

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-02-28 19:07 VZ, revision 6338

correction for Fit() which didn't handle properly windows positioned at (-1, -1)

2000-02-28 17:54 VZ, revision 6337

Ctrl-TAB works when notebook has focus

2000-02-28 17:33 VZ, revision 6336

use _beginthreadex() for mingw32 if possible

2000-02-28 16:44 VZ, revision 6335

fixed wxPD_AUTO_HIDE bug (didn't auto hide)

2000-02-28 16:40 VZ, revision 6334

grid autosize fixes/changes

2000-02-28 16:02 DW, revision 6333

Standard frame resource defines for OS/2

2000-02-28 15:57 JS, revision 6332

Some corrections

2000-02-28 15:05 GRG, revision 6331

Added fix for mingw32 gcc-2.95 regarding FillMemory

2000-02-28 13:42 JS, revision 6330

Removed old wxGLCanvas stuff; moved wxTreeLayout to wxWindows; corrected some doc errors

2000-02-28 13:15 GRG, revision 6329

Added #include "wx/bitmap.h"

2000-02-28 11:45 JS, revision 6328
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/ogl

Removed utils/ogl

2000-02-28 11:33 JS, revision 6327

Moved OGL to new locations.

2000-02-28 08:22 JS, revision 6326

Moved wxGLCanvas to more normal positions

2000-02-28 04:40 DW, revision 6325

More updates to wxWindow, wxMenu, GdiImage to get minimal to work

2000-02-28 04:05 RD, revision 6324

Added wrapper for wxListCtrl.SortItems. Added column sorting to the demo to show how to use it. Other fixes and updates.

2000-02-28 03:28 MB, revision 6323

Reverted wxString members to const wxChar * for struct BugsGridData otherwise demo won't compile with BC5.

2000-02-27 21:29 VS, revision 6322

added wxMemoryFSHandler docs

2000-02-27 21:07 VS, revision 6321

added wxMemoryFSHandler docs

2000-02-27 21:07 VS, revision 6320

documented VFS handlers

2000-02-27 21:06 VS, revision 6319

added Include files section to my classes where it was missing

2000-02-27 21:06 VS, revision 6318

updated legalese regarding libtiff, libjpeg

2000-02-27 21:06 VS, revision 6317

added --enable-filesystem

2000-02-27 21:04 VS, revision 6316

minimalistic build fixes (mostly #if wxUSE_something)

2000-02-27 21:03 VS, revision 6315

fixed: text.rc was datafile => copied to build dir

2000-02-27 16:48 RR, revision 6314

Added bitmap create

2000-02-27 16:09 GL, revision 6313

Added wxMMedia doc. For the moment only a few files are really a documentation. (sndbase.tex). The rest will come progressively.

2000-02-27 15:56 RR, revision 6312

More wxPlotWindow goodies.

2000-02-27 10:44 GL, revision 6311

Inserted "stdio catch" in wxExecute. The activation is controlled by wxProcess. Completed some TODO in wxMMedia (wxSoundUlaw, ...) Reworked the PCM converted: it should be simpler to add converters now and it is cleaner. Implemented status information in wxVideoWindows but it doesn't work on my Win98SE (UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION) Changed *ERR into *ERROR Added a TODO: we must detect the best format in wxSoundWindows

2000-02-27 05:06 GRG, revision 6310

Added support for wxSCROLL[WIN]_THUMBRELEASE events

2000-02-27 04:59 GRG, revision 6309

Large parts rewritten and reorganized

2000-02-27 04:56 GRG, revision 6308

Added support for bitmap buttons with standard Win95/98 LNF if __WIN95__ is #defined

2000-02-26 22:14 GT, revision 6307

Updated the ODBC-related ToDos

2000-02-26 21:00 VZ, revision 6306

wxGrid::AutoSize() added

2000-02-26 20:42 VZ, revision 6305


2000-02-26 20:40 VZ, revision 6304

oops, a stray C++ comment

2000-02-26 20:35 VZ, revision 6303

removing the IsWindow() test in ~wxWindow

2000-02-26 19:46 GRG, revision 6302

Corrected small miniframe-realted bug (itsy bitsy is never used for win32)

2000-02-26 14:42 VS, revision 6301

fixed reference to wxEvtHandler

2000-02-26 14:42 VS, revision 6300

added base.t to the script

2000-02-26 13:47 GL, revision 6299

Reenabled OSS support

2000-02-26 12:45 RR, revision 6298

Compile fixes.

2000-02-25 23:57 VZ, revision 6297

only modal dialogs ignore busy cursor, not all dialogs

2000-02-25 23:49 VZ, revision 6296

1. cursor fixes: frame does have hand cursor in the controls sample now, modal dialogs don't have busy cursor even if wxIsBusy() 2. wxTextCtrl sets client data field in the generated events 3. added wxEnhMetaFile::SetClipboard()

2000-02-25 21:28 GL, revision 6295

Ok. Vidwin works again on Windows. Extremely urgent: it must behave the same way as wxVideoXANIM

2000-02-25 20:36 GT, revision 6294

Replaced <iostream.h> reference with "wx/ioswrap.h" Replaced wxMessageBox() with wxLogDebug() calls When calling GetColumns(), some drivers/datasources would not return a proper value for columnSize. If columnSize is less than 1, columnSize gets set to bufferLength Some cout statements in DBDEBUG_CONSOLE were treating char* variables as if they were wxString variables.

2000-02-25 20:27 GT, revision 6293

Replaced <iostream.h> reference with "wx/ioswrap.h" Replaced wxMessageBox() with wxLogDebug() calls When calling GetColumns(), some drivers/datasources would not return a proper value for columnSize. If columnSize is less than 1, columnSize gets set to bufferLength

2000-02-25 19:23 VZ, revision 6292

WX_DECLARE_HASH() macro for type safe hashes

2000-02-25 19:07 GL, revision 6291

Removed unnecessary code from utilsunx.cpp Corrected the support for seeking in wxSoundFileStream. Added support for seeking in wxMultimediaBoard Reindentation of the code (conforming or nearly to the coding standard)

2000-02-25 18:50 GL, revision 6290

Windows stdio capture is working on my MSVC5. Here is the first alpha release.

2000-02-25 16:27 BJ, revision 6289

Tentative fix for UNICODE

2000-02-25 16:21 VZ, revision 6288

attempts at making wxSocket work with wxBase - it doesn't work but already compiles :-|

2000-02-25 16:20 JS, revision 6287

Fixed wxWindow::HandleCommand so multiple toolbars work again (e.g. ogl/studio sample); added border to OGL studio window

2000-02-25 15:32 VZ, revision 6286

attempt at fixing LDFLAGS

2000-02-25 15:16 JS, revision 6285

Added fix to wxMDIClientWindow to redisplay contents when window is repositioned

2000-02-25 15:00 BJ, revision 6284

fix memory allocation problem for strings

2000-02-25 14:02 VZ, revision 6283

assigning values to wxString is better than assigning to 'wxChar *' - editing of bugs table works

2000-02-25 13:56 VZ, revision 6282

compatibility/compilation fix

2000-02-25 12:01 MJ, revision 6281

dbgrid.cpp dbgrid.h bitmaps/logo.xpm

2000-02-25 09:08 GL, revision 6280

Major changes in wxVidXANIM (support for output filtering) Several API addings Added process.cpp, process.h and utilsunx.cpp in wxMMedia directory They should be moved to src/unix, src/common and include/wx to use them

2000-02-25 07:13 GRG, revision 6279

Corrected an HTML typo

2000-02-25 06:56 MB, revision 6278

Added call to CalcDimensions() at end of wxGrid::Init so that you can, for example, put a grid in a dialog, size it and then call CreateGrid at some later stage.

2000-02-25 04:19 DW, revision 6277

Visualge V3.0 fix

2000-02-25 04:17 DW, revision 6276

latest wxWindow updates

2000-02-25 04:16 DW, revision 6275

Change m_SubControls from wxList to wxArrayLong

2000-02-25 02:29 VZ, revision 6274

F2 enables edit in place

2000-02-25 02:20 VZ, revision 6273

1. corrected problem with label updating in wxProgressDialog 2. optical fix in wxTipDlg: use wxTE_RICH control to avoid vert scrollbar 3. put wxProgressDialog demo into dialogs sample, seems more appropriate 4. fixed a serious bug in wxProgressDialog when its parent was not a top level window (as in controls sample) 5. fixes in BringWindowToTop() usage in msw/dialog.cpp 6. fixed another serious bug in wxProgressDialog::OnClose() 7. wxDialog restores focus to previously focused window once again 8. attempts at fixing wxBusyCursor with modal dialogs problem - unsuccessful

2000-02-25 00:03 VZ, revision 6272

fix for bug #29 (blank lines in GetLineText)

2000-02-24 23:52 GRG, revision 6271

Very minor changes

2000-02-24 23:40 VZ, revision 6270

1. corrected bug in MDI sample (which resulted in missing horz scrollbar) 2. wxRegKey::Rename() added, regtest sample shows copying/moving/renaming keys and values now 3. using wxLog() insread of WriteText() contorsions in the listctrl sample, show client data from events in the log messages

2000-02-24 23:33 VZ, revision 6269

1. corrected bug in MDI sample (which resulted in missing horz scrollbar) 2. define LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ourselves if compiler headers don't 3. wxSafeYield() will only reenable windows which had been enabled, not all windows in the application 4. selection in wxTreeCtrl is not broken after dnd operation 5. wxRegKey::Rename() added, regtest sample shows copying/moving/renaming keys and values now 6. wxListEvent accessors made const 7. wxListCtrl sets client data field in generated events under MSW too

2000-02-24 20:18 JS, revision 6268

Fix to MDI to restore 3D border; kludge to OGL Studio sample to redraw the first client frame properly (need wxWindow::Redraw in wxWin API?)

2000-02-24 19:05 GL, revision 6267

Added a missing wxStream_NOERROR

2000-02-24 18:52 GL, revision 6266

Cut out some duplicate symbol in datstrm.tex

2000-02-24 18:09 RR, revision 6265

Minor optical things.

2000-02-24 17:17 JS, revision 6264

Added missing SetToolBitmapSize

2000-02-24 16:26 JS, revision 6263

wxToolBarSimple fix + OGL studio sample compilation

2000-02-24 15:04 JS, revision 6262

Some Motif fixes; makefile fixes; added wxTransferStreamToFile/FileToStream for wxWin streams; fixed wxSP_... ids that clashed with wxTextCtrl; added generic GetPixel implementation for GTK/Motif

2000-02-24 12:20 RL, revision 6261

configure changes, for wxBase and wx-config

2000-02-24 07:42 MB, revision 6260

Several ugly hacks to get the bugs table and virtual table demos to work under wxMotif.

2000-02-24 01:15 RL, revision 6259

added wxBase & examples & various tweaks

2000-02-24 00:43 GT, revision 6258

Reverting to 1.30

2000-02-24 00:35 GT, revision 6257

Reverting back to 1.35 as 1.36 does not work with all data sources

2000-02-24 00:20 VZ, revision 6256

mwxLog was leaked - fixed

2000-02-24 00:08 VZ, revision 6255

fix for wxSplitPath(foo/.filename)

2000-02-24 00:01 VZ, revision 6254

wxLogWindow now uses standard menu ids

2000-02-23 23:43 DW, revision 6253

More wxWindow updates

2000-02-23 23:42 VZ, revision 6252

typo fixed

2000-02-23 23:38 VZ, revision 6251

1. wxGCBoolRenderer looks better under MSW 2. wxGCBoolEditor too 3. only alnum keys start editing in-place 4. some memory leaks in wxGrid plugged

2000-02-23 23:11 GT, revision 6250

::IsNumber() returned FALSE if a + or - sign was the first character of the string. "-123" should be considered a number

2000-02-23 21:45 RL, revision 6249

tweaked debian-dist for building wxBase

2000-02-23 19:27 RD, revision 6248

fallback to string changes for number and float editors Fixes for DrawGridSpace (it needed moved over/up by one pixel, at least for MSW) Editor left active when resizing rows/cols

2000-02-23 19:23 VZ, revision 6247

removed the goto provoking HP-UX compiler warnings

2000-02-23 19:04 VZ, revision 6246

fixed (?) race condition in the sample

2000-02-23 18:54 VZ, revision 6245

some more cosmetic fixes for wxLogTrace

2000-02-23 18:50 VZ, revision 6244

typo fixed

2000-02-23 18:50 VZ, revision 6243

wxLogTrace doesn't give messages with two 'Trace' in the beginning

2000-02-23 18:26 SN, revision 6242

Improved wxMotif's look.

2000-02-23 17:53 SN, revision 6241

Improved checkmark on wxMotif.

2000-02-23 17:47 RR, revision 6240

#ifdeffed new paint clipping :-( Moved replacement code to printing preview canvas where its effect was particularly useful. Completed GC pooling.

2000-02-23 17:44 VZ, revision 6239

using LDFLAGS for the linker