

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-09-12 13:18 VZ, revision 8338

hack to fix wxTimer problem

2000-09-12 11:28 JJ, revision 8337

Committing in . Modified Files: wxWindows/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/generic/descrip.mms VMS compile update for new files and some new wxGTK samples ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2000-09-12 08:29 VZ, revision 8336

fixed bug in mouse handling

2000-09-12 08:18 RR, revision 8335

Corrcted accel keys for bitmap menus.

2000-09-12 08:17 RR, revision 8334

Added test for bitmap menu.

2000-09-12 04:01 RD, revision 8333

Enabled wxWindow_FindFocus for wxGTK

2000-09-11 20:21 VZ, revision 8332

wxRadioBox starts to work

2000-09-11 19:24 RD, revision 8331

Added explicit wrappers for wxSpinCtrl methods instead of relying on inherited methods.

2000-09-11 17:12 RR, revision 8330

Added experim. support for wxFRAME_TOOL_WIN

2000-09-11 16:28 RR, revision 8329

Tiny patch for wxListCtrl::HitTest(). I didn't even test if it compiles, oh dear.

2000-09-11 13:02 JS, revision 8328

Corrected frame.cpp to recognise wxNO_BORDER properly

2000-09-11 12:52 RR, revision 8327

Some more tests and mouse events for wxCanvas.

2000-09-11 12:45 JS, revision 8326

Corrected typo

2000-09-11 12:37 JS, revision 8325

wxHelpProvider now cleans itself up. wxTipWindow doesn't grab the mouse, but instead deletes itself when it's deactivated or loses the focus.

2000-09-11 12:03 JS, revision 8324

Included tipwindow.h unconditionally

2000-09-11 08:13 RR, revision 8323

Compile fixes for wxCanvas.

2000-09-10 22:25 VZ, revision 8322
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxUNIVERSAL/samples/univ/bricks.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxUNIVERSAL/samples/univ/open.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/wxUNIVERSAL/samples/univ/tip.bmp

now using xpm

2000-09-10 22:23 VZ, revision 8321

wxRadioButton works under MSW

2000-09-10 19:01 JS, revision 8320

Made the docs compile again.

2000-09-10 16:39 VZ, revision 8319

wxRadioButton more or less works under GTK

2000-09-10 16:30 VZ, revision 8318

wxTipWindow added and is now used by wxSimpleHelpProvider

2000-09-10 15:16 JS, revision 8317

#ifdefs for WIN16

2000-09-10 12:43 VZ, revision 8316

1. added wxHelpProvider and (unfinished) wxSimpleHelpProvider 2. added wxStringHashTable which wxStringHashTable uses

2000-09-10 11:27 VZ, revision 8315

use the native msg box if available, fall back to wxWin one instead of doing the opposite

2000-09-09 22:39 VZ, revision 8314

added radio button (which doesn't work yet)

2000-09-09 19:41 VZ, revision 8313

1. wxRenderer now has DrawCheckButton 2. wxCheckBox seems to work under MSW

2000-09-09 19:40 VZ, revision 8312

wxComboBox sends TEXT_UPDATED event under MSW when selection changes now too (no changes in other files)

2000-09-09 19:37 VZ, revision 8311

german translations marked as done

2000-09-08 22:02 VS, revision 8310

yet another fix in wxHtmlParser::DoParsing

2000-09-08 19:03 VZ, revision 8309

1. fixed (yet again) highlighting of buttons and checkboxes 2. wrote input handlers for the checkbox 3. fixed bug in wXMouseEvent generation in gtk/window.cpp 4. added focus rect drawing and check/radio geometry queries to wxRenderer

2000-09-08 18:42 KH, revision 8308

oops winnt path to fonts wrong

2000-09-08 18:42 KH, revision 8307

added groups of canvasobject and references to groups

2000-09-08 18:09 VZ, revision 8306

GetSelection() replaced with GetId() in OnMRUFile

2000-09-08 15:56 JS, revision 8305

Removed spurious _

2000-09-08 15:49 JS, revision 8304

Fixed non-recognition of wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE flags.

2000-09-08 15:48 VZ, revision 8303

fixed wxContextHelpButton bitmap (dis)appearance

2000-09-08 15:12 VZ, revision 8302

fixed internal border drawing for listbox in GTK theme

2000-09-08 14:51 JS, revision 8301

Added manual files

2000-09-08 14:48 JS, revision 8300

Tried to fix problem with 'clean' target

2000-09-08 14:45 JS, revision 8299

Added dcclient.h

2000-09-08 14:36 JS, revision 8298

Fixed memory leak in listbox, fixed memory leak reporting in app.cpp

2000-09-08 14:34 VZ, revision 8297

1. replaced wxRenderer::AdjustScrollbar with AreScrollbarsInsideBorder(), it now seems to work with GTK theme too 2. added checkbox bitmaps drawing under GTK

2000-09-08 14:26 JS, revision 8296

Added context-sensitive help dialog demo.

2000-09-08 13:52 JS, revision 8295

Fixed some broken things related to context help, fixed memory leak in wxGenericTreeCtrl (Init should be called before Create, not _in_ Create)

2000-09-08 10:49 JS, revision 8294

Put wxContextHelp into cshelp.h/cpp, added wxContextHelpButton

2000-09-08 04:06 RD, revision 8293

Moved from Scintilla version 1.25 to 1.32 Still more changes to be made in the wxSTC wrappers for new functionality...

2000-09-07 23:17 VZ, revision 8292

1. kbd handling in wxListBox seems to work 2. added beginning of wxCheckBox

2000-09-07 22:57 BS, revision 8291


2000-09-07 22:53 BS, revision 8290

OS/2 version was using ~ instead of * for a termination character so executables created with this packinst would not function.

2000-09-07 22:00 BS, revision 8289

Somehow the packinst.c and directory got removed from the archive, so I included the version from the OS/2 installer which probably has some fixes.

2000-09-07 20:55 VS, revision 8288

fixed bug in parsing html strings longer than 1024 chars than does not contain tags

2000-09-07 15:21 JS, revision 8287

Added memcheck to configure

2000-09-07 15:02 JS, revision 8286

Applied memory allocation patch, and worked around bug that crashes memcheck.cpp by using wxLogStderr.

2000-09-07 13:33 JS, revision 8285

Added some docs

2000-09-07 13:32 JS, revision 8284

Added comment to old wxGetMousePosition

2000-09-07 13:32 JS, revision 8283

Used GetCursorPos for new wxGetMousePosition implementation

2000-09-07 13:22 JS, revision 8282

Got wxHelpContext working, plus wxFindWindowAtPointer, wxGetMousePosition, wxFindWindowAtPoint.

2000-09-07 11:17 RR, revision 8281

There was no need to create the buffer in OnIdle().

2000-09-07 09:43 JS, revision 8280

Made wxContextHelp implementation generic and added wxFindWindowAtPointer, wxGetMousePosition functions

2000-09-07 01:34 RD, revision 8279

Interface file defining functionality available in Scintilla. Will possibly be used to automatically generate some of the wxWindows code that wraps Scintilla.

2000-09-06 22:12 VZ, revision 8278

1. clip the DC from wxEraseEvent under GTK - now redrawing works there too 2. added wxColourScheme::GetBackground() - still testing 3. implemented (but it is slightly broken) extended listbox interface

2000-09-06 19:18 DW, revision 8277

fix to OWNER_DRAWN assert in listbox

2000-09-06 16:44 JS, revision 8276

Implemented wxHelpContext for wxGTK.

2000-09-06 15:09 RR, revision 8275

Added various missing bits to scrolling wxCanvas.

2000-09-06 13:23 JS, revision 8274

Dialogs can now show a question mark for context-sensitive help.

2000-09-06 13:08 RR, revision 8273

Trying to make wxCanvas less simple.

2000-09-06 09:52 JS, revision 8272

Added #include in helpbase.cpp

2000-09-06 09:45 JS, revision 8271

Added wxHelpEvent, wxContextHelp (MSW only so far), modified help sample

2000-09-06 09:18 RR, revision 8270

Applied PS patch.

2000-09-06 09:18 RR, revision 8269

Removed wxClientDC from wxEraseEvent.

2000-09-06 06:20 RL, revision 8268

package dependancy bugfix

2000-09-06 03:39 RD, revision 8267

Interface file defining functionality available in Scintilla. Will possibly be used to automatically generate some of the wxWindows code that wraps Scintilla.

2000-09-05 20:08 KH, revision 8266

added moving an object with the mouse

2000-09-05 20:07 KH, revision 8265

capturing the mouse in wxCanvasObject

2000-09-05 19:21 VZ, revision 8264

attempts to fix GTK refresh - completely fruitless so far

2000-09-05 19:17 VZ, revision 8263

renamed m_clientData to fix compilation problems

2000-09-05 18:27 VZ, revision 8262

oops, some of my testing code crept in

2000-09-05 18:26 VZ, revision 8261

toggle doesn't mean set

2000-09-05 18:19 RD, revision 8260

Fixed some off-by-one errors that were visible on wxGTK but actually affected wxMSW too.

2000-09-05 18:10 RD, revision 8259

Fixed some off-by-one errors that were visible on wxGTK but actually affected wxMSW too.

2000-09-05 18:04 VZ, revision 8258

added Dutch translation

2000-09-05 14:46 DW, revision 8257

Updates to keep OS/2 Frame apps from crashing on exit. Fixes WM_QUIT processing

2000-09-05 13:59 DW, revision 8256

Updates to keep OS/2 Frame apps from crashing on exit. Fixes WM_QUIT processing

2000-09-05 12:20 JS, revision 8255

Generic wxListCtrl now supports wxLC_HRULES, wxLC_VRULES

2000-09-05 11:39 JS, revision 8254

Added rules to wxListCtrl (MSW now, GTK+ soon)

2000-09-05 10:51 RR, revision 8253

Applied DrawArc patch. Applied break-up-region patch. Implemented sort of ShowFullScreen() - test in scrollsub.

2000-09-05 09:12 RR, revision 8252

Applied DrawArc patch. Some tests for ShowFullScreen() (doesn't work under GTK).

2000-09-04 15:39 RR, revision 8251

Virtualized coordinate system for wxCanvas.

2000-09-04 14:07 JS, revision 8250

Commented out palette code for wxGTK

2000-09-04 06:58 JS, revision 8249

Corrected off-by-one bug in wxRect(const wxPoint&, const wxPoint&) ctor

2000-09-03 23:55 VZ, revision 8248

1. added GetClientAreaOrigin to wxWindow, calculations everywhere use it 2. added horz scrolling to the listbox and fixed thevertical one 3. added wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB (a.k.a. wxLB_ALWAYS_SB) style 4. corrected thumb size calculations

2000-09-03 16:51 RR, revision 8247

Added FreeType II beta 8.

2000-09-03 16:38 RR, revision 8246

Minor update to wxCanvas.

2000-09-03 13:41 RR, revision 8245

Makefile adaption for freetype.

2000-09-03 13:40 RR, revision 8244

Makefile correction

2000-09-03 11:51 RR, revision 8243

Preparing makefiles for freetype

2000-09-02 20:16 VZ, revision 8242

wxListBox input handling works for single and multi selection ones (not extended yet)

2000-09-02 18:01 RR, revision 8241

Added wxCanvasLine, Freeze() and Thaw() and mouse events (untested)

2000-09-01 21:30 RD, revision 8240

1. Setting the listctrl as the event object before sending the event to any user event handlers. 2. InsertItem returns the actual index used when given one beyond the end of the list.

2000-09-01 20:17 VZ, revision 8239

attemps to make listbox refreshing to work - failed