

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-01-22 13:53 RR, revision 58298

Use wxCONTROL_SPECIAL to denote first header button

2009-01-22 13:51 RR, revision 58297

The last button also looks different in the header control

2009-01-22 13:41 RR, revision 58296

First and other header buttons look different

2009-01-22 13:40 RR, revision 58295

First and other header buttons look different

2009-01-22 13:34 RR, revision 58294

Respect that GTK+ wants to have space between scrollbar and client area

2009-01-22 13:33 RR, revision 58293

Try to be smarter about querying the border witdh

2009-01-22 13:33 RR, revision 58292

Override GetDefaultBorder, currently changes nothing

2009-01-22 11:53 FM, revision 58291

fix wxWindow::PushEventHandler and related wxWindow functions for the stack management; currently they don't work well when passing event handlers which are part of an event handler chain (see wx-dev thread 'wxWindow event handler stack'); implement wxEvtHandler Unlink() and IsUnlinked() functions and document them; revise docs of all involved functions of both wxEvtHandler and wxWindow, adding images for better explanations

2009-01-22 02:07 FM, revision 58290

a few more member groups, in line with the real header's groups

2009-01-22 01:45 FM, revision 58289

no real change: just grouped the tons of wxWindows function in meaningful groups

2009-01-21 23:47 BP, revision 58288

Quick 2.8 latex docs fix (properly escape &).

2009-01-21 23:42 VZ, revision 58287

tweak GetAppDir() to recognize more debug build directory suffixes

2009-01-21 23:34 FM, revision 58286

fix wxHtmlCell::Layout docs

2009-01-21 22:58 RR, revision 58285

Add visual drag hint

2009-01-21 22:56 FM, revision 58284

rename also motif logo

2009-01-21 22:54 FM, revision 58283

rename image files in a coherent way; remove old unused images

2009-01-21 22:32 VZ, revision 58282

fix problem with using wxEVT_SPIN in event tables after new events patch

2009-01-21 22:16 BP, revision 58281

Fixed unicode build after r58272.

2009-01-21 18:51 VZ, revision 58279

use standard [Shift-]Ctrl-Z accelerators for wxID_REDO/UNDO

2009-01-21 18:20 RR, revision 58278

Add drop hint

2009-01-21 18:04 BP, revision 58277

Applied minor documentation corrections to wxRegKey from charles (fixes #10407).

2009-01-21 17:44 RR, revision 58276

Call SetDataSource() from OnEnter() so that querying/accessing the data is possible from then on, rename to MSWxxx

2009-01-21 17:26 VZ, revision 58275

disable wxUSE_MEDIACTRL when wxUSE_ALL_FEATURES==no (closes #10415)

2009-01-21 17:08 VZ, revision 58274

fix compilation (but not working) of the code in wxUSE_FILESYSTEM==0 case (see #10414)

2009-01-21 17:05 VZ, revision 58273

fix compilation with wxUSE_SPIN{BTN,CTRL}==0 (closes #10413)