

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-12-24 00:29 VZ, revision 57520

also call AddGrowableRow/Col() for wxGridBagSizer

2008-12-23 22:33 VZ, revision 57519

call wxFlexGridSizer::AddGrowableRow/Col() only after creating the sizer children, otherwise row/col index could be out of range (#10294)

2008-12-23 20:46 RR, revision 57518

Don't allow concurrent requests, check return message of async request

2008-12-23 20:09 JMS, revision 57517

Fixed crash when expanding/collapsing categories too quickly (re-entrancy issue)

2008-12-23 16:38 BP, revision 57516

Added grid event classes to the events group in docs.

2008-12-23 15:33 JMS, revision 57515

Fixed a VC6 warning (hopefully)

2008-12-23 15:32 VZ, revision 57514

don't use \u escapes, VC6 doesn't understand them

2008-12-23 15:29 VZ, revision 57513

set correct properties for the new files

2008-12-23 14:57 RR, revision 57512

wxDataViewCtrl::IsExpanded should work now under OS X, as well

2008-12-23 14:56 RR, revision 57511

Add wxDataViewCtrl::ExpandAncestors() and call it from both EnsureVisible() and Select()

2008-12-23 12:05 RR, revision 57510

Added pseudo-asynchronous clipboard implemenation to all ports excepts for GTK+

2008-12-23 00:35 VZ, revision 57509

reverted yet another accidental commit of testing code in r57505

2008-12-23 00:21 VZ, revision 57508

verify that we don't have more items than our number of rows/columns allows (See #10294)

2008-12-23 00:20 VZ, revision 57507

use wxFlexGridSizer correctly (fixes #10294)

2008-12-22 22:58 VZ, revision 57505

split wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE into wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING/ED pair for consistency with all the other controls; provide access to new/old value of the cell in the event object

2008-12-22 22:44 VZ, revision 57504

no changes, just don't use "any more" thrice in a row

2008-12-22 21:42 VZ, revision 57503

use CanSetValueAs() instead of CanGetValueAs() in wxGridCellBoolEditor::EndEdit

2008-12-22 19:52 VZ, revision 57502

avoid warnings about localtime() being deprecated from MSVC8/9 by just not using it from a header

2008-12-22 19:50 VZ, revision 57501

correct Serbian locale name: should be sr_RS, not sr_SR (fixes #10295)

2008-12-22 17:11 PC, revision 57500

non-pch build fixes

2008-12-22 14:03 RR, revision 57498

Added clipboard sample check to, other changes after rebaking with Bakefile 0.25

2008-12-22 13:34 VZ, revision 57497

undid change accidentally committed as part of r57093 but which didn't have anything to do with it and resulted in #10253

2008-12-22 12:03 VZ, revision 57496

fix typo in r57455 which totally broke modal dialogs display (close #10291)

2008-12-22 11:52 VZ, revision 57495

rebake after correction typo in wx/generic/headerctrlg.h name

2008-12-22 06:26 BP, revision 57494

Fixed regression in r57474 (this is the 2.8 branch, not trunk, treat strings like so).