

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 75004

Add wxOleConvertVariant_ReturnSafeArrays flag for better SAFEARRAY handling. While we can't change the type of wxVariant to which SAFEARRAYs are converted by default, it's much more convenient to work with the variant objects of the correct type, i.e. using wxVariantDataSafeArray, when dealing with SAFEARRAYs, so add a flag which can be set to tell a wxAutomationObject to behave in this way. Closes #14700.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 75003

Added a changelog section for 3.0-RC2. List the most important changes since 3.0-RC1 already done.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 75002

Only auto-link wsock32.dll if net library is used. Otherwise linking with it can create problems with the code using other network libraries, which link with ws2_32.dll (Winsock 2). See #15562.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 75001

Don't use owner drawn items under Win7 even when using larger bitmaps. The check for menu bitmaps size added in r58557 was apparently only needed for XP and earlier versions and doesn't seem to be necessary under Win7, so don't use it there, if only because it allows to retrieve the menu item text which is useful for automation/screen reader tools. Closes #13544.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 75000

Document that autocompletion is not implemented for wxOSX wxComboBox. While the relevant methods are in wxTextEntry, they are only really implemented for wxTextCtrl in wxOSX, not wxComboBox, which also derives from wxTextEntry.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 74999

Do define __VISUALC__ when using Intel compiler under Windows. This undoes r74888, r74913 and r74969 because all of them were still not enough to make ICC build work correctly. So instead of trying to find all the places where we need to test for __INTELC__ in addition to __VISUALC__, just revert to defining __VISUALC__ for ICC under Windows as it uses its CRT anyhow and in the vast majority of cases we are actually testing for the CRT and not the compiler anyhow. Closes #15359.

2013-10-14 17:08 VZ, revision 74998

Don't leave dangling comboboxes in the GUI unit test suite. Sort() and ReadOnly() tests created a new combobox without deleting the old one, and so these comboboxes were left on the screen for the duration of all the subsequent tests, subtly breaking them. E.g. this was responsible for spurious breakages in the event propagation test case because sometimes the context menu event showed the combobox context menu (why this didn't happen always is another question...). It would be great to find some way to ensure that nothing is left after a test terminates but I'm not sure about how to do this with cppunit. So for now just manually delete the extraneous comboboxes.

2013-10-14 17:07 VZ, revision 74997

Fix wxDataFormat comparison operators for wxDF_HTML under wxMSW. This format is special as it doesn't have a fixed value and is registered dynamically instead. So we need to call HtmlFormatFixup(), which checks if the given custom format is actually wxDF_HTML, before comparing formats to ensure that the real value assigned to this format compares correctly to the fixed wxDF_HTML value. Closes #15280.

2013-10-14 17:07 VZ, revision 74996

Update the year in the built-in wxWidgets version dialog. Simply s/2011/2013/

2013-10-14 17:07 VZ, revision 74995

Work around a failure in TreeCtrlTestCase::SelectionChange() unit test. We were getting an extra event under MSW if the control was initially unfocused, so do focus it. This is a work around as the extra event shouldn't occur but I'm too afraid of changing wxMSW code itself so close to 3.0.

2013-10-14 17:07 VZ, revision 74994

Avoid spurious errors when getting wxChoice or wxListBox client data in wxMSW. Even after the changes of r70415, we could still report an error when the item client data was set to -1 (== CB_ERR) as checking for GetLastError() was not enough, we need to also ensure that the last error is reset before trying to get the client data. Also apply the same fix to wxListBox and add the tests verifying that this does work correctly. Closes #13883. Also fix wxListBox::GetClientData().

2013-10-14 12:00 VZ, revision 74993

Fix wrong encoding of Polish translations. The file was somehow encoded in UTF-8 twice.

2013-10-13 12:30 VZ, revision 74992

Update the version in bakefile presets to 3.0 too. Also mention this file in the list of files to update when changing the version. Closes #15577.

2013-10-12 22:47 JS, revision 74991

Fixed calculation when cell widths are percentages.

2013-10-12 09:10 JS, revision 74990

Added back missing event.Skip() removed accidentally in r72302 disabling editing

2013-10-12 08:15 JS, revision 74989

Fixed image insertion in the wxRTC sample

2013-10-11 17:31 VS, revision 74988

Add schema validation to wxrc. Add --validate and --validate-only flags to wxrc that perform validation of the input files against the RELAX NG schema from misc/schema. Jing must be installed for this to work.

2013-10-11 17:31 VS, revision 74987

Fix incorrect wxExecute() use in wxrc.

2013-10-11 17:31 VS, revision 74986

XRC format: clarify that cols/rows are unsigned.

2013-10-11 17:31 VS, revision 74985

XRC schema: fix t_style to allow 0-9 in style names. Example: wxCHK_2STATE

2013-10-11 16:43 JS, revision 74984

wxRTC tables: improve collapsed border drawing by allowing cell borders at the edge if no overall border.

2013-10-11 13:13 JS, revision 74983

Corrected conversion of small dimensions to pixels

2013-10-11 10:04 JS, revision 74982

Added SetProperty with wxChar* argument

2013-10-10 22:55 VZ, revision 74981

Don't use long deprecated and now removed pangox library in wxX11 any more. Use pangoxft only now. Also remove the apparently unused src/x11/pangox11.cpp file, only src/x11/pango_x.cpp seems to be used (and this one only by being included in src/x11/dcclient.cpp). Closes #15482.

2013-10-10 18:05 PC, revision 74980

remove extraneous semicolon

2013-10-09 22:42 VZ, revision 74979

Fix wrong common_samples.bkl include path in animate sample bakefile. Surprisingly, the wrong path somehow worked all this time and still works in some installation, but not all of them. Using the correct path shouldn't hurt though. Closes #15570.

2013-10-09 21:44 VZ, revision 74978

Revert the change to wxGTK build slave configure arguments. Undo the temporary change of r74975 as it didn't help with fixing the problem with the failing unit test.

2013-10-09 20:07 PC, revision 74977

Window decoration fixes for Wayland. Allow setting no decorations, and an attempt to allow setting no title bar. closes #15553

2013-10-09 12:45 VS, revision 74976

Remove assert from wxStringOperationsUtf8::DecIter(). The assert prevented decrementing end() iterator, which is a valid operation. Fixes #15566.

2013-10-09 12:34 VZ, revision 74975

Change wxGTK build slave configuration to use built-in libpng. This is an attempt to debug the failure of ImageTestCase::ScaleCompare() unit test.

2013-10-09 12:34 VZ, revision 74974

Call SetErrorMode() for all Windows applications, not just wxMSW ones. This suppresses default system error message boxes when trying to load an invalid DLL in wxGTK/Windows. Closes #15559.

2013-10-09 12:34 VZ, revision 74973

Undo the changes to a sample message catalog by "$Id" removal. Revert the changes of r74602 to a binary file. Closes #15563.

2013-10-09 03:53 BP, revision 74972
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/images/logo_gtk.png
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/images/logo_motif.png
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/images/logo_osxleopard.png
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/images/logo_win.png
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/images/logo_x11.png
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/doxygen/mainpages/platdetails.h

Removed unnecessary 3rd party copyrighted logos from the manual, see #15564.

2013-10-09 02:34 DS, revision 74971

Fixed wxFileDialog assertion failure under wxOSX Cocoa. Using wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST in combination with an extra panel in wxFileDialog wasn't working properly. Simply remove the unused flag under OS X. Caused problems with Cocoa only (not Carbon), and at least under 10.6 and 10.8.

2013-10-08 22:33 DS, revision 74970

Fixed Carbon compilation. Regression since r74855 and r74954.

2013-10-08 12:40 VZ, revision 74969

Check for __INTELC__ in a couple more places. See #15359.

2013-10-08 04:17 DS, revision 74968

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects to include src/common/threadinfo.cpp. Closes #15558.

2013-10-07 23:08 VZ, revision 74967

Some minor Tamil translations fixes from DINAKAR T.D.

2013-10-07 18:50 PC, revision 74966

update GLib version check

2013-10-07 18:14 PC, revision 74965

silence unused parameter warning

2013-10-07 18:06 PC, revision 74964

build fix for wxUSE_UNICODE==0

2013-10-07 15:04 VZ, revision 74963

Tag 3.0.0-rc1 release

2013-10-07 15:01 VZ, revision 74962

Update SF release notes for 3.0.0-rc1.

2013-10-07 15:01 VZ, revision 74961

Don't use capital "H" in the header archives names. This is inconsistent with "docs" and is just strange.

2013-10-07 14:55 JS, revision 74960

Apply #15557 to fix wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox documentation (dghart)

2013-10-07 14:07 VZ, revision 74959

Update announcement and changelog for 3.0.0-RC1.

2013-10-07 14:07 VZ, revision 74958

Mention wxWebView in the list of major changes since 2.8. It's certainly no less important than propgrid or ribbon (and arguably much more so).

2013-10-07 13:43 VS, revision 74957

Workaround OS X crash when closing FDs in wxExecute. wxExecute() closes all file descriptors in the forked child process. This is a common practice, but it unfortunately breaks in combination with libdispatch on OS X, which - instead of gracefully handling the situation - intentionally(!) crashes when something closes its kevent file descriptor in OS X 10.8. There's doesn't seem to be a simple way to get this descriptor and there's no telling when libdispatch is pulled into the executable, so just leave the file descriptors be when running under Darwin, until a better fix is found.

2013-10-07 13:43 VS, revision 74956

Fix wxExecute() default priority if wxProcess is not used. The code mistakenly assigned the lowest possible priority (0, in wx's numbering), while the intention probably was to have the same default as wxProcess, which is 0 in POSIX numbering and 50== wxPRIORITY_DEFAULT in wx's. Fixes permission denied errors if lowering priority is not permitted.

2013-10-07 13:23 SC, revision 74955

adding getURL hook