

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-10-07 13:12 SC, revision 74954

completing OnInit rework for getURL and printFiles callback

2013-10-07 11:59 VZ, revision 74953

Fix unwanted ribbon expansion on focus loss. The ribbon unexpectedly showed itself on focus loss when it was minimized. Fix this and also use switch statement on m_ribbon_state to ensure that the compiler warns us if we forget to add the code for handling any new elements of wxRibbonDisplayMode enum. Closes #15381.

2013-10-07 11:59 VZ, revision 74952

Make the test for wxBUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA in wxBufferedDC code more clear. While "!a & b" is the same as "!(a & b)" when "b" is a single bit, the latter is much more standard and more clear, so write this test (added in r71704) like this.

2013-10-07 11:58 VZ, revision 74951

Partially account for the shifted origin in wxBufferedDC. This change slightly improves wxBufferedDC and wxBufferedPaintDC behaviour when the origin of the DC is shifted, but they still don't work quite right in this case as they don't use the buffer area of correct size in this case, which results in cropping the final bitmap (as can be seen in the drawing sample, which was modified to show wxBufferedPaintDC in action). Closes #15497.

2013-10-07 11:58 VZ, revision 74950

Generate events with specific wxFSW_WARNING_OVERFLOW type if applicable. This allows the program to distinguish between some other, unspecified, warnings and this one which can and does happen whenever too many changes occur too quickly but which has a clearly defined work around: the state kept inside the program just needs to be refreshed by rescanning the directory anew. See #12847.

2013-10-07 11:58 VZ, revision 74949

Correct sorting order for doubles and wxDateTime in wxDataViewModel. They were compared inconsistently with the numbers and strings, -1 is supposed to be returned if the first element is less than the second one, not 1. Closes #15406.

2013-10-07 11:58 VZ, revision 74948

Handle comparisons of boolean and icon-text items in wxDataViewModel. For some reasons these types were not handled in wxDataViewModel::Compare(), unlike all the other standard ones. Closes #15407.

2013-10-06 23:12 SC, revision 74947

get OnInit with complete functionality without loosing sequence for MacOpenFile being called after OnInit

2013-10-06 01:30 VZ, revision 74946

Fix capturing non-ASCII output using wxExecute(). Explicitly use wxConvLibc with wxTextInputStream to make sure we correctly decode non-ASCII data in the subprocess output. This is a hack, the real solution would be to make wxTextInputStream work properly with wxConvAuto. See #14720.

2013-10-06 01:30 VZ, revision 74945

Improve handling of keyboard entry using IME. Pass the keyboard events to the IME before generating our events for them, the IME may need them for its own use. Closes #15384.

2013-10-05 21:50 JS, revision 74944

Use the correct attributes

2013-10-05 18:31 JS, revision 74943

wxRTC: fixed bug with columns with unspecified widths, and column spans, being sized too small

2013-10-05 18:20 PC, revision 74942

Fix default size of un-resizable windows, broken in r74685 see #14870 closes #15549

2013-10-05 18:15 JS, revision 74941

Provide a fallback text colour for text in wxRTC

2013-10-05 17:35 JS, revision 74940

Changed the capitalisation of 'span' of Set/GetRow/Colspan to be less jarring

2013-10-05 17:05 VZ, revision 74939

Don't skip handled mouse wheel events in wxVScrolledWindow. Make the code consistent with wxScrolledWindow and fix the problem with wheel events always being skipped by wxVScrolledWindow which could result in processing them multiple times, e.g. for the window itself and its parent as it happened with wxPGChoiceEditor cells in wxPropertyGrid. Closes #15547.

2013-10-05 17:05 VZ, revision 74938

Replace c_str() with t_str() in wxWinCE code. This should work correctly even in UTF-8 build, should someone want to use it under Windows CE.

2013-10-05 17:05 VZ, revision 74937

Don't call SetDllDirectory() when loading dynamic libraries in wxMSW. SetDllDirectory() modifies the per-process DLL loading behaviour which is already unexpected as it can affect other threads, running code completely unrelated to wxWidgets, but, even worse, we can't undo its effect as calling SetDllDirectory(NULL) as we used to discarded any changes to the DLL directory done by the program itself, while restoring the result of GetDllDirectory() would never restore the "compatible" algorithm for DLL search used by default. So the simplest, and the only 100% correct solution, is to not call this function at all from here and call it from some higher level code only, either in the user application or wxPython itself. Closes #15534.

2013-10-05 17:01 JS, revision 74936

Implemented collapsed borders for wxRTC

2013-10-05 02:05 VZ, revision 74935

Fix crash when accessing wxThreadInfo during global initialization time. We can't rely on our own globals being already constructed if we're called during another global initialization, so use the usual trick with wrapping them in accessor functions to ensure that they are.

2013-10-05 01:48 VZ, revision 74934

Work around g++ atomic builtins detection in configure when -Os is used. Assigning __sync_sub_and_fetch() result to an unused variable can result in it being optimized away and the function support is then not really tested for, see #4542. So do make sure this variable is kept by making it volatile. Closes #15555.

2013-10-05 01:48 VZ, revision 74933

Turkish translations update from Kaya Zeren.

2013-10-05 01:48 VZ, revision 74932

Remove unnecessary forward declarations from the docview sample. MyFrame doesn't exist at all and was just confusing; DrawingView does exist but is declared in view.h and is not needed in this header.

2013-10-04 14:34 JS, revision 74931

Added conversion from points

2013-10-04 09:57 JS, revision 74930

Corrected border drawing to avoid clipping

2013-10-04 07:51 JS, revision 74929

wxRTC table layout now uses cell content to calculate column widths if no other widths specified

2013-10-03 14:12 JS, revision 74928

Include wxWANTS_CHARS style unless wxTE_READONLY is specified

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74927

Add RELAX NG schema for XRC files.

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74926

Misc validity fixes to samples/xrc/rc/*.xrc. Fix invalid XRC markup.

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74925

XRC spec: document wxRibbon* XRC handler. Format documentation was nonexistent (the few words present were incorrect). Document my best guess about the intended usage.

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74924

XRC spec: relax requirements on some commonly omitted properties. Some properties documented as required, such as labels on wxStaticText or wxCheckBox or the size of wxSizer spacers, are frequently omitted in practice. Rather than strictly requiring them, forcing the markup to include dummy empty elements, loosen the restriction in the spec and make them optional. Nothing changes about actual acceptance of files by wxXmlResource: it would already silently deal with the lack of these properties.

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74923

XRC spec: document the "title" property for wxWizard.

2013-10-03 13:08 VS, revision 74922

XRC spec: document the "focused" window property.

2013-10-03 12:34 VZ, revision 74921

Fix install_name_tool calls in OS X "make install". Unfortunately the changes of r74909 (see #15452) don't seem to have been tested and broke "make install" completely as libraries were not found in the "bin" directory where the script was looking for them. Fix it to use "lib" subdirectory as intended. Closes #15551.

2013-10-03 12:34 VZ, revision 74920

Romanian translations fixes from Catalin Raceanu.

2013-10-03 01:32 VZ, revision 74919

Avoid dropping events in wxDocParentFrameAnyBase in some circumstances. The code trying to avoid forwarding duplicate events to wxDocManager was over eager and in some situations filtered out the events which hadn't been sent to it yet and were, in fact, not handled at all. This could be seen, for example, by running the docview sample with "--sdi" command line option, creating one child frame and then trying to create another one from the parent frame menu: this failed because the existence of a valid child was considered to be enough for the event to have been already processed in it which was false in this case. Unfortunately there is no obvious fix to this problem, notably because of the very roundabout way the toolbar events are processed in MDI windows: the toolbar itself is a child of the parent frame but the events from it are still sent to the currently active child frame by wxMDIParentFrameBase. So we can't rely on any kind of parent-of-originating-window checks. Instead, remember the last event handled in the child and avoid processing the same event in wxDocManager again. This should at least avoid the false positives (like the one fixed by this commit), although it could still result in false negatives (i.e. some duplicated events) if an event handler generated other events while skipping the original one. This is a lesser evil though and should be relatively rare in practice, so live with this ugliness until someone comes with another idea of fixing the bug described above.

2013-10-03 01:32 VZ, revision 74918

No changes, just fix a typo in a comment in wx/docview.h.

2013-10-03 01:32 VZ, revision 74917

No changes, just fix a typo in a comment in docview event handling code. This code is non-trivial enough without confusingly calling a view "new".

2013-10-03 00:55 VZ, revision 74916

A couple of fixes to Brazilian Portuguese translations from Felipe.

2013-10-02 18:25 VZ, revision 74915

Add wxActivateEvent::GetActivationReason(). This method is implemented for wxMSW-only currently and allows to check whether the window is being activated by a mouse click or in some other way there. Closes #15516.

2013-10-02 18:24 VZ, revision 74914

Fix incorrect event handler functions casts in wxRibbonPanel code. Use wxMouseEventHandler() instead of (wrongly) casting a method taking wxMouseEvent to wxEvent-taking wxObjectEventFunction. Closes #15550.

2013-10-02 01:04 VZ, revision 74913

Add more checks for Intel compiler. This should have been part of r74888. Closes #15359.

2013-10-01 19:09 VZ, revision 74912

Remove support for Gnome printing from wxGTK. It was replaced by GTK+ printing several years ago and is almost never used any longer anyhow, so any problems in this code (and there are some) would never be found and fixed. Also update the message catalogs to avoid having the strings not used any more, as they were only used in Gnome printing code. Closes #15517.

2013-10-01 18:33 PC, revision 74911

Go back to using a fixed value of 3 for lines/columns per action for mouse wheel event. The native value is too large. Reverts the effect of r74805. Closes #15527

2013-10-01 18:33 JS, revision 74910

Further refine of #15226: wxRichTextCtrl: Implement setting properties with undo for objects e.g. wxRichTextTable (dghart)

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74909

Install wxrc with proper library dependencies under OS X. In addition to changing the libraries themselves to point to the dependencies in their installed location, we also need to do the same thing for wxrc when installing it under OS X, otherwise it wouldn't run once the libraries are not available in their original location any more. Closes #15452.

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74908
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/bakefiles/
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/tools/
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/tools/wxwidgets.iss
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/build_all
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/changelog
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/compat
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/copyright
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxbase-dbg.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxbase-dbg.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxbase-dev.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxbase-dev.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxgtk-dbg.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxgtk-dbg.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxgtk-dev.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxgtk-dev.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxmsw-dbg.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxmsw-dbg.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxmsw-dev.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/libwxmsw-dev.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/pycrust.desktop
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/pyshell.desktop
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/python-wxgtk-dbg.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/python-wxgtk-dbg.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/python-wxgtk.postinst
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/python-wxgtk.prerm
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/README.Debian
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/README.examples
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/README.HowToBuild.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/rules
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/wx-config.1
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/wx-doc.doc-base
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/wx-examples.examples
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/wxPython-tools.1
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/wxrc-tools.1
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/debian/xrced.desktop
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/

Remove unused debian subdirectory. All Debian-based distributions use their own files for creating their packages, so get rid of our own "debian" subdirectory to avoid confusing people and to not have to maintain them any more.

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74907

Remove RPM .spec files from the repository. They were not really used for anything but still had to be updated and maintained. Get rid of them as all RPM-based distributions use their own spec files anyhow.

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74906
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/cwcopysetup.bat
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/cwdcopysetup.bat

Remove obsolete CodeWarrior-related batch files. This compiler is not supported (and doesn't even exist, in fact) any more and these files should have been removed in r59493.

2013-10-01 18:08 VZ, revision 74905
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/Wxwindll.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxJpeg.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxPng.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxTiff.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxWin.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxXpm.icc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/wxZlib.icc

Remove obsolete VisualAge-related files. These were used under OS/2 circa 2000.