:47 ABX, revision 35200

Build fix.

2005-08-16 20:32 ABX, revision 35199

Public access to MSWWindowProc() for wxQTMediaBackend::QTWndProc() under wxUnivMSW.

2005-08-16 20:23 ABX, revision 35198

Reuse functionality of wxGetStockLabel().

2005-08-16 15:06 JS, revision 35197

Added context help styles

2005-08-16 12:13 VZ, revision 35196

added code showing that at least under Windows wxCombobox::GetSelection() return value changes even before EVT_COMBOBOX is sent

2005-08-16 10:08 VZ, revision 35195

don't use wxApp::GetAppName() in the usage message, we want the real argv[0] here

2005-08-16 10:06 VZ, revision 35194

fixed warning about mismatching dlldecl when building as DLL

2005-08-15 20:09 VZ, revision 35193

compilation fix for wxUSE_STL=1 and mingw

2005-08-15 19:53 ROL, revision 35192

0.1.6-4: replace working for sizeritems and spacers

2005-08-15 12:11 VZ, revision 35191

replaced annoying wxLogDebug()s with wxLogTrace()

2005-08-14 18:45 VZ, revision 35190

update from Dennis Prochko

2005-08-14 12:07 VZ, revision 35189

update for 2.6.1 from Dennis Prochko

2005-08-13 22:40 DE, revision 35188

Regenerated with new bugfixes from aclocal.m4 and old OS/2 bugfix from wxAutohacks build/autoconf_prepend-include/autoconf/c.m4

2005-08-13 22:38 DE, revision 35187

Bug fixes from Bakefile CVS HEAD (still using 0.1.9 version though)

2005-08-13 21:08 MW, revision 35186

Let wxGetFileKind(FILE*) return wxFILE_KIND_UNKNOWN for NULL

2005-08-13 20:53 MW, revision 35185

Set wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR for wxFFileInputStream when open fails

2005-08-13 20:47 MW, revision 35184

Make the backward compatibility section a topic overview.

2005-08-13 20:38 MW, revision 35183

Add platform specific .po and .mo files into the distribution script

2005-08-13 09:48 JS, revision 35182

Fixed dangling pointers bug; radio button was not removing itself from the cycle when deleted, so when deleting and then adding a radio button, we get a crash

2005-08-12 15:34 MW, revision 35181


2005-08-12 15:29 MW, revision 35180

Translate '&Help' to '&' for italian Windows only

2005-08-12 14:40 ROL, revision 35179

some more fixes: tree selection, replacing, wxYield calls removed (produce infinite recursion)

2005-08-12 14:16 JS, revision 35178

Adaptations for PDA-sized screens

2005-08-12 14:09 JS, revision 35177

Added support for "help" parameter (context help text).

2005-08-11 13:29 VZ, revision 35176

don't override OnIconized() in the sample, the bug this was working around is now fixed in wxMSW itself

2005-08-11 13:24 VZ, revision 35175

force update of MDI client window size after the MDI parent frame is iconized and restored, otherwise all kinds of bad things (changes in MDI children positions; possibility to move them above the toolbar and below the status bar; wrong repaining) happen

2005-08-11 13:21 VZ, revision 35174

added wxSIZE_FORCE flag for SetSize()

2005-08-11 13:10 VZ, revision 35173

check that wxUSE_DC_CACHEING is defined

2005-08-10 22:53 MW, revision 35172

Adds a title to the chart, patch 1242262 Matthew D.P.

2005-08-10 21:50 MW, revision 35171

Mention converting ANSI->Unicode, patch 1247339 Eric Kow

2005-08-10 21:24 MW, revision 35170

#define wxUSE_STD_STRING to 0 rather than #undef it, patch 1255570 from Jan van Dijk

2005-08-10 19:41 MW, revision 35169

Undo r1.52 since we get another problem.

2005-08-10 18:46 VS, revision 35168

make sure all licence texts are really the same

2005-08-10 15:57 ROL, revision 35167

one more fix for tree selection

2005-08-10 14:58 ROL, revision 35166

wxMSW fixes for tree control

2005-08-09 19:27 ROL, revision 35165

0.1.6-1 Support for object_ref. CreateTestWin saves all DOM in temporary memory file now, to allow reference resolution. Tree changed to multiple selection (not really supported yet), so after deleting Unselect can be used (otherwise parent item is selected automatically which results in scrolling jumps - distracting). !!! Not tested on wxMSW yet.

2005-08-09 19:21 ROL, revision 35164

SetModified updates window title ('*' is shown if modified)

2005-08-09 18:00 MR, revision 35163

2_4_BRANCH: "Include file" -> "Include files" - as in all other docs. Closes patch #1254872

2005-08-09 17:55 MR, revision 35162

"Include file" -> "Include files" - as in all other docs

2005-08-08 23:12 VZ, revision 35161

Mac compilation fixes

2005-08-08 22:29 MW, revision 35160

wxMBConv test cases, patch 1179989 from Vince Harron

2005-08-08 22:21 MW, revision 35159

Replacements for some wcsxxx funcs for systems without them like osx 10.2.

2005-08-08 22:15 VZ, revision 35158

add missing braces to quiet gcc warnings about missing braces around initializer

2005-08-08 22:05 MW, revision 35157

Comment typo fixes from Vince Harron

2005-08-08 21:51 VZ, revision 35156

removed #if KEY_wxList_DEPRECATED: as KEY_wxList_DEPRECATED is not defined anywhere, this doesn't do anything but provoke gcc warnings

2005-08-08 21:49 VZ, revision 35155

removed mentions of wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN: unless I miss something, this doesn't make any sense for Mac

2005-08-08 21:46 VZ, revision 35154

correct -Wundef warning for __MSL__