

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-12-27 14:58 FM, revision 57597

remove the long deprecated wxTabCtrl class

2008-12-27 14:48 FM, revision 57596

fix wxSashEvent, wxFindDialogEvent, wxSplitterEvent to implement Clone() correctly

2008-12-27 14:28 FM, revision 57595

use accelerators for menu items and stock menu item labels for stock IDs

2008-12-27 14:24 FM, revision 57594

fix Purpose comment

2008-12-27 14:23 FM, revision 57593

Fix wxCalendarEvent and wxTextUrlEvent event classes implementing Clone() correctly (as pointed out by the new runtime check)

2008-12-27 14:21 FM, revision 57592

don't use backspace as accelerator; at least GTK+ doesn't like it

2008-12-27 13:46 FM, revision 57591

name also QueueEvent

2008-12-27 13:46 FM, revision 57590

do not document Clone() overloads only for some classes; Clone() is reimplemented in all event classes

2008-12-27 13:42 FM, revision 57589

remove wxClassInfo::InitializeClasses docs; that function does not exist anymore

2008-12-27 13:40 FM, revision 57588

fix wxTimerEvent and wxTreeCtrl to use IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS macro

2008-12-27 13:38 FM, revision 57587

implement a runtime check to test if wxEvent::Clone is implemented correctly for all wxWidgets events

2008-12-27 11:41 VZ, revision 57586

make the test really use the different socket flags and disable the use of wxSOCKET_NOWAIT as some tests fail in this case

2008-12-27 11:39 VZ, revision 57585

set m_closed to true when we get connection lost notification

2008-12-27 11:22 VZ, revision 57584


2008-12-27 11:14 VZ, revision 57583

also include wxSocket test in the GUI test as different event loop implementations may be used for console and GUI apps resulting in different bugs

2008-12-27 11:12 VZ, revision 57582

make the test really use the event loop in its second half (this already was the intention before but it didn't work correctly)

2008-12-27 11:01 VZ, revision 57581

implement wxEventLoop::DispatchTimeout() for wxGTK (thanks Paul) and rewrote it to not use wxEventLoopImpl which it doesn't need

2008-12-27 10:20 FM, revision 57580

do not use @b when referencing to functions; use final () to enable doxygen autolink

2008-12-27 10:15 FM, revision 57579

use HasFlag(wxXX) instead of GetWindowStyle() & wxXX; it's more readable

2008-12-27 10:14 FM, revision 57578

autolink CreateButtonSizer

2008-12-27 00:21 VZ, revision 57577

also initialize option value length before calling getsockopt()

2008-12-27 00:19 VZ, revision 57576

initialize name length before calling getsockname()

2008-12-27 00:04 VZ, revision 57575

move generic DispatchTimeout() implementation in the header as evtloopcmn.cpp is part of wxBase and so can't define a method of a wxCore class

2008-12-26 22:58 VZ, revision 57574

test sockets both with and without event loop

2008-12-26 22:51 VZ, revision 57573

PCH-less compilation fix