

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-12-08 22:28 VZ, revision 1136

(very) preliminary DnD docs

1998-12-08 18:59 JS, revision 1135

Added wxAutomationObject documentation, changed some BC++ makefiles

1998-12-08 18:56 JS, revision 1134

Restored the old Dialog Editor files.

1998-12-08 18:55 JS, revision 1133

Added wxAutomationObject class.

1998-12-08 18:54 JS, revision 1132

Added wxOleAutomation class (wxMSW only, obviously...) and some wxTime member functions

1998-12-08 18:52 JS, revision 1131

Additions to wxTime; always inits OLE now in wxMSW

1998-12-08 18:49 JS, revision 1130

Added OLE automation sample, changed BC++ makefiles

1998-12-08 10:44 VZ, revision 1129

uncommented some code which works now

1998-12-08 10:02 KB, revision 1128

Added files.

1998-12-08 10:01 KB, revision 1127

Overwrote(!!) with source files that compile and link with latest wxGTK. Segfaults on startup though.

1998-12-08 09:30 RR, revision 1126

Corrected bold fonts

1998-12-08 08:40 RR, revision 1125

DnD updates Clipboard pasting (for wxDF_TEXT) print dialog looks better now font dialog ibid

1998-12-07 18:23 VZ, revision 1124

1. wxNotebook::GetPageCount() returns only the number of pages actually added to the notebook 2. wxTreeCtrl: more kbd interface ad SetItemBold (doesn't work :-( )

1998-12-07 13:28 RR, revision 1123

Listctrl updates

1998-12-07 10:38 RR, revision 1122

Keyboard navigatino in tree ctrl EnsureVisible()

1998-12-07 08:27 RR, revision 1121

Added serial code for wxList and wxHashTable to source tree Added a few accessors to wxList (for above) Fixed bug with GetClientSize() and sunken frames without scrollbars Made pixel corrections to wxListCtrl and wxFrame Added a few pixels before first tool in toolbar Added a few wxCHECKs here and there

1998-12-06 21:35 RR, revision 1120

wxIMage accessors printing bitmaps

1998-12-06 20:26 JS, revision 1119


1998-12-06 20:24 JS, revision 1118

Added various licence files

1998-12-06 17:33 RR, revision 1117

Update for bitmap, image on scaling, transparancy, wxCHECKs and no more dependance of wxBitmap on wxImage in its API

1998-12-05 23:10 VZ, revision 1116

1. suppressed some messages from HasEntry()/HasKeys() 2. removed "wxWindows" from default wxRegConfig location

1998-12-05 23:08 VZ, revision 1115

corrected a crash in wxDialog::Show() which would happen if there was a window in "pending for delete" queue before the call to this function

1998-12-05 23:07 VZ, revision 1114

a warning suppressed (arg to MessageBeep is UINT)

1998-12-05 21:53 RR, revision 1113

Fixed make install bug Commented AutoLayout() in wxWindow::OnSize() out (why?) Removed double code Fixed print page dialog

1998-12-05 21:02 RR, revision 1112

New PostScript code

1998-12-04 19:32 VZ, revision 1111

id are generated as in wxMSW if the default value (-1) is given to wxWindow::Create()

1998-12-04 17:54 RR, revision 1110

The final compile fixes for wxMotif with configure

1998-12-04 13:57 JS, revision 1109

Fixes for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY, and BC++ fix for event.cpp

1998-12-04 13:12 RR, revision 1108

Run fix for Lesstif wxScreenDC works better now

1998-12-04 10:30 JS, revision 1107

More progress on wxMotif, incl. wxTreeCtrl/wxListCtrl beginning to work

1998-12-04 07:43 RR, revision 1106

Added wxMiniFrame

1998-12-03 16:41 RR, revision 1105

Build fixes

1998-12-03 15:14 RR, revision 1104

wxWindow::ReParent() wxDC::SetClippingRegio( region) lots if wxDC inline with wxPoint

1998-12-03 15:05 UG, revision 1103

no message

1998-12-03 10:13 JS, revision 1102

Changed wxRectangle to wxRect. Sorry for the bandwidth...

1998-12-03 09:51 JS, revision 1101

Small Motif bug fixes

1998-12-02 22:32 VZ, revision 1100

disabled DeleteAll()

1998-12-02 20:06 VZ, revision 1099

added wxListCtrl::DeleteAllColumns()

1998-12-02 20:02 JS, revision 1098

Added wxRegion version of wxWindowDC::SetClippingRegion

1998-12-02 17:21 MR, revision 1097

range with m_minimumPaneSize and m_maximumPaneSize

1998-12-02 10:32 VZ, revision 1096

added wxNode::IndexOf and wxList::IndexOf (patch by Frank McIngvale)

1998-12-02 10:24 RR, revision 1095

Removed the new flicker code.

1998-12-01 17:41 RR, revision 1094

Pixel corrections for wxListCtrl Speedup for wxTreeCtrl::Insert()

1998-12-01 15:51 KB, revision 1093

Another try to detect alpha systems and fix string.h for it.

1998-12-01 12:55 RR, revision 1092

New wxDC hierarchy wxTE_PASWORD

1998-12-01 10:07 RR, revision 1091

drawing optimization fix

1998-12-01 07:19 RD, revision 1090

Changed wxBell to only use MessageBeep()

1998-11-30 15:59 VZ, revision 1089

linux compile fix

1998-11-30 12:59 JS, revision 1088

Fixed toolbar gaffe.

1998-11-30 12:52 JS, revision 1087

Hierarchy fixes; bug fix for tabg that was introduced somehow...

1998-11-30 00:08 VZ, revision 1086

1. added wxTreeCtrl::SetItemBold and IsBold, updated the sample to show them 2. wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point) added - to be implemented on other platforms

1998-11-29 22:21 VZ, revision 1085

some Linux compilation fixes

1998-11-29 21:20 JS, revision 1084

Added Win95 implementation of OutputDebugString; added to wxVariant class (just so Vadim hates it even more :-))

1998-11-29 21:16 JS, revision 1083

Added xpm directory.

1998-11-29 21:12 JS, revision 1082

Added wxVariant documentation; updated wxWindow, wxScrollBar docs

1998-11-28 22:42 VZ, revision 1081

toolbar tooltips fix

1998-11-28 22:36 VZ, revision 1080

compilation fixes for !wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT

1998-11-28 22:33 VZ, revision 1079

moved common code from ctor and Create() to a separate Init() function

1998-11-28 22:28 VZ, revision 1078

added wxTB_FLAT to default style in wxFrame::CreateToolbar()

1998-11-28 18:36 GL, revision 1077

* Fixed some "memory leak"

1998-11-28 13:38 JS, revision 1076

wxSize/wxPoint/wxRect versions of functions added to wxMSW, wxMotif; wxScrollBar::Set/GetPosition changed to Set/GetThumbPosition to avoid clash; various other portability changes

1998-11-28 06:26 UG, revision 1075

no message

1998-11-27 16:51 UG, revision 1074

no message

1998-11-27 16:31 VZ, revision 1073

wxStringList::copy ctor and assignment operator added (very inefficient because they don't take advantage of wxString ref counting)

1998-11-27 14:19 KB, revision 1072

handle sizeof(int) correctly

1998-11-27 11:55 KB, revision 1071

made operator definition dependent on sizeof(int), not __UNIX__

1998-11-26 20:52 KB, revision 1070

removed duplicate fixes

1998-11-26 20:47 KB, revision 1069

trying to resolve string problem

1998-11-26 19:10 VZ, revision 1068

wxTreeCtrl::Delete() bug corrected, sample expanded to test it

1998-11-26 18:15 RR, revision 1067

Build fix

1998-11-26 17:07 VZ, revision 1066

accidentally removed IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS added back

1998-11-26 16:11 RR, revision 1065

Flicker war won.

1998-11-26 16:05 MR, revision 1064

insert member funcs PositionToXY and XYToPosition

1998-11-26 15:30 VZ, revision 1063

vsprintf() is ANSI so there is normally no need to test for it

1998-11-26 15:21 VZ, revision 1062

some sprintf()s replaced with wxString::Printf

1998-11-26 14:08 VZ, revision 1061

wxList::Insert() bug fixed

1998-11-26 11:38 KB, revision 1060

trying with only an operator[] (int) and not (size_t)

1998-11-26 09:56 JS, revision 1059

Fixed Dialog Editor compilation and window sizing bug. Various warning-related fixed.

1998-11-26 07:11 RR, revision 1058

Fixes for wxlist improvements for DnD :-) moer dialog and frame fine tuning

1998-11-25 21:42 JS, revision 1057

Various wxMotif changes including size optimisation and debugging operator fix.

1998-11-25 19:42 RR, revision 1056

Resize fine tuning thread_list no longer keyed

1998-11-25 17:55 RR, revision 1055

Fixed module code Fixed printing and preview Grid: event handlers MUST NOT BE VIRTUAL Corrected init code for all DCs

1998-11-25 16:28 KB, revision 1054

use unsigned for wxString [] operator

1998-11-25 15:16 KB, revision 1053

another i.c.e.

1998-11-25 15:15 KB, revision 1052

fixed internal compiler error

1998-11-25 15:10 KB, revision 1051

fixed internal compiler error and proper translation

1998-11-25 14:34 KB, revision 1050

made operator[](int n) const #ifdef _WXMSW__

1998-11-25 12:36 KB, revision 1049

fixed the internal compiler error

1998-11-25 12:13 KB, revision 1048

fixed the vsprintf() problem once and for all

1998-11-25 12:01 JS, revision 1047

Various fixes.

1998-11-25 11:41 KB, revision 1046

Added test for sprintf and vsnprintf to fix string.cpp for non-GNU systems.

1998-11-25 09:58 UG, revision 1045

no message

1998-11-25 08:47 RD, revision 1044

Added wxPalette, wxRegion, wxRegionIterator, wxTaskbarIcon Added events for wxGrid Other various fixes and additions

1998-11-25 08:41 RR, revision 1043

wxFrame size bug build fixes

1998-11-25 08:17 RD, revision 1042

Converted the virtual-methods-callbacks into real events, leaving the original virtuals intact so as to not break any existing code. Needed for wxPython.

1998-11-25 08:15 RD, revision 1041

Enabled the wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG to be optional even if it would otherwise be used since I couldn't get it to work here.

1998-11-25 08:13 RD, revision 1040

Fixed an issue related to the new wxList.

1998-11-25 07:42 RR, revision 1039

Improvements for notebooks on various versions of GTK

1998-11-25 00:30 VZ, revision 1038

added untyped Sort() for compatibility

1998-11-24 23:53 VZ, revision 1037

LISTs renamed to OBJARRAYs