

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-06-16 16:51 VZ, revision 76716

Update the release notes and checksums for 3.0.1 release. Also add an explicit notice about needing to compile the library even after downloading the installer.

2014-06-16 00:18 TIK, revision 76715

Under certain conditions, selecting a menu item triggers an assert in toplevel.cpp:1544: wxASSERT_MSG( m_menuDepth > 0, wxS("No open menus?") ); The conditions to reproduce: - Windows 8.1 - An application manifest that indicates Windows 8.1 compatibility In this case, wxGetWinVersion() used to return wxWinVersion_Unknown (Without a manifest indicating 8.1 support, wxWinVersion_8 is being returned). This in turn causes the version check against Windows98 in toplevel.cpp:455 to fail, ultimately leading to the mentioned assert. See for details. This patch on the 3.x branch of wx adjusts wxGetWinVersion to return wxWinVersion_8 on 8.1 instead of wxWinVersion_Unknown if there's such a manifest. In future, a different approach needs to be chosen that does not depend the deprecated GetVersion function.

2014-06-16 00:17 TIK, revision 76714

Under certain conditions, selecting a menu item triggers an assert in toplevel.cpp:1539: wxASSERT_MSG( m_menuDepth > 0, wxS("No open menus?") ); The conditions to reproduce: - Windows 8.1 - An application manifest that indicates Windows 8.1 compatibility In this case, wxGetWinVersion() used to return wxWinVersion_Unknown (Without a manifest indicating 8.1 support, wxWinVersion_8 is being returned). This in turn causes the version check against Windows98 in toplevel.cpp:450 to fail, ultimately leading to the mentioned assert. See for details. This patch on trunk adjusts adds the wxWinVersion_8_1 enum value and returns it on Windows 8.1 if the program is manifested as such. In future, a different approach needs to be chosen that does not depend the deprecated GetVersion function.

2014-06-15 17:14 VZ, revision 76713

Add a page containing the screenshots of all controls to the manual. It can be helpful to see all the controls at a glance, especially if you don't know which control is needed.

2014-06-15 17:14 VZ, revision 76712

Make picker controls description in the manual less useless. It's not really clear what potential benefit could library users extract from the knowledge that the picker controls behaviour is "highly platform-dependent". Try to be flighty more helpful.

2014-06-15 14:58 VZ, revision 76711

Display wxString in more readable way in MSVS debug visualizer. Use "sb" format specifier to avoid having L"..." around the string and then add just the quotes back manually.

2014-06-15 03:33 VZ, revision 76710

Remove the old release making instructions and scripts. Using git-based scripts seems to work well and the old scripts are not maintained any more and having several ways of making releases is just confusing, so leave only one set of scripts, the one actually used since 2.9.

2014-06-15 02:50 VZ, revision 76709

Tag 3.0.1 release.

2014-06-15 02:30 VZ, revision 76708

Update the release notes and the announcement for 3.0.1 release. Document the changes in this release. Remove the "Documentation" section from the README as it doesn't seem to be very useful there, the link to the online documentation is the most important thing and it's mentioned in the very beginning.

2014-06-15 02:30 VZ, revision 76707

Set the 3.0.1 release date. Update the release date in the change log and the manual.

2014-06-15 02:30 VZ, revision 76706

Add MSVS visualizers for wxArrayString, wxVector, wxWindowList. Make viewing the contents of the (most common) container types easier when debugging in MSVS 2012 or later. Provide std::{vector,list}-like visualizers for wxVector and wxWindowList and a special visualizer allowing to see the contents of wxArrayString in a relatively common case when it has just or two elements.

2014-06-15 02:30 VZ, revision 76705

Add a file with debug visualizers for MSVS 2013 and later. For now this file contains just the visualizer for wxWindow which shows its real (most derived) type as this is often the most useful thing you need to know about the window.

2014-06-15 02:30 VZ, revision 76704

Add debugger visualizers for Visual Studio 2012+. Starting with 2012, Visual Studio uses a new, XML-based and actually quite understandable format for the debug visualizers. Only basics are included so far.

2014-06-15 02:00 BP, revision 76703

Updated date in manual for 3.0.1 release.

2014-06-14 23:03 VZ, revision 76702

Add MSVS visualizers for wxArrayString, wxVector, wxWindowList. Make viewing the contents of the (most common) container types easier when debugging in MSVS 2012 or later. Provide std::{vector,list}-like visualizers for wxVector and wxWindowList and a special visualizer allowing to see the contents of wxArrayString in a relatively common case when it has just or two elements.

2014-06-14 23:03 VZ, revision 76701

Add a file with debug visualizers for MSVS 2013 and later. For now this file contains just the visualizer for wxWindow which shows its real (most derived) type as this is often the most useful thing you need to know about the window.

2014-06-14 22:23 TIK, revision 76700

Remove the unused anonymous function OffsetWindow to fix a compiler warning.

2014-06-14 22:22 TIK, revision 76699

Remove the unused anonymous function OffsetWindow to fix a compiler warning.

2014-06-14 22:20 TIK, revision 76698

Don't redefine _FORCENAMELESSUNION it if it is already defined. Fixes a warning when compiling with MinGW.

2014-06-14 22:19 TIK, revision 76697

Don't redefine _FORCENAMELESSUNION it if it is already defined. Fixes a warning when compiling with MinGW.

2014-06-13 19:19 VZ, revision 76696

Compilation fix for wxFont in wxMotif. Include wx/crt.h containing wxSscanf() declaration.

2014-06-12 19:14 VZ, revision 76695

Allow using wxALIGN_CENTER in XRC for wxStaticText. Only wxALIGN_CENTRE was allowed previously in the XRC, while both worked in the code and also even in XRC but for wxSizer alignment.

2014-06-12 19:13 VZ, revision 76694

Fix wxDynamicLibrary compilation under Solaris. Add const_cast<> needed for the call to dladdr() to compile.

2014-06-12 19:13 VZ, revision 76693

Allow using wxALIGN_CENTER in XRC for wxStaticText. Only wxALIGN_CENTRE was allowed previously in the XRC, while both worked in the code and also even in XRC but for wxSizer alignment.

2014-06-11 23:31 VZ, revision 76692

Added a brief version of README in markdown for Github users. Now that we have there doesn't seem to be any reason for not having as well. Perhaps this one will replace docs/readme.txt in the future.