

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-03-04 22:09 VZ, revision 37803

don't send mouse events to disabled windows (this really shouldn't be possible as otherwise it allows the user to modify the state of a disabled control)

2006-03-04 21:28 VZ, revision 37802

no real changes; just streamlined ifdef around compositing check and removed redundant and never executing code to relay mouse enter/leave events to tooltips

2006-03-04 20:52 ABX, revision 37801

More informative comment about previous commit.

2006-03-04 20:42 VZ, revision 37800

deselect the current selection when the user clicks outside of any item

2006-03-04 20:34 ABX, revision 37799

More informative comment about previous commit.

2006-03-04 20:26 VZ, revision 37798

don't use grey background for the control, it makes selection almost completely invisible in the default Mac colour scheme

2006-03-04 20:24 VZ, revision 37797

fixed crash due to double deletion of wxListTextCtrlWrapper intorduced in a recent change (wrong use of PopEventHandler instead of RemoveEventHandler)

2006-03-04 19:52 VZ, revision 37796

centre icon and text vertically in the report view (previously the text wasn't aligned with the icon if their heights was different)

2006-03-04 18:55 VZ, revision 37795

recognize wxBORDER_XXX as well as wxXXX_BORDER styles

2006-03-04 18:18 JS, revision 37794

If context menu not handled, treat as left click instead. If handled, don't send a left click event.

2006-03-04 16:12 VZ, revision 37793

mention wxEventUpdateUI::Show() change

2006-03-04 11:12 VS, revision 37792

added comments clarifying the code a bit

2006-03-04 03:41 KO, revision 37791

Adding silent option for automatic builds.

2006-03-04 03:36 KO, revision 37790

Committing Mac tarball script.

2006-03-03 23:06 VZ, revision 37789

move the code freeing temporary argv array to wxEntry(HINSTANCE) overload to avoid doing it twice in some cases

2006-03-03 15:34 ABX, revision 37788

Stop invalidating size on wxTLW

2006-03-03 15:26 ABX, revision 37787

Stop invalidating size on wxTLW

2006-03-03 06:17 KO, revision 37786

Adding Unix build script.

2006-03-03 02:28 KO, revision 37785

Don't fetch makefiles, we'll add their creation to the pre-flight process later.

2006-03-03 02:00 KO, revision 37784

Fixed a typo.

2006-03-03 01:47 KO, revision 37783

Remove the reference to ReleaseForge now, as we don't yet use it.

2006-03-02 20:23 KO, revision 37782

As discussed with Julian, the new release system will use a new directory so that we are more free to make changes, and also so we can re-organize files and remove old files. This is still a work in progress!

2006-03-02 20:02 SC, revision 37781

fix unresolved symbol under 10.3.9

2006-03-02 13:59 MR, revision 37780

Docs: Escape underscores

2006-03-02 12:57 JS, revision 37779

On WinCE, generic font dialog didn't work because the point size wxChoice menu went off the display. Now a wxSpinCtrl is used. Also fixed the preview window in PDA mode (was invisible).

2006-03-02 12:55 JS, revision 37778

Application clipping region can be set to null without affecting paint clipping region. This fixes severe refresh problems on WinCE when clipping regions are used, but is not enabled on desktop wxMSW in 2.6 in case of side-effects.

2006-03-02 12:54 JS, revision 37777

Application clipping region can be set to null without affecting paint clipping region. This fixes severe refresh problems on WinCE when clipping regions are used, and is experimental on desktop wxMSW but so far works fine.

2006-03-02 12:51 JS, revision 37776

Worked around a crash in wxHTML on WinCE

2006-03-02 12:46 JS, revision 37775

Use temp directory and don't prepend two backslashes, on WinCE

2006-03-02 10:46 RR, revision 37774

Change wxVariant GetValue() to GetValue( wxVariant & ). More cool sorting code.

2006-03-02 09:55 RR, revision 37773

Use GTK+ function to obtain GdkWindow for wxListBox.

2006-03-01 22:43 RR, revision 37772

Apply patch which makes it possible to resize a control in a toolbar.

2006-03-01 22:17 RR, revision 37771

Corrected scrolling when using cursor keys.

2006-03-01 21:59 RR, revision 37770

Added GtkTreeView item helper class.

2006-03-01 21:51 RR, revision 37769

Applied Ryan's native wxListBox and wxCheckListBox patch in slightly modified form..

2006-03-01 10:49 RR, revision 37768

Further sorting work using the sorting data model.

2006-02-28 22:27 RR, revision 37767

Added stubs for variaous tests.

2006-02-28 21:41 RR, revision 37766

Don't delete model in views destructor as several views can have the same model and memory doesn't like getting freed several times. Sorting actually works. Not yet editing the sorted data.

2006-02-28 15:04 RR, revision 37765

Moved code around preparing the sorted model.

2006-02-28 14:28 JS, revision 37764

Documented WinCE context menu change

2006-02-28 14:18 JS, revision 37763

Proposed syntax for telling WinCE whether a context menu is available

2006-02-28 13:37 JS, revision 37762

Added context menu support under PocketPC

2006-02-28 13:26 JS, revision 37761

WinCE can't copy with title in menu

2006-02-28 10:47 RR, revision 37760

Added wxDataViewSortedListModel, which doesn't work yet, but you get the idea..

2006-02-28 02:04 KH, revision 37759

Make SetLocal actually work instead of crashing immediately; due to required longevity of the item to make it from SetLocal to Connect, we need to use a specifc address type.

2006-02-28 01:33 KH, revision 37758

Make MacSetMetalAppearance private so that the extra style flags can't get out of sync with the OS X-level metal flags by calling MacSetMetalAppearance directly

2006-02-27 21:49 RR, revision 37757

First release mouse, then emit event.

2006-02-27 19:34 KO, revision 37756

Backporting changes to test with automated build system.

2006-02-27 19:30 KO, revision 37755

Adding missing wxall and wxmsw targets.

2006-02-27 18:26 KO, revision 37754

Typo. Who puts vowels in 'makedirs'? ;-)