

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-10-10 18:46 FM, revision 56217

better use of <wx-data>

2008-10-10 16:15 VZ, revision 56216

don't crash when the document contents can't be converted to the target encoding (#10064)

2008-10-10 16:13 VZ, revision 56215

just return false instead of crashing if the document contents can't be converted to the target encoding (#10064)

2008-10-10 16:11 VZ, revision 56214

don't crash when streaming out a wxString into an std::ostream, just set the failbit instead

2008-10-10 15:51 PC, revision 56213

use correct background color when drawing borders

2008-10-10 15:37 VZ, revision 56212

add a very simple test for Load/Save()

2008-10-10 15:22 JMS, revision 56211

GetPendingEditedValue() -> GetUncommittedPropertyValue() (more consistent API naming. Eg. there is also CommitChangesFromEditor())

2008-10-10 10:02 RR, revision 56210

Fix crash again

2008-10-10 08:44 RR, revision 56209

Trying to make introduction reappear

2008-10-10 07:36 RR, revision 56208

Fix crash with NULL pointer dereferencing

2008-10-09 19:18 RR, revision 56204

implement GetSizeAvailableForScrollTarget

2008-10-09 18:12 RR, revision 56203

Use g_signal_connect_after for wxRadioButton as well

2008-10-09 18:09 RR, revision 56202

Blind guess fix for wxRB_SINGLE

2008-10-09 17:00 FM, revision 56201

fixed a bug caused by passing a wxChar[] buffer to a function taking a wxString; the buffer was automatically converted but since it was not NULL-terminated, a crash resulted

2008-10-09 16:42 FM, revision 56200

doxygen warning fix

2008-10-09 16:30 FM, revision 56199

revised richtext headers

2008-10-09 14:23 FM, revision 56197

fix typo (missing P2 argument in template)

2008-10-09 13:45 FM, revision 56196

use standard tags @class,,@lib,@category for wxScopeGuard, too (to keep the documentation style uniform)

2008-10-09 11:27 VZ, revision 56195

use wxScopeGuard instead of an explicit try/catch(...)/throw: this suppresses wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS tests and also avoids MSVC unreachable code warnings

2008-10-09 11:26 VZ, revision 56194

add 3 parameter scope guard; improve its documentation

2008-10-09 09:49 VZ, revision 56193

use /nologo nmake switch to avoid many annoying copyright notices in output

2008-10-09 09:48 VZ, revision 56192

exclude contrib from build for as long as there is no there

2008-10-09 09:42 VZ, revision 56191

another attempt at fixing VC6 compilation

2008-10-09 09:39 VZ, revision 56190

trying to fix visibility problems for ObjC++ files after bakefile 0.2.4 upgrade

2008-10-09 09:33 VZ, revision 56189

fix bug in the test in STL build (where std::vector uses operator=() and not copy ctor to copy objects around, at least with g++)