

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-01-07 08:33 SC, revision 36753

bug fix for MacTel builds, using the same code on PPC as well (wxMask)

2006-01-07 06:30 vell, revision 36752

minor cleanup

2006-01-07 06:09 vell, revision 36751

minor cleanup

2006-01-07 06:01 vell, revision 36750

cleanup - reformat

2006-01-07 01:14 VZ, revision 36749

refresh the MDI frame window menu whenever a child frame is shown/hidden (and not only when its menu bar is changed as this means that the menu is never refreshed if the child frame has no menu)

2006-01-07 01:12 VZ, revision 36748

just added wxUSE_MENUS around code using the menus

2006-01-07 01:05 VZ, revision 36747

removed Win16 code

2006-01-07 00:31 VZ, revision 36746

added a test command to show the current selection

2006-01-06 23:43 SN, revision 36745

Integrated fixes for sizing/positioning; cleanup; removal of handle/window association in dtor. (All according to patch #1396667).

2006-01-06 22:31 SN, revision 36744

Fixed sizing&positioning and an error in subclassing.

2006-01-06 22:26 SN, revision 36743

Cosmetic fixes.

2006-01-06 21:44 VZ, revision 36742

Unicode compilation fix

2006-01-06 21:41 VZ, revision 36741

fixed bug in GetString() introduced during the latest round of changes

2006-01-06 21:33 VZ, revision 36740

added GetString() test

2006-01-06 21:17 vell, revision 36739

cleanup - reformat (take 2)

2006-01-06 21:14 vell, revision 36738

cleanup - reformat

2006-01-06 17:10 VZ, revision 36737

add comment about using not quite standard mbstowcs() feature

2006-01-06 17:06 VZ, revision 36736

use our own mbstowcs() and wcstombs() implementations with Metrowerks as MSL CRT doesn't implement Unix98 extension of allowing to call them with NULL output parameters to just get the size of the needed buffer which we rely on (backport from HEAD)

2006-01-06 16:52 VZ, revision 36735

use our own mbstowcs() and wcstombs() implementations with Metrowerks as MSL CRT doesn't implement Unix98 extension of allowing to call them with NULL output parameters to just get the size of the needed buffer which we rely on

2006-01-06 16:04 SN, revision 36734

Removed creation&deletion of an unused font object.

2006-01-06 16:01 SN, revision 36733

Allow multiple lines for a static text

2006-01-06 12:54 VZ, revision 36732

added wx/object.h include (bug 1398517)

2006-01-06 12:53 VZ, revision 36731

added wx/object.h include (bug 1398517; backport from HEAD)

2006-01-06 07:05 RD, revision 36730

another merge from WX_2_6_BRANCH

2006-01-06 05:36 RD, revision 36729


2006-01-06 05:26 RD, revision 36728

Allow the frame (if there is one) to resize the toolbar after Realize is called

2006-01-06 05:18 RD, revision 36727

ReST docs regenerated

2006-01-06 04:54 RD, revision 36726

A variety of updates to wx.lib.floatcanvas, including Added DrawObjects, including a ScaledTextBox, with auto-wrapping, etc, and Scaled and Unscaled Bitmap Objects.

2006-01-06 04:46 RD, revision 36725

Added wxSizerItem::SetUserData

2006-01-06 04:45 RD, revision 36724

Added wx.SizerItem.SetUserData

2006-01-06 03:17 vell, revision 36723

cleanup - reformat; added assignment of initial selection to match other platform behavior

2006-01-06 00:36 vell, revision 36722

cleanup - reformat; added (disabled) support for secondary highlight color

2006-01-06 00:18 RD, revision 36721

Set the tool size to to be the same as the bitmap size

2006-01-05 23:55 RD, revision 36720

Workaround for wxMac since it is unable to dismiss the edit control when the listctrl is clicked on. It has to do with a dependency on the order of focus events so on wxMac we'll just explicitly dismiss the edit control if it's active when the listctrl is clicked on.

2006-01-05 23:47 RD, revision 36719

Switch to a GenStaticText so the colour can be changed everywhere that the font dialog allows the colour to be selected

2006-01-05 23:45 KO, revision 36718

Remove MultipleChoiceDemo now that MultiChoiceDemo exists and does the same things.

2006-01-05 23:41 RD, revision 36717

Fixes problem of pasting code that contains an else, elif, except, etc. and factored out a separate Execute method.

2006-01-05 23:16 MR, revision 36716

(WX_2_6_BRANCH) Include wx/event.h, as it is used by-value (parent class). Thanks to Stefan Langhammer for finding a problem, and to Robin McNeill for finding the missing header before I managed to open my editor.

2006-01-05 23:11 MR, revision 36715

include wx/event.h, as it is used by-value (parent class).

2006-01-05 23:09 KO, revision 36714

Ensure the EVT_TEXT's text string is set properly.

2006-01-05 22:15 RD, revision 36713

Tweaked layout a bit

2006-01-05 22:14 RD, revision 36712

It is now recommended to not pass the position to PopupMenu and to let the platform position the menu itself

2006-01-05 19:02 vell, revision 36711

cleanup - reformat; minor code tweaks

2006-01-05 18:27 RD, revision 36710

backport of "layout adaptions for mac" change from HEAD

2006-01-05 18:26 RD, revision 36709

backport of "transparent grow box for dialogs" change from HEAD

2006-01-05 17:07 RD, revision 36708

docstring fixes

2006-01-05 11:26 SC, revision 36707

layout adaptions for mac

2006-01-05 11:24 SC, revision 36706

transparent grow box for dialogs

2006-01-05 08:46 vell, revision 36705

ported KO's v262 change forward

2006-01-05 08:38 vell, revision 36704

cleanup - reformat (part 3)