

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2013-11-10 01:33 VZ, revision 75156

Rewrite the introduction page of the manual and update its main page. Get rid of 20 year old information (it isn't that impressive that we offer to provide wxWidgets on a CD-ROM any more) and drastically compress the introduction page while, hopefully, making it more readable and useful for people new to wxWidgets. Update the main page to provide a short documentation walk-through and to organize the different links in order of their usefulness instead of whatever was used before (random?). Also add links to the alphabetical list of classes which is very useful but is not immediately apparent in the Doxygen menus.

2013-11-10 01:33 VZ, revision 75155

Change the titles of some pages for better appearance on the main page. Try to make the titles of the pages linked from the main page of the manual more clear and consistent.

2013-11-10 01:33 VZ, revision 75154

Emphasize the importance of reading the changes section. Mention that the changes since 2.8 could be useful to read even when not actually upgrading since 2.8.

2013-11-10 01:33 VZ, revision 75153

Update the date in the manual for 3.0 release. Use 2013-11-11 as the release date as we're -- gasp -- close to actually making it.

2013-11-10 01:32 VZ, revision 75152

Update the list of authors to put Vadim Zeitlin forward and add Stefan Csomor. Put myself (VZ) forward at Robert's expense and also add Stefan to a couple of places where he wasn't listed at all.

2013-11-09 23:08 VZ, revision 75151

No real changes, just remove an unused line from wxOSX wxListBox code. Don't create a wxEVT_LISTBOX event unnecessarily, this is done by the helper HandleLineEvent() function called from here.

2013-11-09 23:08 VZ, revision 75150

Compilation fix for wxOSX/Cocoa with wxOSX_USE_NATIVE_TOOLBAR==0. Don't use m_macToolbar when not using the native toolbar. Do compile GetToolBarFontEncoding() which is used in any case. Closes #15629.

2013-11-09 19:46 VZ, revision 75149

Fix positioning of radio buttons inside wxOSX radio boxes in some cases. If the previous radio box size was too small (notably (0,0) as it happened during AUI relayout), the buttons were positioned without taking the box margins into account, resulting in visually broken display. Recompute the full size after setting the new size but before positioning the buttons in wxRadioBox::DoSetSize() to avoid this. Closes #14087.

2013-11-09 19:46 VZ, revision 75148

Fix positioning of radio buttons inside wxOSX radio boxes in some cases. If the previous radio box size was too small (notably (0,0) as it happened during AUI relayout), the buttons were positioned without taking the box margins into account, resulting in visually broken display. Recompute the full size after setting the new size but before positioning the buttons in wxRadioBox::DoSetSize() to avoid this. Closes #14087.

2013-11-09 15:44 SC, revision 75147

updating the version to the number that carries the functionality

2013-11-09 14:37 VZ, revision 75146

Clarify the current OSXIsGUIApplication() status in comments. Mention that it doesn't work yet in 3.0 branch.

2013-11-09 14:31 VZ, revision 75145

Fix format specifiers used for event logging in the listctrl sample. Don't use "%ld" for int argument (this is harmless but unnecessary) and cast wxUIntPtr to long before using it with "%ld" as otherwise its size is greater than that of long in Win64 builds.

2013-11-09 11:00 SC, revision 75144

documenting fix for #15613

2013-11-09 08:27 SC, revision 75143

preparing fix for non-bundled osx apps, see #15613 with fix on trunk

2013-11-08 21:26 SC, revision 75142

fixes #15613

2013-11-08 18:45 JS, revision 75141


2013-11-08 16:24 VS, revision 75140

Show keyboard focus in generic wxDVC even with single editable column. Previously, keyboard focus indicator was only shown if there were multiple editable columns. This was confusing to the user in applications where the number of editable columns changes: somethings focus would work, sometimes not. (In reality, it worked in both cases, but wasn't visually indicated.) Just always show the indicator if there are any editable columns. Notice that the indicator is only painted after the user pressed left or right arrows, thus indicating interest in keyboard focus. Without that, only the regular indicator is shown (this is the same as before this commit).

2013-11-07 13:49 JS, revision 75139

Fixed border colour parsing typo.

2013-11-07 13:44 VZ, revision 75138

Set event object for wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED events in wxGTK. The event object was always NULL for these events before as we didn't set it at all. Closes #13478.

2013-11-07 12:26 JS, revision 75137

Improved multiple table cell selection, especially for empty cells.

2013-11-07 12:06 JS, revision 75136

Correct the double-clicked word selection when at the end of a paragraph.

2013-11-07 00:35 VZ, revision 75135

Update wxListEvent::GetData() documentation too. It returns wxUIntPtr and not long since r75000, see #15578.

2013-11-06 17:59 VZ, revision 75134

Fix behaviour of wxComboBox using ID=1000 in wxMSW. If a wxComboBox was created with ID=1000, clicking in its drop down didn't work. It turns out that the native combobox control always creates its dropdown listbox with the ID of 1000 and that when we were getting LBN_SELCHANGE from it we mishandled this message because our code mistakenly believed that all messages from the ID of the control itself were, in fact, coming from this control, which wasn't the case here. Fix this by adding a special check for this case in wxComboBox. Also virtualize the dynamic cast which was done in wxWindow::FindItem() as this makes the code simpler and allows to get rid of __WXUNIVERSAL__ #ifdef as well. Closes #15647.

2013-11-06 16:08 JS, revision 75133

Allow the style name to be edited in the style definition editor

2013-11-06 13:44 JS, revision 75132

Don't merge text objects if they have different identifiers

2013-11-05 18:00 VZ, revision 75131

Correct check for animating non-visible windows added in r75130. Check whether the parent is not shown instead of checking the window itself because the window is never shown when we're in process of showing it. We need to avoid animations in the case when it still won't be shown even after showing it, and this is achieved by checking its parent visibility. Closes #15643.

2013-11-05 15:39 VZ, revision 75130

Don't use animations when showing non-visible windows. This is useless anyhow but also results in artefacts when the window becomes visible later. Closes #15643.

2013-11-05 14:39 VZ, revision 75129

Reduce the extra space added to wxMSW wxStaticText to just 1 pixel. This seems to be still enough to align the static text label and the text control contents when they are positioned next to each other but reduces the amount of "lost" space when they are positioned under each other. Closes #15637.

2013-11-05 14:39 VZ, revision 75128

Ignore system colour change events in not yet initialized wxPropertyGrid. Handling these events before the initialization was over could result in a crash because m_categoryDefaultCell wasn't yet initialized when the window was created. Fix this by ignoring these events during initialization. Closes #15642.

2013-11-05 14:39 VZ, revision 75127

Fix wxOleConvertVariantFlags mentions in the documentation. In some case wxConvertVariantToOleFlags was used instead. Closes #15641.

2013-11-05 02:00 BP, revision 75126

Adjusted Romanian translator list by request from Catalin.

2013-11-04 20:24 BP, revision 75125

Updated reference manual translation status table.

2013-11-04 16:13 JS, revision 75124

Made column and row spans members so they don't interfere with app-defined properties. Added identifier to wxRichTextObject so objects can be addressed by name. Generalised wxRICHTEXT_CHANGE_OBJECT command so it can now apply to a paragraph as well as an object within a paragraph.

2013-11-03 23:28 JS, revision 75123

Fixed some wxRTC dialog layout issues, and added a couple of extra text effects flags.

2013-11-02 19:01 VS, revision 75122

Make wxTextEntry::SetHint() work with all derived controls in wxOSX. Previously, the method was only implemented in wxTextCtrl even though it used wxTextEntry code to do the actual work. Move the implementation into wxTextEntry.

2013-11-02 17:55 VZ, revision 75121

Basque translations update from Xabier Aramendi.

2013-11-02 17:36 PC, revision 75120

fix GCC warning "logical ‘or’ applied to non-boolean constant"

2013-11-02 17:29 PC, revision 75119

get correct best size for wxSpinButton

2013-11-02 00:59 VZ, revision 75118

Reset current item in generic virtual wxListCtrl when items count changes. This ensures that we don't end up with an invalid current item value, which resulted in the asserts (see and possibly worse.

2013-11-02 00:59 VZ, revision 75117

Don't include sys/unistd.h unnecessarily when using MinGW. This doesn't seem to be needed under Windows where <sys/unistd.h> is just a wrapper for <io.h> which is already included just below anyhow. And doing this seems to result in problems with Cygwin MinGW cross-compiler 4.7.3 which seems to ship with broken version of this file, see the problem described in

2013-11-01 19:07 JS, revision 75116

Avoid invisible text in style list

2013-11-01 17:00 JS, revision 75115

Don't draw border if the width is zero.

2013-10-31 22:44 JS, revision 75114

Added corner radius to box attributes, and a control in the border properties page to edit it.

2013-10-31 17:03 VZ, revision 75113

Use proper accents in a contributor name.

2013-10-31 17:03 VZ, revision 75112

Fix light magenta definition in the colour database. Make it different from magenta itself, otherwise a colour constructed from "magenta" string was returning "light magenta" as its name. The exact value of this colour is not well-defined, another commonly used one seems to be 0xff80ff, but in a lot of places it is used as a synonym for fuchsia pink which is pretty unambiguously 0xff77ff. Closes #15628.

2013-10-31 13:05 VZ, revision 75111

Mention incompatible wxGridBagSizer::AddGrowable{Col,Row}() change. It now has no effect if called before adding the columns/rows to the sizer.

2013-10-31 12:56 VZ, revision 75110

Update contributor name to preferred variant.

2013-10-31 10:57 JS, revision 75109

Corrected multiple cell property editing

2013-10-31 10:40 JS, revision 75108

Fixed print preview glitch and vertical cell alignment.

2013-10-31 07:53 JS, revision 75107

Fixed selection bug.