

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-09-17 07:28 SC, revision 55672

reverting, something in locks wasn't good

2008-09-17 07:25 SC, revision 55671

MW speedups

2008-09-16 20:21 SC, revision 55669

osx_cocoa build

2008-09-16 18:37 JMS, revision 55668

Try to display '...' text on editor buttons more consistently on wxGTK. This is done by having minimum fixed width and by reducing size of used font.

2008-09-16 18:00 SC, revision 55667

fixing redefine warnings

2008-09-16 17:50 SC, revision 55666

next build

2008-09-16 17:39 SC, revision 55665

adding scheduler

2008-09-16 17:00 JMS, revision 55664

Do not incorrectly interprete StringToValue() returning false to mean that it failed

2008-09-16 16:31 VZ, revision 55663

more grid folding: got rid of duplicate version of methods for finding the closest row/column edge, appending/inserting/deleting rows/columns, and moving cursor vertically/horizontally

2008-09-16 16:18 VZ, revision 55662

document wxGridTableBase

2008-09-16 16:00 JMS, revision 55661

Removed some test code left in a long time ago

2008-09-16 15:55 JMS, revision 55660

Eliminated C++ RTTI (typeid etc) use. Eliminated wxPGVariantData (default default value for new types is now Null variant). Re-created variantdata creator macros based on those found in variant.h. Using DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_OBJECT whenever possible.

2008-09-16 14:03 MW, revision 55659

Fix -- in comment.

2008-09-16 13:37 SC, revision 55658

rollback just in case it was me. ...

2008-09-16 13:33 SC, revision 55657

different build dirs

2008-09-16 13:21 SC, revision 55656

expanding builds

2008-09-16 12:47 SC, revision 55655

buildbot test

2008-09-16 12:43 RR, revision 55654

Added reverse iterator to wxVector<T>

2008-09-16 10:58 JS, revision 55653

Switched off some buggy optimisation that caused caret positioning/drawn text mismatch. Fixed defragmentation.

2008-09-16 08:32 VZ, revision 55652

start of the great grid folding: introduce wxGridOperations class and use it to avoid duplicating the same code for rows and columns in a couple of methods

2008-09-16 08:03 VZ, revision 55651

disable AUI (and also MDI in 2.8) under CE, it doesn't make much sense there and doesn't currently compile anyhow

2008-09-15 16:13 VZ, revision 55650

use wxSwap()

2008-09-15 16:12 VZ, revision 55649

document wxDELETE() and wxDELETEA() (now committing the right file, please disregard comment of r55648)

2008-09-15 16:06 VZ, revision 55648

document wxDELETE() and wxDELETEA()

2008-09-15 14:43 JS, revision 55647

Fixed Freeze problem that rendered control invisible