

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-06-20 00:35 VZ, revision 76741
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/publicity/publicity.txt

Remove file with obsolete release announcement information. This file was last (really) updated in 2003 and, unsurprisingly, information in it is not relevant 10+ years later and most of URLs in it simply don't exist any more (or exist but are no longer used, such as, since yesterday). Any additional places to announce wxWidgets releases should be added to the "Announcement" section of docs/contributing/ now.

2014-06-20 00:11 VZ, revision 76740

Correct the name of the "preferences" sample in configure. Fix building (all) samples under Unix.

2014-06-19 15:10 SC, revision 76739

supporting retina, see #15887

2014-06-19 15:05 SC, revision 76738

supporting 2x display on retina displays, fixes #15887

2014-06-19 11:29 TIK, revision 76737

wxBitmap::GetMask() asserts on invalid bitmap. Check for valid bitmap before calling GetMask().

2014-06-19 11:29 TIK, revision 76736

wxBitmap::GetMask() asserts on invalid bitmap. Check for valid bitmap before calling GetMask().

2014-06-18 18:52 SC, revision 76735
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/cocoa
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/cocoa

removing 'old' cocoa port

2014-06-18 16:55 SC, revision 76734

the old cocoa code will be removed in the next step

2014-06-18 16:27 SC, revision 76733

remove dependency from former cocoa port

2014-06-18 16:22 SC, revision 76732

adapting const parameter convention

2014-06-18 15:28 SC, revision 76731

remove dependency from former cocoa port

2014-06-18 15:25 SC, revision 76730

in reality there are only 2 different native toolbar sizes

2014-06-18 15:13 SC, revision 76729

remove dependency from former cocoa port

2014-06-18 15:11 SC, revision 76728

remove dependency from former cocoa port

2014-06-18 15:05 SC, revision 76727

only flush a client dc if it was not inheriting the native CGContextRef from an outside paint context, fixes #16334

2014-06-18 14:57 VS, revision 76726

Use IRichEditOleCallback for wxTextCtrl's context menu. In wxMSW, use IRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu() to provide our default context menu for rich text controls, instead of using EVT_CONTEXT_MENU. The latter completely overrides native control's handling and in particular breaks Windows 8's builtin spellchecking support. Fall back to the previous non-OLE code for older richtext versions.

2014-06-18 14:57 VS, revision 76725

Add wxMenu::MSWDetachHMENU(). Make it possible to pass ownership of a wxMenu to win32.

2014-06-18 14:57 VS, revision 76724

Handle WM_*MENU* events in wxWindow. Contrary to MSDN implications, at least some of these messages are not actually sent to the TLW for popup menus, but to the owning window or even its parent window (!). Catch the events in wxWindow and forward to the TLW.

2014-06-18 14:51 VS, revision 76723

Use IRichEditOleCallback for wxTextCtrl's context menu. In wxMSW, use IRichEditOleCallback::GetContextMenu() to provide our default context menu for rich text controls, instead of using EVT_CONTEXT_MENU. The latter completely overrides native control's handling and in particular breaks Windows 8's builtin spellchecking support. Fall back to the previous non-OLE code for older richtext versions. Also make the new MSWCreateContextMenu() method virtual so that the context menu can be customized.

2014-06-18 14:51 VS, revision 76722

Add wxMenu::MSWDetachHMENU(). Make it possible to pass ownership of a wxMenu to win32.

2014-06-18 14:51 VS, revision 76721

Handle WM_*MENU* events in wxWindow. Contrary to MSDN implications, at least some of these messages are not actually sent to the TLW for popup menus, but to the owning window or even its parent window (!). Move the handling of these events from wxTLW to wxWindow. Move menu depth tracking to wxFrame, because it only makes sense for frame's menus and move DoGiveHelp() from wxTLW to wxFrame.

2014-06-17 17:05 VZ, revision 76720

Clarify wxEVT_SLIDER event handler argument type in the documentation. Unlike all other events generated by wxSlider, this one receives a wxCommandEvent and not a wxScrollEvent. Unfortunately @beginEventEmissionTable doesn't handle the case of a class producing events of different types, perhaps it shouldn't be used at all here.

2014-06-17 17:05 VZ, revision 76719

Clarify wxEVT_SLIDER event handler argument type in the documentation. Unlike all other events generated by wxSlider, this one receives a wxCommandEvent and not a wxScrollEvent. Unfortunately @beginEventEmissionTable doesn't handle the case of a class producing events of different types, perhaps it shouldn't be used at all here.

2014-06-17 16:39 VZ, revision 76718

Add a reminder to update the date on download page to release HOWTO. This is probably useful as it was forgotten for 3.0.1.

2014-06-16 19:50 VZ, revision 76717

Update the version to 3.0.2 and rebake everything. This is the result of running misc/scripts/inc_release and bakefile_gen.