

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-07-14 20:38 SC, revision 76927

trying xcrun notation for sdk

2014-07-14 19:35 AW, revision 76926

Search through all properties in wxPG::GetPropertyByLabel. Function should search for given label through all properties. This is consistent with searching by name (in GetPropertyByName) which is not limited to the subset of properties. Closes #15251.

2014-07-14 19:18 AW, revision 76925

Resolve ambiguity in multiple inheritance of function GetPropertyByLabel in wxPGPage. In wxPropertyGridPage class derived from wxPropertyGridPageState and wxPropertyGridInterface, function GetPropertyByLabel is inherited from both base classes. To resolve this ambiguity, function defined in wxPGInterface is introduced in wxPGPage through 'using-declaration'. (This is a temporary fix and finally GetPropertyByLabel function should be removed from wxPropertyGridPageState.) See #15251.

2014-07-14 19:15 SC, revision 76924

forgotten commit

2014-07-14 18:36 SC, revision 76923

removing extraneous parentheses

2014-07-14 18:27 SC, revision 76922

adding standard options for OS compatibility

2014-07-14 18:03 SC, revision 76921

using in place swapping macros

2014-07-14 18:03 SC, revision 76920

completing in place swapping macros

2014-07-14 17:50 SC, revision 76919

fixing commit

2014-07-14 17:42 SC, revision 76918

adding in place replacements avoiding self assignment

2014-07-14 17:37 SC, revision 76917

attempt at getting rid of unused-function warning

2014-07-14 15:57 SC, revision 76916

trial build with special warnings ON

2014-07-14 13:54 VZ, revision 76915

Ensure that wxCmdLineParser::FoundSwitch() asserts when used wrongly. This makes CmdLine unit test pass with the assertions backported from trunk, where FoundSwitch() does assert when called for a non-switch.

2014-07-14 13:38 VZ, revision 76914

Shorten wxOSX builds labels. Too long labels made some of the buildbot tables quite unreadable, so shorten them to something more reasonable.

2014-07-14 12:25 SC, revision 76913

adding CoreText to iOS builds

2014-07-14 11:37 SC, revision 76912

adding separate trunk fir c++

2014-07-13 18:38 AW, revision 76911

Use native renderers in wxPG under MSW by default.

2014-07-13 18:34 AW, revision 76910

Use native renderer for drawing check boxes in wxPG only if wxPG_USE_RENDERER_NATIVE flag is set. wxPG_USE_RENDERER_NATIVE flag is used in wxPG code to control whether native renderers can be called and we need to employ it. Legacy custom drawing code is used if this flag is no set.

2014-07-13 16:30 VZ, revision 76909

Fix inserting an element of wxArrayString itself back into it. Do the insertion/addition before deallocating the old memory to allow things like array.Add(array[0]) to work correctly. Closes #2290.

2014-07-13 16:30 VZ, revision 76908

Fix memory leak in ArraysTestCase unit test. Clear the items in PTR array explicitly, this is not done by the array itself.

2014-07-13 16:27 VZ, revision 76907

Fix inserting an element of wxArrayString itself back into it. Do the insertion/addition before deallocating the old memory to allow things like array.Add(array[0]) to work correctly. Closes #2290.

2014-07-13 16:27 VZ, revision 76906

Fix memory leak in ArraysTestCase unit test. Clear the items in PTR array explicitly, this is not done by the array itself.

2014-07-13 15:53 VZ, revision 76905

Fix socket leaks in wxFTP if starting up/downloading fails. Add the missing delete statements. Closes #2250.

2014-07-13 15:53 VZ, revision 76904

Fix socket leaks in wxFTP if starting up/downloading fails. Add the missing delete statements. Closes #2250.

2014-07-13 14:22 VZ, revision 76903

Don't DLL-export the private wxSimpleFontEnumerator class. This class is only used internally, so there is no need to export it from the shared library.