

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-10-12 14:12 VZ, revision 56243

compilation fix for PCH-less build

2008-10-12 13:04 VZ, revision 56242

add wxGenericStaticText (#9656)

2008-10-12 13:03 VS, revision 56241

removed a warning that should only be a FIXME

2008-10-12 12:52 VZ, revision 56240

add a unit test for reading non existent values (to check for #10030)

2008-10-12 12:23 JMS, revision 56239

Eliminate (or at least reduce) 64-bit build warnings (as described in wxPG sourceforge bug report #2156069)

2008-10-12 11:29 JMS, revision 56238

Re-added GetSelectProperty() to wxPropertyGridManager

2008-10-12 11:25 JMS, revision 56237

Also update description text when wxPG_DESCRIPTION window style is toggled

2008-10-12 11:13 JMS, revision 56236

Set focus back to canvas when child editors are being destroyed (fixes wxGTK property selection focus bug)

2008-10-11 20:18 VS, revision 56234

get help frame's icon using wxART_FRAME_ICON wxArtClient hint, not wxART_HELP_BROWSER

2008-10-11 20:17 VS, revision 56233

get help frame's icon using wxART_FRAME_ICON wxArtClient hint, not wxART_HELP_BROWSER

2008-10-11 16:03 FM, revision 56232

init the file and dir pickers with dummy files/folders

2008-10-11 15:55 FM, revision 56231

fix the menu item bitmaps for wxMSW; fix the name of the screenshot generated for wxHyperlinkCtrl on platforms != wxGTK

2008-10-11 15:54 FM, revision 56230

Act as wxMSW and make an assert fail, if the user forgot to give a "type flag" (previously it assumed wxLC_LIST type flag).

2008-10-11 15:53 FM, revision 56229

added automatically generated screenshots of wxMSW controls

2008-10-11 13:15 FM, revision 56228

added automatically-generated bitmaps of wxWidgets controls

2008-10-11 13:10 FM, revision 56227

revised m*h headers

2008-10-11 06:00 SC, revision 56226

adding missing cast

2008-10-11 05:18 SC, revision 56225

superfluous embedding API

2008-10-10 22:51 FM, revision 56224

fix two bugs: 1) the missing NOT in the if (real) test; 2) the missing +1 in getID() function; add many checks and log messages

2008-10-10 21:20 VZ, revision 56223

STL build compilation fix

2008-10-10 21:12 VZ, revision 56222

fix C strings comparison in LoadSave() test in STL build

2008-10-10 20:56 FM, revision 56221

fixed the status of the second radio button; now (on wxGTK at least) it appears correctly as unchecked

2008-10-10 19:14 FM, revision 56220

fix doxygen warnings

2008-10-10 19:13 FM, revision 56219

group hit-test flags into an enum (like I did in docs); this makes easier to document them, but is also logically the best thing since wxRichTextBuffer::HitTest is documented to return only _one_ of those flags.

2008-10-10 19:01 SC, revision 56218

moving embedding to common API