

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5538

documented existence of wxTheMimeTypesManager

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5537

documented macros *_EXPORTED_ARRAY

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5536

fixed SetLink (if link.Href is empty, nulls the link

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5535

split mimetype.h/.cpp into platform specific code

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5534

dialog for choosing charset was too wide

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5533

uses wxInitAllImageHandlers

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5532

added encoding support to help contents

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5531

mimetype.cpp/.h split into unix,max,msw

2000-01-19 23:04 VS, revision 5530

added utils/hhp2cached

2000-01-19 23:03 VS, revision 5529

mimetype.cpp/.h split into unix,mac,msw

2000-01-19 23:02 VS, revision 5528

fixed compilation problem with BC (at least I hope so)

2000-01-19 23:01 VS, revision 5527

fixed ReadString for wxUSE_UNICODE

2000-01-19 22:09 RD, revision 5526

After bashing my head on the desk for being so stupid I fixed the wxFloatBar for wxGTK the extremly EASY way...

2000-01-19 19:32 GRG, revision 5525

Updated docs

2000-01-19 18:41 SB, revision 5524

In order to make shared wxGLContext work,\nadd new wxGLCanvas ctor passing a wxGLCanvas\n instead of a wxGLContext, to share context with.

2000-01-19 16:43 GRG, revision 5523

makefile updates

2000-01-19 10:34 JS, revision 5522

Added missing windows.h includes

2000-01-19 09:55 BJ, revision 5521

adding intl.h and wxString -> char* conversion in DDEAtomFromString

2000-01-19 06:58 RD, revision 5520

Various odds and ends, minor fixes, and cleanups...

2000-01-19 01:01 VS, revision 5519

it is now possible to add custom buttons into wxHtmlHelpFrame's toolbar

2000-01-19 01:00 VS, revision 5518

added wxFSFile::GetModificationTime

2000-01-19 01:00 VS, revision 5517

added wxFileModificationTime

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5516

uses SetTempDir

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5515

iso8859-1,15 and cp1252 added to Cyrillic charsets

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5514

Added Open HTML page to menu

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5513

removed protected methods from docs

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5512

.cached format of help books is now endian-independent; also changed lookup logic for .cached files

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5511

generic wxFileDialog now stores customizations to registry/dotfile if possible

2000-01-18 22:54 GT, revision 5510

Fixed so this file will compile if wxUSE_IPC is 0 (previous fix broke something else). Changed _T() calls to wxT() calls

2000-01-18 21:45 RD, revision 5509

more fixes to match some updates in wxHTML

2000-01-18 21:39 RD, revision 5508

fixes to match some updates in wxHTML

2000-01-18 21:21 VZ, revision 5507

1. fixed compilation of wxExecute() for !wxUSE_IPC 2. wxLogStatus() will not assert if there is no statusbar to set text for

2000-01-18 20:26 GRG, revision 5506

Added IsScrollng() support for scroll and scrollwin events

2000-01-18 20:23 GRG, revision 5505

Test for IsScrolling() added

2000-01-18 20:13 GRG, revision 5504

isScrolling() in wxScroll[Win]Event

2000-01-18 19:48 GT, revision 5503

Removed a couple of debug lines

2000-01-18 17:06 JS, revision 5502

Avoided rounding errors in font point size calculations

2000-01-18 15:39 VS, revision 5501

added default icons for binary and unknown filetype

2000-01-18 15:39 VS, revision 5500

icons for generic file dialog

2000-01-18 15:38 JS, revision 5499

Put Stefan's speedup fix into DoBlit

2000-01-18 14:22 JS, revision 5498

Change to wxWindow::HandleCommand to allow accelerators to work even if there is no corresponding child window.

2000-01-18 12:29 GT, revision 5497

Changed code to allow for removal of the #include <windows.h> from wxprec.h for windows

2000-01-18 10:18 JS, revision 5496

Some more bug reports

2000-01-18 09:36 VS, revision 5495

m_LastPage changed to wxChar*, forgot to commit

2000-01-18 09:18 VS, revision 5494

added justification demo

2000-01-18 09:18 VS, revision 5493

HTML_* -> wxHTML_* (bugs in docs)

2000-01-18 09:18 VS, revision 5492

added support for align=justify

2000-01-18 09:17 VS, revision 5491


2000-01-18 09:17 VS, revision 5490

added align=justify support ; also removed relic: GetMaxLineWidth

2000-01-18 09:17 VS, revision 5489

removed relic: GetMaxLineWidth

2000-01-18 01:22 VZ, revision 5488

1. small fix in wxDirDialog: SHBrowseForFolder() doesn't like '/'s 2. streamlined DDE code (better error handling, range checking) 3. hack in wxExecute to allow launching DDE servers 4. changed wxTreeCtrl::m_filename scope from private to protected 5. corrected creating wxBitmaps from XBMs 6. wxListCtrl no longer sends bogus ACTIVATED events

2000-01-17 22:12 VS, revision 5487

removed show_progress argument in some private functions -- was never used

2000-01-17 22:11 VS, revision 5486

PageUp/PageDown scroll by 2/3 of client area height (was 1)

2000-01-17 22:11 VS, revision 5485

help search is much faster now (7 times! that's what I call optimization ;-)

2000-01-17 20:22 DW, revision 5484

Take hard coded path out of makefile

2000-01-17 19:56 RR, revision 5483

Add draft wxPlotWindow

2000-01-17 18:14 RR, revision 5482

fix for HP compiler

2000-01-17 17:19 VS, revision 5481

fixed BC compilation bug (line 145)

2000-01-17 17:19 VS, revision 5480

wxHtmlHelpController can now use default wxConfig instance

2000-01-17 17:19 VS, revision 5479

fixed bug: UseConfig didn't call wxHtmlHelpFrame::OnConfig

2000-01-17 17:19 VS, revision 5478

removed some forgotted wxLogDebug calls

2000-01-17 17:18 VS, revision 5477

documented support for <meta>

2000-01-17 17:18 VS, revision 5476

wxConfig is used together with wxConfig::Set now

2000-01-17 17:18 VS, revision 5475

(1) fixed bug: wxFontMapper no longer creates wxConfig instance by calling wxConfig::Get, now uses wxConfig::Get(FALSE) ;; (2) changed default config path to wxWindows/FontMapper

2000-01-17 17:18 VS, revision 5474

changed wxConfigBase::Get signature to wxConfigBase::Get(bool CreateOnDemand = TRUE)

2000-01-17 11:42 JS, revision 5473

Makeproj.cpp corrections; wxTextCtrl resource loading font bug cured

2000-01-17 01:37 VZ, revision 5472

cleaned a bit

2000-01-17 01:26 GRG, revision 5471

added missing headers

2000-01-17 01:26 GRG, revision 5470

new makefile

2000-01-17 00:21 GRG, revision 5469

Please turn off pchs when testing!

2000-01-16 22:55 VS, revision 5468

somebody added #ifdefed #pragma to disable warnings about // in c source, instead of fixing the comments, grrr. So I fixed it.

2000-01-16 22:55 VS, revision 5467

documented wxGA_SMOOTH

2000-01-16 22:55 VS, revision 5466

search progress bar has smooth gauge under win95 now

2000-01-16 22:55 VS, revision 5465

wxProgressDialog now accepts wxGA_SMOOTH style

2000-01-16 22:54 VS, revision 5464

added encoding conversion to wxHTML

2000-01-16 22:54 VS, revision 5463

<pre> environment uses charset conversion as well

2000-01-16 22:54 VS, revision 5462

added <meta http-equiv> handler

2000-01-16 22:53 VS, revision 5461

wxHtmlFilterHTML adds fake <meta> tag so that the parser knows charset

2000-01-16 22:53 VS, revision 5460

wxNativeEncoding::To/FromString now stores wxFontEncoding info as well (don't worry, wxFontMapper stores data under different name now)

2000-01-16 22:52 VS, revision 5459

changed format of wxFontMapper entries: facename_encoding instead of encoding as key

2000-01-16 22:52 VS, revision 5458

added wxHTML i18n demonstration

2000-01-16 19:24 RR, revision 5457

sample docu

2000-01-16 18:49 GL, revision 5456

Tested wxMMedia2 on Cygwin B20. It works but it needs mmsystem.h.

2000-01-16 15:53 VS, revision 5455

added case sensitive and whole words only search

2000-01-16 13:27 VS, revision 5454

minor change in passing arguments to CreateAntialiasedBitmap

2000-01-16 13:26 VS, revision 5453

fixed default button size, finally

2000-01-16 13:25 VS, revision 5452

added some utils (tex2rtf, helpgen, makegen) to make system

2000-01-16 13:25 VS, revision 5451

fixed makefile - now compiles ALL samples

2000-01-16 13:25 VS, revision 5450

compilation fixes (gcc)

2000-01-16 10:39 RR, revision 5449

file dialogs now remembers the width of the first column.

2000-01-16 02:36 GRG, revision 5448

new makefile

2000-01-16 02:35 GRG, revision 5447

New makefiles

2000-01-16 00:57 GRG, revision 5446

Replaced \ with /

2000-01-16 00:55 GRG, revision 5445

Replaced \\ with /

2000-01-16 00:32 VS, revision 5444

index search is case insensitive now; index panel indicates number of displayed items

2000-01-16 00:31 VS, revision 5443

rewrote to use wxBoxSizer instead of hardcoded sizes

2000-01-16 00:31 VS, revision 5442

compilation fix for DLL build

2000-01-16 00:31 VS, revision 5441

file dialog now remebers list/report and hidden files settings, displays icons for all known file types

2000-01-16 00:31 VS, revision 5440

file dialog now remebers list/report and hidden files settings, displays icons for all known file types ; adds file extension if user did not specify one

2000-01-16 00:31 VS, revision 5439

KDE support for icons and mime types finished (icons searched in more directories, parsed .kdelnk files ever for mime types - mime.types or mailcap is no sufficient)