

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-03 11:53 SC, revision 70252

fixes #13695

2012-01-03 11:34 SC, revision 70251

adapting to new raw_control constants, see #13695

2012-01-03 01:44 VZ, revision 70249

Fix child selection in multi-selection generic wxTreeCtrl. The children which are not currently shown on the screen shouldn't be affected by Shift-selecting in multi-selection control. Closes #1312.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70248

Improve links in wxAuiManager flags documentation. Use @param tags and "::" to link enum name. Closes #13689.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70247

Document wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_[XY] in wxCursor ctor. These options were already mentioned in wxCursor documentation but not prominently enough, so mention them explicitly in the documentation of wxCursor ctor from wxImage. Closes #13820.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70246

Correct documentation of supported cursor sizes under wxOSX. wxOSX/Cocoa seems to support cursors of any size and with colours. Closes #12614.

2012-01-02 23:28 RD, revision 70241

Be a little smarter about choosing the default SDK to use.

2012-01-02 22:18 JS, revision 70233

Added a box style definition name to the box attribute.

2012-01-02 03:24 BP, revision 70232

Backport r70231 to 2.9.3: Fixed javascript errors in CHM version of the manual. No need to re-spin release, just a helpful fix for generating a more useful CHM manual for 2.9.3.

2012-01-02 02:32 BP, revision 70231

Fixed javascript errors in CHM version of the manual.

2011-12-30 18:22 JS, revision 70203

When the focus object changes, the old selection should be cancelled explicitly to avoid seeing multiple selections until the next refresh.

2011-12-30 18:12 JS, revision 70202

Split up the context menu functionality to make it easier to customise. Tweaked style combobox popup border.

2011-12-30 15:28 VS, revision 70201

Implement wxDataViewModel::IsEnabled() support in generic implementation.

2011-12-30 07:14 RD, revision 70200

Interface fixes and tweaks for Phoenix

2011-12-30 00:39 VZ, revision 70194

Update wxGrid unit tests after r70177. The row/column selection is not stored in the block arrays, see #12638.

2011-12-29 23:11 VZ, revision 70184

Allow using '(' and ')' in wxFileConfig entry names unescaped. There is no real reason to escape the parentheses in the key entries, they're not special. Closes #13584.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70183

Document wxAuiManager styles and flags. Closes #13689.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70182

Disable VC8+ deprecation warnings for standard functions at bakefile level. We already define the symbols needed to disable the warnings in wx/defs.h but this isn't enough for third party code not including it, so define them in the project settings directly. Closes #11009.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70181

Add wxRibbonButtonBar::InsertXXXButton() methods. Allow inserting buttons into the ribbon bar and not only appending them. Closes #13811.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70180

Allow using wxEVT_UPDATE_UI with wxRibbonButtonBar. Generate wxUpdateUIEvent for the ribbon buttons to allow updating their state using wxEVT_UPDATE_UI. Also update the same to show this. Closes #12003.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70179

Don't send idle events to the windows about to be destroyed. This is useless and can apparently result in some problems as of r25877 and r25877 (from 8 years ago) added explicit checks preventing processing such events in wxToolBar and wxMenu. Instead, simply don't generate these events in the first place and also remove the now unnecessary checks for them.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70178

Better fix for wxSpinCtrlGeneric enabling/disabling bug in wxMSW. To really ensure that the window containing the components of wxSpinCtrlGeneric is never enabled under MSW (as we want to avoid this to ensure that any input always goes to its children and not the window itself, see #12045), override DoEnable() and not Enable(). This takes care of the case when the control gets implicitly disabled because its parent is. Closes #13142.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70177

Store row/column selection more appropriately in wxGrid. Use wxGridSelection::m_rowSelection and m_colSelection for storing the selected rows/columns respectively instead of storing them in m_blockXXX arrays. This makes more sense and allows to easily implement the proper handling of Ctrl-clicking in the row or column selection modes. Closes #12638.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70176

Mention wxEVT_COMMAND_TOGGLEBUTTON_CLICKED explicitly in the documentation. Document the event type together with the event table macro. See #11943.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70175

Display help string for ribbon tools in a tool tip. Show the help string of the ribbon item currently being hovered over in a tooltip. Closes #11879.

2011-12-29 16:34 SN, revision 70166

Closed memory leak in some error handling code paths, fixes #11697.

2011-12-29 15:42 SN, revision 70165

Do not put semicolons after the definition of an inline function. Even though most compilers just ignore this, it's just wrong and if you do get warnings about header files, they can become quite overwhelming. Forward port of r70163.

2011-12-29 15:36 SN, revision 70164

Include some more declarations & defines.

2011-12-29 14:58 SN, revision 70163

Do not put semicolons after the definition of an inline function. Even though most compilers just ignore this, it's just wrong and if you do get warnings about header files, they can become quite overwhelming. Fixes #13398 and extends it to the non-gtk headers.

2011-12-29 12:26 SN, revision 70162

Reordered "extern" and WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE specifiers; fixes #13816.

2011-12-28 18:47 VZ, revision 70156

Restore wxEVT_MENU_CLOSE generation under Windows 95 after r70151. WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP is "only" available since Windows 98/2000 so restore the old code using WM_EXITMENULOOP as fall back, just to avoid any regressions for people who might still be using these systems.

2011-12-28 18:32 VZ, revision 70155

Compilation fix for VC6 after r70151. VC6 standard SDK didn't define WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP, so define it for it.

2011-12-28 14:51 VZ, revision 70154

Add standard art providers at the bottom of the art providers stack. This ensures that any user-defined art providers will be in front of them, even when they are added at module-initialization time i.e. possibly before the standard ones. Closes #12519.

2011-12-28 14:51 VZ, revision 70153

Use best controller size in wxBookCtrl best size calculation. Don't use GetControllerSize() which returns the actual, not the best, size of the controller. Closes #11793.

2011-12-28 14:51 VZ, revision 70152

Improve layout in the samples to avoid problems under Mac. Changes the samples to look better under Mac and avoid the worst problems such as overlapping buttons or truncated controls. Closes #11651.

2011-12-28 14:51 VZ, revision 70151

Complete wxEVT_MENU_{OPEN,CLOSE} implementation in wxMSW and wxOSX. Set the wxMenu correctly for wxEVT_MENU_CLOSE events in wxMSW. Set the menu id correctly to allow wxMenuEvent::IsPopup() to work for both wxEVT_MENU_OPEN and wxEVT_MENU_CLOSE in wxOSX. Closes #11313.

2011-12-28 14:51 VZ, revision 70150

Use memmove() instead of memcpy() in wxString::AssignCopy(). This at least allows the code like "s = s.c_str()" to work correctly when using our own wxString implementation, even it doesn't fix all self-assignment-related bugs (again, when using our own implementation only, there is no bug when using std::basic_string as underlying implementation). This is a cherry pick of r63008 from 2.8 branch. See #11245.

2011-12-28 11:01 SJL, revision 70149

Disable final failing wxWebView test. It fails on the buildbot but not locally.

2011-12-27 18:32 VZ, revision 70130

Compilation fix for PCH-less build after r70122. Include the header declaring wxClientDC. Closes #13809.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70127

Compilation fix for wxUniv/X11 with wxUSE_STL==1. Don't rely on implicit conversion from wxString to wchar_t*. Closes #13790.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70126

Update the value of read-only wxComboBox in wxUniv. Fix regression in combobox appearance: it never showed the selected value when it was read-only any more. Closes #13688.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70125

Fix warning about non-virtual dtor in wxDataViewCtrlInternal. This class doesn't need a virtual dtor but g++ warned about its absence because it unnecessarily defined a virtual method. Just make this method non-virtual to avoid the warning. Closes #13395.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70124

Suppress gcc -Wint-to-pointer-cast warnings in GTK wxDataViewCtrl. Use wxUIntToPtr to avoid the warnings about casts from smaller (in 64 bit build) int type to pointer. Closes #13394.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70123

Don't use deprecated wxArtProvider::Insert(). Ironically, it was 2.6 compatibility code that was using the function deprecated after 2.8. In any case, just use the newest name for it. Closes #13393.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70122

Fix the size of the font returned by wxTextCtrl::GetStyle() in MSW. CHARFORMAT stores height in 1/20th of a point, not pixels. Add the correct conversion to the units used by LOGFONT. See #13384.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70121

Recognize background-color style in wxHtmlWindow. Just treat it as a synonym for "background" i.e. the same as HTML3 BGCOLOR. Closes #13173.

2011-12-27 02:21 VZ, revision 70120

Add support for more CSS styles to SPAN tag in wxHtmlWindow. Add limited support font-family, font-style and text-decoration. Closes #13170.

2011-12-26 13:57 VZ, revision 70119

Increase the tolerance in wxStopWatch unit test. Sleeping can take more time than expected when running on the build slaves, probably because the machine is heavily loaded. Increase the tolerance to prevent this from resulting in test failures.

2011-12-25 19:38 JS, revision 70118

Added missing ScrollIntoView call

2011-12-25 18:04 JS, revision 70117

Applied patch in #13777 (wxRichTextCtrl scroll and delete not refreshed)

2011-12-25 14:28 VZ, revision 70116

Always link with expat in monolithic build. Fix linking errors when using wxXML in sttaic monolithic build: in this case we must link with expat but it was listed too early, before wxWidgets libraries using it, in the bakefile-generated makefiles. Now add it to the end of the linker command line too by including -lexpat in EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE which are appended to the linker arguments. Notice that now -lexpat is linked twice because it is still added by <wx-lib>xml</wx-lib> in bakefiles, even in monolithic build, but I don't know how to avoid it and it is harmless anyhow. Closes #12573.

2011-12-25 13:52 VZ, revision 70115

Added a warning about multi-cells in wxGrid::DeleteRows() docs. Currently deleting rows or columns intersecting a multi-cell is simply not supported and results in an immediate crash. See #4238.

2011-12-25 01:57 PC, revision 70114

restore call to GetTabSize removed in r69880, it is needed to set x_extent

2011-12-24 19:30 VZ, revision 70113

Really fix the use of deprecated methods in wxGrid test. The changes of r70111 were wrong, the unit test for wxGrid really did intend to test the deprecated methods so restore them -- but only in WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 case.

2011-12-24 19:19 VZ, revision 70112

Implement wxNotebook::CalcSizeFromPage() for wxGTK. The implementation is far from perfect as it relies on hard-coded margins but is better than nothing as it allows wxNotebook best size determination and SetPageSize() method to work correctly.

2011-12-24 18:58 VZ, revision 70111

Don't use deprecated methods in wxGrid test. Don't use the methods defined only when building 2.8-compatible mode to let the tests compile even with WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8 off. This only worked before because of the wrong tests in grid.h but broke after the fixes of r70098.

2011-12-24 17:46 PC, revision 70110

remove improper use of paste operator

2011-12-24 16:43 VZ, revision 70109

Fix fatal bug with deleting the old contents in wxScopedArray::reset(). "delete" was wrongly used instead of "delete[]". Closes #13806.

2011-12-24 16:43 VZ, revision 70108

Use the correct function type cast in EVT_WEBKIT_NEW_WINDOW. Use wxWebKitNewWindowEventHandler to perform a proper static_cast<>, which detects incorrect casts during compilation, instead of wxWebKitNewWindowEventFunction which was just doing an unsafe C-style cast. Cloes #13805.

2011-12-24 16:43 VZ, revision 70107

Add EVT_FSWATCHER event table macro. It was documented, and ought to have existed anyhow for consistency with wxEVT_FSWATCHER, but wasn't defined. Do it now. Closes #13804.

2011-12-24 16:43 VZ, revision 70106

Add EVT_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG_CLOSED() event table macro. Add it for consistency with wxEVT_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG_CLOSED. See #13804.

2011-12-24 16:43 VZ, revision 70105

Fix typo in wxEVT_COMMAND_RICHTEXT_LEFT_DCLICK in documentation. It was misspelt as wxEVT_COMMAND_RICHTEXT_DLEFT_CLICK. Closes #13802.

2011-12-24 16:42 VZ, revision 70104

Remove references to defunct event types in comments. No real changes, just complete the changes of r58039 by removing the references to non-existent (any more) event types from the comments too. Closes #13801.

2011-12-24 12:39 JS, revision 70103

Applied #13803: wxRichTextCtrl: missing event-table macro (dghart)

2011-12-24 11:08 SJL, revision 70102

Disable some wxWebView tests that fail on the buildbot but not locally.

2011-12-24 11:05 SJL, revision 70101

Fix typo in ADD_RAW_IID macro.

2011-12-23 20:16 SJL, revision 70100

Add some extra yields to wxWebView unit tests to hopefully fix some of the failing buildbot runs.

2011-12-23 18:38 PC, revision 70099

don't use deprecated function

2011-12-23 06:59 PC, revision 70098

fix tests for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_8, closes #13800

2011-12-22 20:16 SJL, revision 70096

Use OLE helper macros in wxWebView to reduce the amount of duplicated code.

2011-12-22 20:14 SJL, revision 70095

Add new ADD_RAW_IID OLE helper macro to allow use with classes that do not start with IID_I.

2011-12-22 20:08 SJL, revision 70093

Mark various OLE helper functions as DLL exported so they can be used from other libraries.

2011-12-22 19:21 PC, revision 70091

remove SetBackgroundStyle call from OnInternalIdle, it should be done from realize handler, closes #13799

2011-12-22 17:36 VZ, revision 70088

Fix wxLogFormatter compilation under MSW. Fix wxMSW compilation after the changes of r70086. Closes #13792.

2011-12-22 15:47 VZ, revision 70087

Dramatically optimise inserting many items in wxGenericListCtrl. During each item insertion SetItem() was called and this resulted in a call to GetItemRect() which, in turn, re-laid out all items in the control meaning that the relatively expensive wxListMainWindow::RecalculatePositions() was called N times when inserting N items. Reduce this to just a single call by not refreshing the item in SetItem() if everything is going to be redrawn soon anyhow. This decreases the time needed to insert a couple of thousands of items in icon view from several minutes to less than a second.

2011-12-22 14:35 VZ, revision 70086

Add wxLogFormatter to allow easier wxLog output customization. Delegate the log string creation to wxLogFormatter. This allows defining a custom object of a class derived from it to customize the log output instead of having to override DoLogRecord() in wxLog itself. Closes #13792.

2011-12-22 02:26 RD, revision 70085

Avoid a problem in Phoenix by making UpdateMacScrollWindow not be pure virtual.

2011-12-22 02:25 RD, revision 70084

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2011-12-21 17:27 SC, revision 70078

rebaked Xcode proj for cocoa after date & timectrls were added

2011-12-21 14:56 VZ, revision 70077

Correct generic wxListCtrl display of items with icons in list mode. The changes of r70066 improved the layout for icon and small icon modes but broke it for the list mode if items had icons because the item width should account for the icon as well in this case. Simply disable the code added in this revision when in list mode, we don't need to do anything then anyhow as the layout already worked correctly for it.

2011-12-21 14:56 VZ, revision 70076

Guard against a possible crash in wxListCtrl::DeleteColumn(). We could crash when deleting a column after switching to report view from icon view. As deleting a column works just fine under MSW in this case, make it work in the generic version as well.

2011-12-21 14:07 VZ, revision 70075

Document wxListCtrl::InReportView() and IsVirtual(). These functions are more convenient than directly testing for styles and are already used outside wxWidgets do make them officially part of the public API.

2011-12-21 01:26 VZ, revision 70074

Ignore extra modify events after rename in wxFileSystemWatcher. Document that such extra events may occur and generally improve the event types documentation.

2011-12-20 22:27 VZ, revision 70071

Provide native implementation of wx{Date,Time}PickerCtrl for wxOSX/Cocoa. Use NSDatePicker to implement both of these controls. Almost all of wxDatePickerCtrl styles are not supported in the native version but the basic functionality does work and looks much better than the generic version (which is still available as wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric if needed) under Mac.

2011-12-20 22:27 VZ, revision 70070

Added helpers for translating between wxDateTime and NSDate. These functions will be used in the upcoming native implementations of wxDatePickerCtrl and wxTimePickerCtrl but could also be reused elsewhere in wxOSX/Cocoa, notably in wxDataViewCtrl where strange ad hoc code is currently used.

2011-12-20 22:27 VZ, revision 70069

Added wxTimePickerCtrl page to the widgets sample. Even if this page is pretty trivial, add it for consistency with wxDatePickerCtrl.

2011-12-20 22:27 VZ, revision 70068

Reorganized the date picker page of the widgets sample. Make it possible to set the picker styles and set its range and not only the current value. Also log the events generated by it.

2011-12-20 22:22 VZ, revision 70067

Ukrainian translations update from Yuri Chornoivan.

2011-12-20 22:21 VZ, revision 70066

Fix horizontal alignment in icon view in generic wxListCtrl. Ensure that all the items in the same column have the same width, so that their labels are centred. Closes #9227.

2011-12-20 18:42 VZ, revision 70065

Brazilian Portuguese translations update from Felipe.

2011-12-20 16:39 VZ, revision 70064

Fix crash in wxRegion in wxOSX/Carbon. Apparently some code expects to be able to call wxRegion::GetWXHRGN() even on an invalid wxRegion. Return NULL in this case instead of crashing. This fixes crash on startup of the widgets sample.

2011-12-20 14:27 VZ, revision 70063

Add support for webview library to MSW bakefile presets. The webview library wasn't linked in correctly when using MSW bakefile presets. Fix this by adding the corresponding <sys-lib> for it (this needs to be done for MSW only, under Unix it's handled by wx-config). Closes #13789.

2011-12-20 14:24 VZ, revision 70062

Mention the dialog focus regression fix in wxMSW in the change log. See #13765.

2011-12-19 23:39 RD, revision 70061

Interface tweaks and fixes for Phoenix

2011-12-19 22:16 BP, revision 70060

Added missing semi-colon in versioninfo.h interface header.

2011-12-19 14:14 DS, revision 70052

Cleaned up some of the code in wxSlider::DoMoveWindow.

2011-12-19 13:54 VZ, revision 70051

Added support for wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER to wxExecute(). Map it to the native CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag as it's broadly similar to Unix semantics. Closes #13676.

2011-12-19 13:54 VZ, revision 70050

Add possibility to set item background in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Added wxDataViewItemAttr::SetBackgroundColour() and code to honour it in the generic implementation of wxDataViewCtrl. Closes #12621.

2011-12-19 13:54 VZ, revision 70049

Don't use dummy "inline" in wxDEPRECATED_CONSTRUCTOR definition. Apparently we need this bogus "inline" for g++ < 3.4 but there is no reason to use it for the other compilers and this results in linking errors with e.g. MSVC, so remove it. Closes #13775.

2011-12-19 13:28 DS, revision 70048

Fixed min and max label values not being swapped when using wxSL_INVERSE in a horizontal MSW slider. Changed wxSlider::GetLabelsSize to let the widthMin and widthMax values contain the width of what the minimum (always on the left/top) and maximum (always on the right/bottom) _label_ will contain. This is not the same as the minimum and maximum _value_ in case of using wxSL_INVERSE. Also don't swap the position of the min/max labels in a horizontal slider with wxSL_INVERSE (just how the labels already stay in place in a vertical slider, regardless of wxSL_INVERSE usage), nor their width. Regression since r65941. Fixes #13416.