

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-06-25 20:03 VS, revision 76772

wxTextCtrl: call UpdateUI() when showing OLE-based context menu.

2014-06-25 20:01 VS, revision 76771

Fix IRichEditOleCallback compilation with MinGW. MinGW headers declare the IRichEditOleCallback interface and the corresponding IID, but the libraries don't contain the latter symbol. Work around it by defining it ourselves. Fixes #16340.

2014-06-25 17:17 VZ, revision 76770

Generate debug information in MSVC 11/12 builds too. This partially (as MSVC 10 projects were already correct) backports r76475 from trunk, see #16236.

2014-06-25 01:56 VZ, revision 76769

Mention the addition of x64 configs in MSVC 8/9 projects in the change log. Should have been part of the previous commit.

2014-06-25 01:54 VZ, revision 76768

Generate 64 bit configurations in MSVC 8/9 projects. Update bakefile configuration to include x64 configurations into MSVS 2005 and 2008 projects (2003 doesn't support building in 64 bits, 2010 and later are manually maintained and already have them) and rebake the projects. Closes #13675.

2014-06-25 01:52 VZ, revision 76767

Generate 64 bit configurations in MSVC 8/9 projects. Update bakefile configuration to include x64 configurations into MSVS 2005 and 2008 projects (2003 doesn't support building in 64 bits, 2010 and later are manually maintained and already have them) and rebake the projects. See #13675.

2014-06-24 20:54 DS, revision 76760

Clean up GetHBitmapForMenu. Merge wxMenuItem::GetHBitmapForMenuCheckable and ::DoGetHBitmapForMenu into wxMenuItem::GetHBitmapForMenu. Change its boolean parameter to an enum specifying the kind of bitmap that is wanted (normal, checked, or unchecked).

2014-06-24 04:47 DS, revision 76759

Fixes for building wxMSW under Cygwin. Replace a few __WXMSW__ tests with __WINDOWS__ as the former is not defined any longer (since r73290) when compiling with wxUSE_GUI set to 0. Tested changes with both wxGTK and wxMSW builds under Cygwin. Closes #14382.

2014-06-24 04:46 DS, revision 76758

Fix non-MSVS compilation of webview_ie.cpp. Use wxCRT_StricmpW instead of the Visual C++ specific _wcsicmp. See #14382.

2014-06-23 22:05 DS, revision 76757

Fix failing Win32 calls with checkable menu item. Since r76202 InsertMenuItem is used when adding checkable menu items even without a bitmap. The call fails because hbmpChecked and hbmpUnchecked are set to HBMMENU_CALLBACK on pre-Vista, making the menu owner drawn unnecessarily. Fix by adding GetHBitmapForMenuCheckable which is used when assigning values to hbmpChecked and hbmpUnchecked. GetHBitmapForMenu remains unchanged (for possible porting reasons) and is used for hBmpItem only.

2014-06-23 22:01 DS, revision 76756

Make checkable menu item with bitmap owner drawn. Since r44192 a checkable menu item with bitmap on pre-Vista assigns HBMMENU_CALLBACK to hbmpChecked and hbmpUnchecked members of MENUITEMINFO. However this value is only valid for hbmpItem and for other bitmaps InsertMenuItem will fail (with "the parameter is incorrect") resulting in making the menu owner drawn later. Instead check earlier on in MSWMustUseOwnerDrawn if we're dealing with a checkable menu item with a bitmap and if so make it owner drawn explicitly.

2014-06-23 22:00 DS, revision 76755

Fix exception while reinserting menu item. After removing an item from a menu that item's parent menu is set to NULL and can't be used any longer to insert the item again. Fix by remembering the parent menu before removing the item from it. Regression since r76251 (this commit is a partial revert of that commit).

2014-06-23 21:58 DS, revision 76754

Fix wxMenuItem::SetBitmap infinite recursion (Vista+). Calling a menu item's SetBitmap can result in a stack overflow. This occurs when setting a bitmap after the menu item has already been added to the menu and while running under Vista (and later). Under those circumstances [Do]SetBitmap will call GetHBitmapForMenu which itself calls SetBitmap again. Fix by adding a simple check for re-entry. Regression since r76202.

2014-06-23 14:02 VZ, revision 76753

Add wxDictionaryStringSortAscending comparison function. Add "dictionary sort" callbacks and document them and the already existing wxStringSortAscending() and wxStringSortDescending(). See #16330.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76752

Avoid harmless warning about unused variables in wxOSX/Carbon. Declare the variables only used when wxUSE_STATUSBAR==1 inside the check for it. Closes #16331.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76751

Allow specifying custom comparator for wxSortedArrayString. Add a possibility to order wxSortedArrayString in some order different from the default alphabetical one. Closes #16330.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76750

Change wxStringSort{As,De}cending() to use references, not pointers. This is more convenient to use and makes more sense as the arguments are never null. See #16330.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76749

Handle wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOXTEXT in wxMotif wxSystemSettings. At the very least, don't fail with an assert if this colour is requested.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76748

Force wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT to 0 for wxMotif build. wxGraphicsContext is not implemented in this port.

2014-06-23 03:08 VZ, revision 76747

Fix wxVector3f ctor in the propgrid sample. Even if this code is not used, it was still wrong as it didn't initialize the (shadowed) member variables, so fix it to actually do it. Closes #16342.

2014-06-22 23:36 VZ, revision 76746

Fix crash when right clicking AUI toolbar while left button is pressed. Ignore the unrelated mouse events during the item dragging. This avoids a crash due to m_actionItem being NULL when right clicking an item while the left mouse button is kept pressed. See #16327.

2014-06-22 16:23 VZ, revision 76745

Use wxIntNN types in wxQuantize code instead of INTNN ones. Rely on the already properly defined wx types instead of using INTNN which could clash with the system headers (e.g. INT32 is already defined in some Motif headers) and are not guaranteed to be always defined correctly (while int is always 32 bit on all currently supported platforms, this is not guaranteed to always remain the case).

2014-06-20 10:15 SC, revision 76744

fixes 64 bit to 32 warnings, see #16329

2014-06-20 10:14 SC, revision 76743

using proper types for webkit variants, see #16329

2014-06-20 03:35 DS, revision 76742

Fix finding menu items in wxMenuItem::DoSetBitmap. FindChildItem gets passed the id of a menu item as returned by GetMSWId, however GetMSWId should be used in combination with Win32 API functions. Instead use GetId: this fixes finding menu items that have a negative id (as a result of using wxID_ANY as id) or have a sub menu.